Turkestan –  is not as only a historical city,

but as the centre of healthy way of life promotion


The international kazahsko-Turkish university of H.A.Jasavi senior lecturer of Chair Humanitarian service disciplines”, candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor T. Daniyarov


Sahitzhanova Sahysh Omargazievna

The senior teacher ÌÊÒÓ of H.A.Jasavi


Saurbaeva Ulmeken Zhienalievna

The senior teacher ÌÊÒÓ of H.A.Jasavi


In world practice the ways of overcoming difficulties is always searched whereas, in different countries and regions tourist activity has a lot of differences. In developed state there is possibility of the deep analysis and comparison of thee differences on the base of statistical data. As follows such services as business service, services relationship, engineering and building services, distributor facilities, general services, financial facilities, insurance service, services of the public health and social service, tourism and journeys, services on rest organization, transport facilities and etc.

According to world statistics income from tourist branch of the economy forms approximately 4 trillions 800 blrd. dollar USA per year. On experts’ count to 2020 all over the world travellers will spend 5 blrd. dollar a day. The International tourism will increase in 3 times. If these forecasts are confirmed,  tourist branch will change in one of leading branches of the world economy. Tourism - a source foreign investment. On their base it is possible not only develop history and cultural centres of the tourism, but also to preserve nature, to create the thousand working places, to open the new enterprises. On the territory of Kazakhstan there is all natural- climatic zones. When in the southern part of the country the fruits and vegetables are ripen, on north of the country the frosts still holds. So from year per year the number of the interested people to visit our country grows. On count domestic tourist organization number of the interested persons to visit our country in the years ahead reached 14 mln. people. Especial interest cause tourists from Albania, Great Britain, China, Japan and USA.

Tourism is a facility for overcoming propensity to the alcohol, drug,  smoking and another bad habits amongst student and youth. All these bad habits disturb correct and sound lifestyle. Promotion of sound lifestyle helps in shaping all-round developed youth.

From the earliest times in South Kazakhstan area Turkestan region is a crossroad of string ways. The Great Silk Road from Orient went to West Europe, but from Syr Darya caravans went to Irtysh. This region is rich by historian-cultural heritage. The historical monuments meet from Syr Darya to Karatau. The total amount of archeological monuments, known to science reached 350, in their count it is possible to see the subjects of the stone age, bronze and iron ages, buildings of the primitive people, construction of an ancient and average ages, rock painting. Parking the stone age meet in Karatau, plenty of ancient ritual burial. In Turkestan zone there are plenty of remainders of the medieval fortifications, the guard hills, sites of ancient settlements and settlings. All of these are found on distance 10-20 km separate from each other, is for instance Hiccupped, Turkstan, Karashyk, Sidakata, Sauran. Site of ancient settlements meet on piedmont plain along the whole Karatau range. The stone fortifications Biresek, Ushozen, Kyzylata, Oguztau are built in time of khanate. The medieval fortifications meet on north side of Karatau range and on mounting pass. The subjects of bronze, iron and average ages, as well as rock painting on south-west side of Karatau range in gorge Korzhaylau, Zhyngylshyk, Karadegerez, Kiynzhurek, Shukirsaz, Tosbulak, Kyzylshyn, Kenozen, Karakudyk, Maydantal, in region of Bessaz peak. Caucasian goats, wild sheep, horses camels, wild boars, people are painted on the rock drawings. The riverbeds of irrigation channels, channels, pits are preserved in medieval settlings.

The historian-cultural monuments, priceless exhibits are a witness to histories, their possible comprise of different tourist routes. Considering abundance historian-cultural monument in Turkistan and around it, peculiar nature and geographical position possible to develop the tourism a historian- regional and ecological direction, in the future possible develop ecological tourism. The purpose of the development of these directions is acquaintance with foreign and domestic tourist, local inhabitants with rich history of Turkestan and the region. The historian- regional tourism possible to develop on the following route: Turkestan- a spiritual capital; The Golden ring of Turkestan; the Holy places of Turkestan; Golden necklace of the South and etc.

Turkistan - a spiritual capital. This route introduces the tourist and regional learners with the history of Turkistan, historian- cultural monument, short biography of the politicians. In this route enter also all medieval buildings, settlings around Turkistan: complex of Kozha Ahmet Yassavi, mausoleum of Esim khan, Rabiya Sultan begim, Gaukhar anna and etc.

The Holy places of Turkestan. The purpose of this route- to visit by foreign and domestic tourist, as well as local population of all saint places in Turkestan and region, familiarization with historical facts from life and activity of saints, who had lived in that distant times. Turkestan – is not as only a historical city, but as the centre of healthy way of life promotion

The information about historian - cultural monument are particularly valuable for student, who learns tourism and social service, for masters. This information allows them to render more full and profound service of the foreign guests and domestic tourists.




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