Orazbekova S.A. - KazNPU named after Abai
Legal Status of
Interparliamentary Assembly
of Eurasian Economic Community
One of the important
organs of Eurasian economic community is the Interparliamentary Assembly
(further IPA). In article 3 of an
Agreement about the establishment of Eurasian economic community, Oktober, 10,
2000 (further Astana Agreement) the Integration Committee was immediately called
after the Interstate Council and Integration Council [1].
According to Article 7
of the Astana Agreement IPA is the organ of parliamentary cooperation in the
frames of EuEC, considering the problems of national legislation harmonization
(unification) of Agreeing Parties and bringing them in accordance with
agreements, signed in the frames of EuEC for the purpose of realization the
Community objectives.
IPA consists of the members of the
parliament, sent by the parliament of Agreeing Parties, and in the frames of
their authorities:
Elaborate the Basis of legislation in the basic spheres of
legislative relations, which are under the International State Council;
Admits the typical projects, on the
basis of which the acts of national legislation are developed;
Can address with recommendations to
the International State Council, with inquiries and recommendations to the
Integration Committee and parliaments of Agreeing Parties, with the inquiries
to the Community Court.
The problems of IPA activity must be
regulated in details in a certain Rule, confirmed by the International State
Council of EuEC. Such a Rule of Interparliamentary Assembly was confirmed by
the Decision of International State Council of EuEC from May 13, 2001 [2].
The structure of the document is given
in 7 parts:
Part 1 “General rules”
(3 points).
Part II “Aims, objectives and competences of
Interparliamentary Assembly” (3 points).
Part III “The structure
and order of Interparliamentary
Assembly formation” (4 points).
Part IV “Organization
and order of activity” (4 points).
Part V
“Interparliamentary Assembly Bureau” (11 points).
Part VI “Financial and
other provision of Interparliamentary Assembly activity” (3 points).
Part VII “Conclusion
rules” (3 points).
This structure gives a visual idea not
only of structural elements of a document, but also of a volume of each
part. So, the shortest parts are I-II,
VI-VII, which consist of 3 points. The longest parts are IV and V, consisting
of 11 points, devoting to the organization and order of IPA activity and the
IPA Bureau. The only structural element, consisting of 4 points is part III,
devoting to the structure and order of
Interparliamentary Assembly formation.
Thus, in comparison with the Rule
of International State Council of EuEC
and the Rule of Integration Committee of EuEC, the considering Rule of IPA has
more strict, precise and better structure.
In accordance with Part I “General
rules” IPA is the organ of parliamentary cooperation in the frames of EuEC and
within its competence realizes the activity, directed to the achievement of
aims and objectives of Community. The
Assembly is the fullright adherer of
Interparliamentary Committee, acted on the basis of two agreements:
Agreement between the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan and Russian Federation about
the deepening of integration in
economic and humanitarian fields, from March 29, 1996 [3] and the Agreement about Custom union and Entire economic space, from
February 26, 1999 [4].
According to point 3 of
the given part the Assembly followed
not only these agreements and the Rules of IPA in its activity, but also the
overall admitted norms and principles of international law.
Part II of the Rule Aims, objectives
and competences of IPA” creates quite clear and logical interconnection between
the main elements of the Assembly activity. This is what the Rule of International State Council of EuAEC and
the Rule of Integration Committee of EuAEC lack. So the aims of IPA are the
legal functioning of Eurasian economic community, harmonization (unification)
of national legislation of Community state – members and bringing it in
accordance with the agreements, signed in the frames of EuAEC for the
realization of aims and objectives of the Community.
To basic aims of the Assembly concern:
the formation of EuAEC unique legal
the coordination of lawcreative
activity of national parliaments, providing the realization of EuAEC aims and objectives;
assistance in creating organization-legal conditions for bringing
the legislations of Community state – members in accordance with the
agreements, signed in the frames of EuAEC
organization of Interparliament
In accordance with point
3 part II for the realization of its aims and objectives the Assembly fulfills
the following functions:
1) elaborates and approves the projects of legislation Basis in the basic
spheres of legal relations and directs them to Integration Committee for the
further consideration of International State Council of EuAEC;
2) elaborates and admits the typical projects, on the basis of which
Community state – countries develop the acts of national legislation;
3) considers the questions of bringing
the legislations of Community state – members in accordance with
agreements, signed in the frames of EuAEC;
4) works out the recommendations on harmonization of legislations and offers on synchronization the procedures
of legislation acts admissions in the parliaments of Community state – members;
5) considers the inquiries and recommendations of International State
Council and Integration Committee,
information of Integration Committee about the realization of the Community
aims and objectives.
6) Addresses with recommendations International State Council, inquiries
and recommendations to Integration Committee, parliaments of EuAEC state –
members, with requests - to the
Community Court.
7) gives recommendations to the parliaments of the Community state-members
on the immediate consideration of legislative acts, passing or changing of
which is required for the execution of Interstate Council and Interparliament Assembly
solutions and also the
signed international agreements in the frames of Community.
8) revises, systematizes the information of legal
character and provides the exchange of such information between the parliaments
of the Community state-members;
9) provides the
interaction of parliaments of the Community state-members;
10) carries out the
cooperation with international parliamentary and other organizations, signs
agreements of cooperation with them.
11) appoints the judges
of Community Court on Interstate
Council presentation;
12) directs to the
Interstate Council the annual report about its activity on the legal provision
of the Community development.
13) participates in
formation and further development of the Community budget.
14) fulfills other
functions in accordance with its aims and objectives.
Taking into account, that Part II
of the Rule is “Aims, objectives and IPA competence”, and the content of this
part is about aims, objectives and functions, we can conclude that under the
competence of IPA the function of this organ is understood. Together with this,
taking into account that beside the aims, objectives and competences
(functions) of IPA there are also the rights and duties of this organ.
Part III is devoted to the
structure and order of IPA formation. So, IPA is formed from the parliamentarians,
delegated by the parliaments of the Community state-members in accordance with
their inner regulations and procedures. The authorities of delegated
parliamentarians and the time of their actions are determined by national
parliaments. In necessary cases delegating the Assembly member’s authorities to
the other representative of the national parliament is possible.
In point 2 of the given part the
concrete number of parliament delegation in IPA is determined, which includes:
Republic of Belarus – 16
Republic of Kazakhstan -
16 parliamentarians
Kyrgyz Republic - 8
Russian Federation – 42
Republic of Tajikistan -
8 parliamentarians
Republic of Uzbekistan -
16 parliamentarians
Here it is necessary to
remind that the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2006 came out of EuAEC membership and
its quote was redistributed between other IPA members in accordance with their
position in organization. Each parliamentarian has one vote.
IPA forms permanent and temporary
commissions, which consist of the IPA members.
The Assembly chairman and his deputies
are elected in the Assembly meeting from the parliament leaders of Community
state-members in the order, set by the Assembly Regulation. In the case of IPA
chairman’s absence the chairman’s deputy fulfills his functions from the
Community state-members, the name of which follows in the order of Russian
alphabet after the name of EuAEC state-member, the chairman has been elected
One of the largest parts of the Regulation, having 11 points is the part
IV “IPA organization and activity”. IPA meetings are hold once a year and have
the rights if not less than a half of IPA parliamentarian-members of each
parliament is presented. IPA decisions on questions, relating to its
competence, are made by the qualified majority in 2/3 votes of presentees at
the meeting of Assembly members, on procedure questions- by the majority of
votes. Decisions made by IPA,
announcements, statements, recommendations and offers are directed to the
state-members parliaments and to the EuAEC organs.
delegations of EuAEC state-members inform the Assembly about the results of
parliament consideration the related typical projects of legislative acts. The
working language of IPA is Russian.
IPA has two working organs – IPA
Bureau, which carries out the organization of the IPA activity, and the
Secretariat of Interparliament Assembly, which is the acting executive organ
not only IPA, but also IPA Bureau. In this part one more IPA organ is mentioned
(structural department) – permanent commission. So, to prepare the projects of
IPA documents, IPA Bureau permanent commissions can involve the
expert-specialties and scientific consultants from EuAEC state-members.
The terms and order of IPA meetings,
IPA bureau formation permanent and
temporary commissions and other IPA organs, the organization of their activity
are determined by IPA Regulation, confirmed by Interparliament Assembly.
The members of Interstate Council,
Integration Committee, regular representatives EuAECstate-members, Community
Court judges and officials and members of
Integration Committee Secretariat can participate in IPA meetings.
representatives of states and international organizations, who got the status
of EuAEC observers can also participate in IPA meetings and get information
about the made decisions.
Interparliament Assembly for the realization
of its aims and objectives has all legal rights, which are carried out by IPA
Responsible Secretariat in the name of Interparliament Assembly.
The next largest part of Regulation –
Part V “IPA Bureau”. IPA Bureau
consists of parliamentarians of Community state-members parliament (two from
each parliament), which includes the Assembly Chairman and his deputy.
The Assembly Chairman manages the IPA
Bureau, which takes part in Interstate Council and Integration Committee where
it introduces the Assembly position on the problems of Community development.
The Assembly Bureau holds it meetings when it is necessary, but not
often than twice a year, decisions are made on the basis of consensus, and each
parliamentary delegation has one vote. The chairmen of constant Assembly
commissions and the IPA Responsible Secretariat participate in the Bureau
meetings. IPA Bureau within its competence fulfills the following functions:
1) summon the Assembly meetings and table a motion at the agenda of its meetings;
2) introduces a motion of Assembly discussion on the Assembly chairman’s candidate and his deputies;
3) coordinates the activity of permanent commissions and other IPA organs;
4) determines the structure and of IPA Secretariat’s working order in
accordance with the number, confirmed by the Interstate Council;
5) carries out the control of realization the made IPA decisions, and other
functions on behalf of Assembly.
IPA bureau appoints the Responsible
secretariat, which manages the IPA Secretariat activity. In its term, the IPA
secretariat interacts with the Integration Committee secretariat on the
questions of harmonization (rapprochement, unification) the national
legislation, the development of legal basis of integration, legal project work,
and other questions.
IPA Secretariat members are equated
by their legal status to the members of any other Community organs and in their
activity must be guided by the Regulation about the colleagues of EuAEC organs.
The representatives of state-members in IPA and the members of IPA Secretariat
as the international officials use the privileges and immunities, the size of
which was determined by the Convention about the privileges and immunities of
EuAEC from may31, 2001.
Part VI “Financial and other
guarantee of IPA activity” consists of only 3 points. So, in accordance with
the article 15 of Astana Agreement IPA is financed by the EuAEC budget in the
order determined by the Rule of formation and executing the EuAEC budget. Informational,
legal, livestock-technical and organizational support of IPA is carried out by
IPA Secretariat.
The last part VII of the document is
devoted to the concluding rules, where it is said, that S.Petersburg (Russian
Federation) is the place of Assembly and IPA Secretatiat location, and the
terms of Assembly location on the territory of Russia is determined by the
separate agreement between the Russian Federation government and EuAEC.
The last points of the Rule are about
the order of bringing into effect (brings into effect after its confirmation by
the Interstate Council) and the order of introducing the ammendnemts (are
introduced by the EuAEC Interstate Council on IPA proposal).
In conclusion we note, that in comparison
with the Rules of EuAEC Interstate Council and EuAEC Integration Committee, the
Rule of IPA has more strict, precise and better structure. In the document
under the IPA competence the functions of this organ are understood. Together
with this taking into account the fact that beside the aims, objectives and
competences (functions) of the IPA there are also rights and duties of this
organ, which are necessary to mention them in a separate list.
Used sources
1. Agreement of establishing EUEC, from Oktober 10, 2000 (with amendments
from January 25, 2006 and Oktober 6, 2007)// www. evrazes.com
2. Rule of interparliament Assembly of Eurasian economic community (with
amendments from June 23, 2006). Confirmed by the Solutiuon of Interstate
Couincil of Eurasian economic community from May 13, 2002 ¹ 52 // www.
3. Agreement between the Republic
of Belarus, Republic of kazakhstab, Kyrgyzstan and Russian Federation about the
deepening of integration in economic and humanitarian fields from March 29,
1996 // www. evrazes.com
4. Agreement on Custom Union and Entire economic space from February 26,
1999// www. evrazes.com