Bekmagambetova Z.D., Karakushikova A.S., Toguzbaeva K.K., Niazbekova
L.S., Seyduanova L.B., Dzhusupov K.D., Umarova M.M.,
Junistaev D.D., Nurshabekova A.B., Myrzakhmetova S.K.
Kazakh national medical university named after S.D. Asfendiarov,
of Kazakhstan, Almaty
studying of working conditions of workers on manufacture, the characteristic of
medical and biologic indicators are necessary not only for revealing
epidemiology of diseases, but also for
the organization of improving, treatment-and-preventive actions among working
[1, 2].
Objective of this
research was an estimation of age-in-sexual structure of workers of cement
manufacture which can reflect influence of harmful production factors on an
organism of a working contingent.
It has been
established that at the cement enterprise among all working personnel of 89,8 %
workers made, 6,6 % - employees, 3,6 % - technical employees. The age-in-sexual
structure of workers was characterized as follows: 84,8 % of workers made
males, 15,2 % - female. Thus 8,8 % of workers were aged till 20 years, 29,8 % -
20-29 years, 27,9 % - 30-39 years, 25,7 % - 40-49 years, 5,5 % - 50-59 years,
and 2,3 % - 60 years and old.
In a percentage
parity of women-workers in age group till 20 years it has appeared much more
above (16,2 %), than men (7,5 %). The similar situation was and in age groups
of 50-59 years and 60 years and is more senior. In other age groups (20-29
years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years) relative density of men was above (26,9 % -
30,1 %), than women (8,1 % - 29,8 %).
Among employees
of 65,3 % made men and 34,7 % – women. The basic relative density in the given
group of workers had on aged people of 20-59 years (men – 85 %, women - of 88
%) whereas relative density among employees till 20 years and is more senior 60
years among men has made 14,9 %, and among women - 12,0 %.
It has been established
that the basic part of employees was made by men and women at the age of active
labor activity. The parity of men and women in technical group was the
following: men – 53,8 %, women - 47,2 %. Among the given group of workers of
20,6 % have made persons at the age of 20-29 years. In whole, in technical
group at the age of 20-59 years 79,7 % of men and the woman work.
In manufacture of
cement at the age of active labor activity make 97,2 % from total number of
workers. Thus 26,3 % of workers are involved in roasting section, 23,4 % - in
crushing section, 16,9 % - in pack-in-transportation section , 21,8 % - in raw
materials section, 11,6 % - in section of dustcatcher. In section of roasting
of 93,8 % made males, 6,2 % - female, in crushing section, accordingly, 90,3 %
and 9,7 %. In pack-in-transportation section of men-workers there were 78,2 %,
and women - 21,8 %. In section of raw materials the quantity of workers of men
has made 84,9 %, and women - 15,1 %. In dust removal section, accordingly, 62,8
% and 37,2 %.
It is necessary
to notice that some sites of cement manufacture can be carried on working
conditions very heavy. So, for example, in roasting section microclimatic
conditions don't correspond to hygienic requirements. Air temperature in the
given section reaches +500С and above, and during the winter
period on the average +420С in the summer. Besides it, here in
each hour hot air with energy of 1200 сal/sm3 moves. Level of a
dust content of atmospheric air in section reaches 13,225 mg/m3 that exceeds
maximum-permissible norms more than in 6,0 times. In a working zone of
machinists high speed of movement of air which arises at opening of doors which
is spent for the purpose of air exchange in the given section is marked. The
noise proceeding from working devices in section exceeds the hygienic
specification on 3-8 dBA.
Studying of
duration of work on the given manufacture of various categories of workers has
revealed that in section of roasting the experience of work at 12,5 % of women
has made 1 - 5 years, at 50,0 % - 6-10 years, at 25,0 % - 11-15 years, at 12,5
% - 16-20 years. In section of crushing relative density of women with the
experience of work of 1-5 years has made 40,9 %, 6-10 years - 36,4 %, 11-15
years - 13,6 %, 16-20 years - 9,1 %.
pack-in-transportation section the quantity of women of working 1-5 years has
made 30,6 %, 6-10 years – 25,0 %, 11-15 years – 19,4 %, 16-20 years – 13,9 %,
21-25 years – 11,1 %. In raw materials section the percentage parity of women
with the experience of work of 1-5 years has made 28,2 %, 6-10 years – 25,0 %,
11-15 years - 18,7 %, 16-20 years –
18,7 %, 21-25 years – 9,4 %. In section of
dustcatcher relative density of working women with the experience of 1-5
years there were 33,3 %, 38,2 % were with the experience of 6-10 years, 28,6 %
- 11-15 years, 19,1 % - 16-20 years, 4,8 % - 21-25 years.
In section of
roasting of working men with the experience of 1-5 years has made 68,1 %, 6-10
years – 17,1 %, 11-25 years – 4,1 %, 26 years and it is more – 2,5 %. Also the
greatest relative density of workers of a male has been noted with the
experience of work of 1-5 years in crushing section – 44,7 %, in raw materials
section - 47,5 %, in section of
dustcatcher - 69,1 %. Further, as well as group of workers of a female
with increase in the experience of work reduction of relative density of males
is marked.
Proceeding from
the received data, it is possible to draw a conclusion that work in heavy
conditions of work doesn't last for a long time. The greatest relative density
working (85,2 %), occupied under trying conditions work, had the work
experience rather not big – 1-5 years and 6-10 years. It is possible to explain
it weight of labor process in some sections of cement manufacture.
1. Дедкова Л.Е.,
Киселев Г.И., Загайнов С.В. К вопросу о профессиональной заболеваемости в нашей
стране и за рубежом // Гигиена труда и профессиональные заболевания. – 1991. – №2. – С. 4-7.
2. Кулкыбаев Г.А.,
Карабалин С.К. Распространенность пылевых заболеваний легких в Казахстане //
Современные проблемы профзаболеваний бронхолегочной системы: Материалы
Международной научной конференции. – Караганда, 2001.– С. 86-91.