V. Kasyanova
Kostanai State University named after A.Baitursynov,
Development of unprepared speech
skills in the process of foreign languages teaching at non-linguistic faculties
In the conditions of the credit system of education in
Kazakhstan there has been a considerable reduction of the number of hours
devoted to classroom activities in learning a foreign language at
non-linguistic faculties, which in turn required changes of not only the goals and
objectives of teaching, but also of the most improved methods of teaching
foreign languages. It is necessary to take into account the fact that our
students have to learn a foreign language in the conditions of non-linguistic
communication environment and didactic motivation. Special importance should be attached to the dynamic speech that
is "possession of pedagogical skills, enabling the teacher effectively and
efficiently transfer knowledge in order to obtain the desired result -
consciousness and strength of the learner's mastering the material"[1].
According to the basic methodological principle of modern
methods of teaching foreign languages, learning must be based on the process
organized according to the model of communication regardless of what form of
communication it may have. Easy
communication ability in a foreign language in real life situations is one of
the indicators of the quality of language proficiency. Adequate methods and
techniques of teaching are required in order to implement this skill, and the
search of these methods does not stop both in the home and foreign techniques of teaching a foreign language.
Formation of verbal skills, characteristics of which are
known to be unconscious, full automaticity, the relevant rules of language,
normal rate of performance and stability, is achieved by means of specific
tasks and exercises, because in practice during our classes we have no
opportunity to communicate with native English speakers [2].
In contrast to the language skills that are stereotyped by
their nature, speech-communicative skills are creative. Therefore, the
"techniques of teaching speech-communicative skills should differ from the
methods of teaching speech skills" [3]. At present the unique solution to
this problem does not exist.
One of the techniques is the use of communicative action
in classes in a foreign language. The effectiveness of these actions is based
on the fact that "communicants» are put in the conditions under which they
are forced to communicate and exchange views on the topic given by the teacher
"here and now."
The notion "communicative action" is not the
same event as "communicative exercise," it is much wider. Two
interrelated factors: interest in the subject and the maximum involvement of
students in its active discussion are of great importance for the success of
the communicative actions. An important
condition is also a correct division of the group into pairs, the choice of the
method of errors correction. Some teachers prefer not to interrupt the
students’ communicative action with the aim to correct their mistakes as it can
develop in them a complex of fear to make mistakes again and this fear will
stop them and prevent from speaking.
The starting point for communicative
actions is creation of real life situations. To do this in the process of
learning it is necessary to use techniques that provide a real communication in
the learning environment: a solution of problem assignments, discussions and
making mini-stories, making situations, role playing, interviews, etc. "As part of the communicative action
these methodological techniques are filled with new contents" [4]. For
example, on the basis of the texts read about environmental problems or
leisure-time activities a discussion can be carried out in a group, and then
the teacher can organize a role-play,
performing which the students will solve some problem.
After all, most of communicative actions have a
competitive nature, which promotes communicative orientation of classes and
allows the teacher to encourage students fairly easy to demonstrate unprepared
speech. It is recommended to write on the board interactive phrases that are
appropriate in the situation of communication and bring them to the students’
attention before giving them some tasks which will involve the students in the
process of communication.
Before starting some communication activity event aimed at
the formation of students’ skills of unprepared speech the teacher must
carefully consider the following points:
1) How many stages will the event
consist of?
2) How much time will it take?
3) What difficulties can the
students come across?
The following plan of this communication activity event is
1) introduction to the event
(watching video-clip, associated with the theme of the event, brief description
of the story by the teacher, etc.);
2) Organizing and coaching group (you can use the
handouts and visual, instructional materials, as well as reminders about the
event; a teacher checks if the students understand what they are supposed to
3) the beginning of the activity and its development
(observation, listening, fixing mistakes without the intervention of a
4) after the event (the teacher can
tactfully stop the process of communication if it is beyond the scope of work
5) reflection (a discussion and
evaluation of activities, correction of some errors with or without a teacher).
Under the proposed plan it is easy
to start a discussion, interview and role-playing game, if students are ready
initially to communicative interaction.
Thus it can be concluded that with proper organization of
the communicative action every communicative event would be even useful as
objectives pursued are as follows:
- the formation of certain skills;
- the development of certain verbal
- learning to communicate;
- developing the necessary skills
and mental functions;
- knowledge;
- memorization of verbal material.
The specificity of the communicative event is also in the
fact that "the learning objectives are not acting in an explicit form, but
are masked by" [5]. Students
participating in the easy communication, freed from the fear of making mistakes
are united by a common activity, which creates a favorable climate for
communication. As a result the group
turns to the subject of the educational process, where each in turn becomes the
center of communication, so his (her) needs in prestige, status, attention and
respect are met.
All offered above is just a little of that can be used in
developing the communicative interaction. Skills are formed through action, but
not through discussion of the forms. Of course, this work requires tension,
effort, energy and we feel great satisfaction when we suddenly notice the
fruits of our efforts.
Polat E.S. Methods of teaching foreign languages. / / Foreign Language at
school. - 2000. - ¹ 2. - 3 - 10.
2. Zimnyaya I.A. Psychology of
teaching foreign languages in school. - M.: Education, 1991. - p. 110
3. Pasov E.I. Communicative foreign language education:
preparing for the dialogue of cultures. - MH.: Lexis, 2003. – p.184.
4. Rogova G.V. Methods of teaching foreign languages in
high school. - M - M: Prosvescheniye, 1991. p. 42.
5. Koryavtseva N.F. Modern methods of studying foreign
languages: A guide for teachers. - Moscow: ARCTI