Педагогические науки/2. Проблемы подготовки специалистов


Shvaikovskiy A. - candidate of pedagogical sciences

Nuskabayeva G.

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

Methods of intending translators’ instruction in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of practical recommendations on structure composition and translation of the fiction texts from English language into Kazakh


Nowadays, the requirements of the new century are increasing and spreading to all fields. There is a big rivalry among the countries in the world to have the country with the best policy of economy, education and corresponding status. According to it, they aspire with their strategy programs to meliorate the conditions of people and of the country. Certainly, among these countries there is also our country – the Republic of Kazakhstan, which only 20 years ago has received the independence. Our country set political and economical connections with different countries of the world and arrives to achievements. Of course, these achievements thanks for the strategy programs of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

After the Independence was proclaimed the Republic of Kazakhstan was faced with the necessity of promoting a new and modern society looking forward to changes in economic system, education service, technology and industry. And this necessity brings us to interchange a political and scientific experiences from high developed countries of the world.   

There is an actual problem for Kazakh people who communicate with each other in Kazakh or Russian languages because of the state structure. And it gives birth to the necessity of learning and knowing English perfectly. So from it, everyone knows the big role of translators in relationships of our country with the foreign ones.

We can meet everywhere the works of English-Russian but not English-Kazakh translators in our country. Because of it, Kazakh speaking people who are greatly interested in world literature faced difficulties in finding the works in their native language. There is a question why? We think that the answer is in the following: the translator’s direction has been only raised to its feet in Kazakhstan and is very pitiable. On this basis, during the recent years the system of preparation of translators has been magnified.  

The important issue in this system and in the contemporary literary studies is fiction translation. This field is considered quite different from ordinary literary translation and has its own unseen stones. These factors are very topical in the sphere of translation of our country. Generally speaking, fiction translated from any language into English is more widely spread than that into Kazakh. Kazakh translation practice can not boast about the dame experience in fiction translation. This fact can be explained by political reasons, as well as unreadiness and lack of theoretical basis of the Kazakh translation science [1].

Fiction is a Latin word meaning “to form” or “to make”. A fiction is a “made” story, an imagined in invented composition designed to entertain and sometimes instruct, to make readers feel and think. The history of fiction is a long and complex one. Stories are the very ancient human product, preceding the invention of writing, and there is no identifiable “first” story teller or work of fiction. The modern novel and short story were preceded by many earlier forms of fiction, such as legends, fables, fairytales, parables and allegories. Today the term “fiction” is usually applied only to short stories, novels and novellas, but other literary forms also have fictional elements. Although fiction may be viewed as a form of entertainment, it has other uses. Fiction has been used for instructional purposes, such as fictional examples used in school textbooks. It may be used in propaganda and advertising [2]. There are three types of fiction texts: 1) realistic fiction, 2) non-realistic and 3) semi-fiction. Let’s consider their characteristic features.

1) Realistic fiction, although untrue, could actually happen. Some events, people, and places may even be real. Also, it can be possible that in the future these events could physically happen.

2) Non-realistic fiction is that in which the story's events could not happen in real life, because they are supernatural, or involve an alternate form of history of mankind other than that recorded, or need impossible technology.

3) Semi-fiction spans stories that include a substantial amount of non-fiction. It may be the retelling of a true story with only the names changed. Semi-fiction relies on author's imagination or interests to fill the gaps between reality and final story [3].

We would often use the classic literature as well as innovative pieces of literature as a source of authentic material, that is why, investigation of any authors of the English speaking countries’ literature is of great importance for our personal development and for development in the professional sphere. In the process of translation of English works into Kazakh language we must be guided by concrete methodological directions to get the qualitative translation. On the basis of the research conducted, we reveal the directions and methods of translating English literary works into Kazakh language. According to translation of fiction texts we must be careful with the following directions during the translation process:




Скругленный прямоугольник: Attention should be paidБлок-схема: альтернативный процесс: to linguistic peculiarities of translating the climaxБлок-схема: альтернативный процесс: to linguistic peculiarities of translating plot                  







So, we think that in the process of translation of fiction texts it is necessary to take into account some common attributes on translating the fiction texts from English into Kazakh: must be with widely ken and point of view; must be a good reader of fantastic literature; must be informed by literary world.


1. Тетради переводчика. Научно-теоретический сборник (выпуск 24). - Москва, 1999. - 212 с.

2. Алексеева И.С. Учебное пособие для студентов филологического и лингвистического факультетов высших учебных заведений. - М.: Академия, 2004. - 352 с.

3. Латышев Л.К., Семенов А.Л. Перевод: теория, практика и методика преподавания. - М.: Академия, 2003. - 192 с.