UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008


Dmitrienko Y. N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city)




A synergetics as typical|model| nonlinear system is able    to build itself, to construct|design|, like|similar to|  that, how  a man  or  looked  after Universe  builds  itself  on the whole|all in all|, it is needed  only  correctly  to initiate|initiator|  the tendencies  of selfdevepoed| of this  system desired|desirable|  for  a man .Consequently|so|, initial|output|  principles which|what|  selforganization| is built  on  is|appear|  an openness  and  cooperativity  of the all| systems. Their  non-linearity  and  development  is through|from|  fluctuations  as  structural  beginning|origin|. Finding  out general  principles  of synergetics, it is necessary  to give  the general|common|  picture|painting|  of global|worldwide|  evolution  as  to the process|Carbro|  of selforganization |of matter|fabric|. [1]   

         Samoorganizatsiya can  begin  only  in  the open  system  which|what|  is exchanged|trade|  with  surroundings|environment|  a matter  and  energy. Due to  the receipt|entrance|  of new|firsttime|  energy  or  matter, rich  on  energy,  the system  can  support|underprop|    the efficiency  and  organization, and|but|  otherwise  growth|height|  of entropy  would bring    the system  over to|by|  chaos  and  disorganization, that  and  it is observed|exist|  in the closed|veil|  systems.      With  the increase  of receipt|entrance|  of energy  or  matter  from an external|outward|  environment|Wed|  grows  |  system which|what|  results  in|to|  the origin  of unsteady|unstable|  it|her|  previous|preliminary|  structure. And|but|  it  means that  former  co-operation  of elements  of the system  between  itself  is violated|excites|.  Fluktatsii  the systems  (casual|accidental|  rejections) from  an equilibrium, which  arises  up in  the non-equilibrium  system, do not relax not only , and|but|  vice versa|on the contrary|, increase to the subsequent|consequent|  "dicking" of previous|preliminary|  equilibrium. In  some  critical  point|dot-and-dash|  there is  the coherent, concerted|agreed-upon|  motion|movement|  or  conduct  of elements  of the system, which|what|  moved  separated. Hereupon  there are  co-operative  processes|Carbro|  with  new|firsttime|  character|nature|  of cooperation  between  the elements  of the system  and  their  co-operative,  or  collective|, by a conduct. And|but|  with  appearance|occurring|  of co-operative  processes|Carbro|  it is arisen  up and  new|firsttime|  dynamic  structure  of the system which  changes  its  character|nature| high-quality|quality| .   From  position  of global|worldwide|  evolutionism  development  of the world|peace|  appeared  as  a process|Carbro|  of permanent|constant|  differentiation    complication  of his|its|  structures  and  forms|shape|  on the basis of  selforganization|. Modern  science  enables    to build  the picture|painting|  of global|worldwide|  evolution, which|what|  in future  needs  clarification. The most characteristic|character|  features  of this  evolution  confession  of that  it|her|  must  begin  from  in relation to|in regard to|  simple is|appear|, at first|firstly| to the nodifenside| state|figure|  of its  motion|movement|; secondly, next differentiation  and  complication  of the financial  systems  it is necessary  related|ties|  to  destruction  of existent  symmetries; thirdly  global|worldwide|  revolution  can  be carried  out only  as a result of  "cooperation  micro-| and  macrorevolutions, that  comes  forward as  their  coevolution|".Presently|now| there is not other alternative, except for confession of selforganization |as uniquely|single|| force|strenth| of development of any|some| financial systems. Activity of matter|fabric| shows up foremost|first and foremost| in that it|her| in the basis|foundation|, that at the level of selforganization|. This ability|power| and possibility|potentialitie| of all evolution predetermines, in the end|in final analysis|, in the world, beginning from inorganic nature from which|what| there were the living systems in motion of the protracted|prolonged| and gradual process|Carbro|, and then|and then| - and social. Thus there is conformity to law: than higher the systems are|is| on general|common| hierarchical gradation, the more difficult|complex| there are processes|Carbro| of selforganization | in them. Modern science, accepting|take| principle of selforganization |after advantage|, tries|attempt| to present|imagine| all process|Carbro| of development of the part|portion| of Universe looked after by us as process|Carbro| of evolution of the different|diverse| financial systems, that selforganization|, beginning from elementary|ult| particles|particle| and concluding|end| the enormous|giant| galactic systems.



1. Dmitrienko| Y|.N Positive| of jurisprudence|: forming| of| spirituality| in| Ukrainian| legal| consciousness|. - ¹| 3 (8) 2008. Teacher’s science||. Philosophy science||. Right|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Science and studio||», 2008. – P. 42-54