Hutorna V.S., Usachev U.A.

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade Named after MikhailoTugan-Baranovsky


The World market and international motion goods

The Balance on world market. In current whole of variety of the world economic relationships follows specifically to select world trade since exactly she is one of the the most dinamic spheres of the world economy. The Role to world trade in a complicated way to underrate. Increase the capacity of the home market and install the relationship national market with world, develop specialization and increase the scales a production, limited crooked production possibilities each separate isolated economic system, provide the reception of the additional incom to account of the difference national of the production costs.                              Using already known terminology, possible say that MRT and international labour has pawned the central to arising world market and international torgovli. World market - a sphere firm goods - a money relations between country, founded on international division of labor and other factor production. The World market developed on base of the home markets, gradually leaving for national borders. The Development material production and formation goods facilities, based on division of labor, created the objective conditions for arising the most simplest form of the home market, where all that is intended for selling, s directly producer directly buyer. So arises and is formed home market - a collection of the deals bathed-sale, in the course of which domestic producers realize goods and facilities inwardly country. The most Further development material production, improvement of the commodity-money relations stimulated the expansion of the home markets, gradually  overgrown  in national. The Appearance national market was accompanied the process to specialization, when retail market were separated from wholesale, goods market from the market factor production. Scolded discriminating line national market in contrast with the market internal - presence on him segment, oriented on foreign buyers. Consequently, national market more broad notion, than the market internal. Deepenning the division of labor and expansion scale production goods in XVI - a medium XVIII v. has brought about that that volumes of production started to exceed the capacity town market and yarmarok. Local market enlarge before regional, state, interstate and, finally, world scale, t. e. appear the international market, presented by itself that part national market, which were are directly connected with foreign market. Specifics international market this period to histories of the economy was shown double-sided nature to world trade. The First half XIX v. - time of the origin large factory-factory industry, providing mass production to product, which was needed the worldwide marketing. It Is Terminated begun and actively developed in epoch of the initial accumulation of the capital (XV-XVIII vv.) стягивание, outgrow local centre to world trade in united world market. The History frames of final his(its) shaping possible to define as border XIX-XX vv., when organization and amounts goods production in leading country reached the high level razvitiya. World market - a collection national market all countries, economic relationship between which are determined international trade .                                                                       The World market possible to characterize by means of the known economic category:   world market is connected with material good and service production, which in quest of marketing to its product left for national borders; reveals itself in displacement material good between country and their group under influence of the supply and demand moreover not only internal, but also external; provides for each producer-participant to world trade possibility efficient use limited, with standpoint society, economic resource, indicating, where they can be aplying more rationally; at problem of the choice in economy will dare already not at a rate of separate economic system, but in more global - an world scale; realizes the санирующую function, which not capable to provide the international standard a quality under competitive prices.                            

         The Main external sign of existence world market -a movement goods and services between country. International motion material good between country can be described by miscellaneous category. So if the question is separate country, is used term  overseas trade  but if it is mentionned about trade relations between two countries, appropriately speak of mutual, double-sided trade. But here is with reference to to international exchange goods and service between all country appropriately to use the category  world trade . The World trade consists of two counter goods flows - an export and import, this her(its) key factors.                               Either as any other market, world market is characterized by demand, offer, competition, person by system of the prices, installed as a result of interactions of the world supply and demand, - a world prices. The Source notions to world trade, intercoupling the supply and demand on national market with supply and demand on world market possible to study with the help of graphic model.This the most simplest model allows to track, what are fixed the world prices and are defined amounts to mutual trade.                                                                               References:

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