Экономические науки/16.Макроэкономика

Katerina Kvaskova

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade

named after TuganBaranovsky,


Scientific curator: A. Molchanova

Role of  the Ukrainian transport system in the Euro-Asian Integration processes

The beginning of the 21st century is marked by the dynamic development of integration processes thoughout the world. Globalization as an objective trend of development of human civilization opens up additional opportunities for further economic development.

Ukraine occupies one of the key positions in supporting transport links between the countries of Europe and Asia. Three international Crete transport corridors, corridors ‘Europe-Caucasus-Asia’, and ‘Black Sea-Baltic’, cross the territory of Ukraine.

The economic policy of Ukraine aims at the maximum use of its transit potential, integration of its transport system with the European and global ones. In view of the above of major importance are the issues of the Black Sea region transport system development of new technical and economic, and scientific approaches to the streamlining of transport flows and ensuring the quality of transport services provided [1].

The special importance of the problem under consideration is confirmed by the whole course of historic development of Ukraine in the last decade of the 20th century, from adoption in the 1991 of the Declaration of the State Sovereignty of Ukraine, and Law on its economic independence, and also the policy of forming market relations and changing ownership types.

All these exerted a decisive impact on the whole course of the economic development of Ukraine, governed the new trends and patterns as a consequence of the direct impact of the market relations and developing integration processes the main one of them being as described below [2].

First, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which had functioned as a single national economy complex based on profound specialization of individual economic regions and the cooperation of their productive activity, brought about the collapse of all the domestic and foreign production and economic relations of Ukraine resulting in a chaotic downfall of production volumes and dramatic decline in the living standards of the population of the country.

Second, over the same period dismantling was carried out of the previous state-administrative control system organization, which had functioned based on a centralized system of regulation, planning, and control of all the national economy of the USSR under single business activity management of the leading sectors of economy including various types of transport: railway, sea and air transport.

Third, the declared policy of reforming the economy based on market relations and under the conditions of changed ownership types made it necessary to drastically improve the financial, currency, budgetary and other systems, in the aggregate determining the economic infrastructure of an independent state, which influences greatly the development and functioning of the transport sector of economy, and particularly with respect to the transport support of the country’s foreign economic relations and transit traffic.

Fourth, the chaotic downfall of the transportation volume resulting in a sharp reduction in the earning of the transport sector created the danger of destroying the processes of fixed assets reproduction.

Fifth, the importance and objective necessity of modernization of the Ukrainian transport is intensified because of the crucial change in the nature of the transport and economic ties of Ukraine arising from its sovereignization as a result of which most of such ties have been transformed into a foreign trade category: export, import, transit.

Sixth, the high level of external orientation of the Ukrainian economy poses new scientific problems and practical tasks for the transport arising from the necessity to ensure its competitiveness in international cargo transportation [3].

At the end we can say that Ukraine is an economically, technically, and legally organized system for providing service for foreign trade ties using different types of transport and the road complex of Ukraine, and for selling Ukrainian transport products in the international market.


1.     Ukrainian transport system // The Economist, January 2007.

2.     http://www.expert.ru/news/2006/10/13/

3.     http://www.k2kapital.com/news/reportings/detail.php?BID=5&ID=08.12.2006