Rozhenko O. V.,

Moiseieva F. A.

Donetsk national university of economics and trade named

after M. Tugan-Baranovsky, Donetsk.


Correlation of economic and social spheres of security


The positive shifts in the economic sphere had also a beneficial effect on the social sphere. The real income of the population raised along with real wages and the subsistence minimum. The market saturation has resulted in a greater consumer satisfaction and consumer choice. The economy has changed its  category from the economy of scarcity to the economy rich in commodities. The structure of the population has also changed for the better. The stratum of entrepreneurs and owners is an indication of emergence of the middle class in the society. Standards as for consumption, living level and life quality achieved in the developed countries are also being introduced gradually in Ukraine. Con­sumption of the household equipment grows day by day, living accommodations become more convenient. The legal system oothat regulates the social sphere be­comes more oriented to the international norms and standards used in the sphere of socio-economic human rights, labour law, and social protection.

All these shifts demonstrate real signs of the shaping social orientation of the economy. However, it is necessary to pursue a more effective policy in order to strengthen and to intensify them because of a difficult general social situation and insufficient social development.

To develop and to implement the social policy, it is necessary to take into account the situation and trends in the social development. Contents of strategic priorities of the social development should follow from the Constitution of Ukraine that defines the Ukraine as a social state. This type of the state is the most perfect in the history of the human civilization development; it is oriented to provision of a high living standard for all people in the country and provision of all-round security.

These important components of the government administration in Ukraine are not satisfactory enough and they are hardly achieved quickly. It creates the threats to the social security, which arise not only because of imperfect social management. They are caused also by the inefficient policy in other spheres, which have direct or indirect impact on the social sphere.

In the domestic practice of socio-economic management, the democratic basis is used more and more in order to define the situation, tendencies and prospects for development of the country combining statistical and sociological information. It is possible due to results of the expert survey of leading special­ists on problems of economic security was conducted by the National Institute of Strategic Researches under the President of Ukraine and the Institute of Indus­trial Economics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The circle of priority national interests includes formation of a self-sufficient social- oriented market economy. However, to solve the social problems the economic expenditures are needed and the socio-economic effect is achieved not so quickly as desired.

The impact and mutual relation of social and economic security are rather great an elimination of danger in one sphere would lead to solution of problems in other.

The features of display of socio-economic security on the modern  stage  of  development are characterized by main tenance of basis of social problems.

They are: poverty, the pension system, the problem of differentiation of population profits, the problem of remuneration of intellectual labour, the problem of employment, the demographic one.

According to their importance the priority directions include those, which stipulate increase in income of the population. So, the first place takes prevention to falling the living standard of people and its gradual increase; strengthening of state and regional policy as for increase of ef­fective demand; provision of reforms in labour payment, transformation of wages into primary source of workers’ income; active resistance to cheapness of the manpower.                                                                                                                                                                                            /

Then, the second place is given to the problem concerning guarantee of employment, assistance in prevention to mass unemployment. The circle of pri­ority problems includes also prevention to outflow of highly skilled specialists from social and useful activities, development of the system for protection of working people.

It is known that any economy cannot function effectively in the conditions of social tension. Social tension is caused by dissatisfaction with living standards, the state of ecology, power efficiency, the influence of criminal organizations and others. First of all, it is necessary to relieve social tension, which is impossible without addressing economic issues that are relevant for the solution of social problems.




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2.   Êîðí³ëîâà Î.Â., Ôóòóëóé÷óê Ñ.Â., Ãîëîáîðîäüêî À.Þ. Ñîö³àëüíî-åêîíîì³÷íà áåçïåêà: íàâ÷àëüíèé ïîñ³áíèê. – Äîíåöüê: [ÄîíÍÓÅÒ], 2009. – 169ñ.