Национальный исследовательский
Томский Политехнический Университет
Томск, Россия
In recent
years, methods of teaching foreign languages has been a tendency
to move away from the communicative approach to its variety - an interactive
approach, proposed by the Western Methodist.
However, it has not produced clear understanding of the term
"interactive approach".
Some authors identify it with the
communicative approach, believing that the "interactive model of language
acquisition suggests that learning occurs during and in the process of
participating in acts of language (speech events)». Others define the
interactive method as modified by the direct method, which includes a number of
other methods. [4]
In contrast to this view, N.V. Bagramova,
referring to the K.Yuli-Renko (K.Yli-Renko), concludes that "the focus of
communicative and interactive approach, given the very process of communication
and learning situation in the classroom," in whereas communicative
learning puts the focus of communicative function of language. This
conclusion is consistent with the position of A. A. Leontiev that interaction
(Interaction) mediated communication. Through dialogue people can interact,
and not vice versa."Interaction, interaction - is a collective activity,
which is regarded by us not by the content or product, but in terms of its
social organization." B. D. Parygin considers communication as a
two-sided phenomenon: on the content - is "a communicative process of
mutual expressions of mental states and the exchange of information" in
the form - it is a behavioral aspect, "implemented in the process of
interaction, i.e. interaction between people and their behavior towards
each to the other."
Thus, using an interactive approach
to teaching English, it is possible to optimize the process of mastering the
foreign language skills to communicate and make it more effective in higher
education. [3]
in the activities in class, resulting from the use of active learning, require
the learner to "enter into the unknown": his life experiences are not
represented by any of the new rules, or algorithms of action is not determined
by its new status in the changed situation. Before a student is completely
subordinate to the teacher, and now he was expected manifestations of activity,
expression of their thoughts, ideas and doubts, of learning tasks and problems,
often with no one right answer.Revision shall be subject to the rules of interaction
with the teacher and students and the norms of self-esteem, how to analyze your
training. All that the student has yet to discover, identify and build.
To make the process of adapting to new methods of work has begun and is
successful, the student must go beyond the scope of the former "comfort
zone", expand its boundaries to feel safe in the new situation. Overcoming fear, uncertainty, facing a new situation, understanding and
acceptance of students to the new requirements will, in turn, influence the
effectiveness of its training activities.
Business Aspect:
Theme, content,
concepts, tasks, time, order, control
Social psychological
Fear, uncertainty, sympathy, antipathy, trust, tolerance, intolerance, status,
To confirm this thesis, we turn to the scheme of "Iceberg", which
shows that the activity of any group of students can distinguish two aspects of
(business, social and psychological), which are closely interrelated and affect
the educational process.
Aspect of the business
•students' work over the content of educational material;
•performance of various learning tasks;
•receiving and storing information.
This aspect, as it were "on the surface," so in their activities and
teacher most often focused on him: the student earned the course material or
not, does the job or not behaving responsibly or not.
If the teacher in their
work considers only the business aspect, it threatens to lead to the result of
the demand "at any cost."
In this
regard, a closer look at the socio-psychological aspect, which includes:
• students' desires and fears;
• feelings and experiences of students;
• likes and dislikes;
• an atmosphere of trust and mistrust;
• a sense of security.
The effectiveness of the on the business level depends primarily on the welfare
of the socio-psychological aspect. [2, c.40-42]
The student is active, if not frightening atmosphere of class, down from
various aspects of the teacher and himself. The student is active when the lesson is
no criticism of his personality by the teacher or classmate, and the comments
were constructive and relate primarily performance. He feels safe if any
of its contribution to the education process encouraged. Only in the
absence of fear of the new things that it offers the teacher, the learner
allows himself to experiment with models of behavior, finding the optimal
variant of his behavior in class, defining its role in the overall work of
selecting and forming its view, the point of view, "designing" their of
Thus, to achieve a balance between the business and socio-psychological
aspect of the learning activities necessary to create an atmosphere of comfort
and safety. A favorable psychological atmosphere, in our view, contributes
to the gradual adoption of new students for their situation created by the
methods of interactive learning.
The implementation of active learning strategies in the educational
process requires, in our opinion, from the teacher to create certain conditions
that provide a variety of opportunities for the organization of educational
process. Such
pedagogical conditions include:
1. Psychological
atmosphere created in the classroom;
2. Norms of collaboration developed by the teacher with students;
3. Type
of communication, implemented in the educational process;
4. The location of furniture, equipment, classroom.
5. Various materials which the teacher and
students can use in their work in class.
Today, active learning is criticized for lack of a clear theoretical
concept of mixing under the same name of different approaches and methods (in
particular, there is no generally accepted classification methods).
It is important to note one important fact. Pedagogical practices,
using the methods of active learning, note the presence of certain barriers to
their use. Article C. K. Bonuell and T. E.
Sutherland, "The continuity of active learning: choosing activities to
enhance the learning of students in the audience" are the following
barriers to the use active learning methods:
* Difficulty in uttering a large amount of material
* Active learning requires too much time to prepare for an occupation;
* Is not possible to use active methods
learning in a large audience;
* The possibility of negative consequences: the attitude of colleagues to the
approaches, the impact assessment of student teachers to work;
impact on the promotion [1]
There is another
barrier - the resistance of students to new approaches and methods. And
the more experience in learning activities of students, the greater the
resistance can be found in the classroom.
In our
view, these barriers should be considered when planning a lesson and be
prepared to make some effort to overcome them.
Список используемой литературы
1. Бонуэлл Ч. К., Сазерленд
Т. Е. Непрерывность активного обучения: выбор методов деятельности для
активизации учебной работы студентов в аудитории // Университетское
образование: от эффективного преподавания к эффективному учению. Сб. статей.
2. Кавтарадзе Д. Н.
Обучение и игра. Введение в активные методы обучения. - М., 1998.
3. Мещерякова, Е. Летний
лингвистический лагерь/Е. Мещерякова,Е. Исакович //Воспитательная работа в
школе.-2005.-№ 2. - С. 27-33.
4. http://www.phil.pu.ru/depts/02/anglistikaXXI_01/0.htm