Yu. Pak,
D. Pak, À. Yudintseva
State Technical University, Êàzakhstan
In the
globalization period education serves as an essential component of society sustainable
development, where leading role is given to University education.
directions of higher education development in Kazakhstan coincide with the
reforms direction in the spirit of the Bologna process. Changes in
socio-cultural situation in Kazakhstan in the transition to the industrial-innovative
development intensified forms and formation of information society based on
knowledge, dictate new requirements for graduates. There is contrastively denoted
the vector of higher education modernization towards the new paradigm: from the
information transmission to the cognitive ability to learn.
The specialist
competence model which is formed in the context of the Bologna process focuses
on the demand of modern fast-changing market. Actualized problem is not so much
in improvement of teaching quality as in improvement of learning quality and education
productivity. This fundamental principle of student-oriented approach has not
been sufficiently spread yet in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. The
transformation from a purely knowledge paradigm to a
competence one makes the most important system-forming factor of educational activity not so
much the component of getting knowledge as the component of the various ways activities
acquisition. Competence can not be translated by informing. There is increased
the role of a teacher as an organizer of the learning process based on students’
independence and productivity.
innovative aspect of the new educational paradigm of higher education is that
education and training process focuses more on students’ independence, and educator’s
teaching function shifts to the support functions of the learning process.
the gravity center of the educational process from teaching to learning as student’s
self-learning activity and development
of learner’s independence is essential to promote students' independent work
(SIW). In undergraduate educational programs, which are now formed in
accordance with State educational standards of new generation, the amount of
hours for SIW are significantly increased with an adequate reduction of the
classroom teaching loading [1]. This is doubly actualizes the problem of students’
independent work improvement at the University. We need innovative didactic approaches
for student’s self-learning higher-performance in conducting various types of
training. In this context it is required to develop a new balanced curriculum
with an emphasis on enhancing the role of the SIW; to improve the monitoring of
training; to introduce the modern training techniques that allow intensification
of educational process, including the SIW; to modernize the methodological
support of students’ research work, internship, course and diploma projects, in
the implementation of which should be developed the elements of independence.
the role of independent work involves structural reorganization of the
educational process. The current practice of independent work organization does
not fully meet modern requirements. As a result, there are not formed strong
self and independence skills, and many graduates do not possess professional
relatively low level of the educational process subjects’ interest to improve
the performance of independent work confirmed the results of the students’
survey [2]. Only 12% of the respondents are systematically engaged in the daily
independent work, 52% of respondents attributed this work to prepare for
seminars and practical classes, and a fifth of the students surveyed to the
preparation for the exams. About a quarter of students recognized the need to
increase the time for SIW in connection with the introduction of credit system
of education. On the question of whether the university developed a favorable
environment for the organization of the SIW, only one-fifth answered affirmatively.
In the
context of higher education modernization within the Bologna process
motivational and resource support issues of students’ self-learning are actualized.
The solution of identified issues will require innovative approaches that go
beyond the traditional knowledge paradigm of education. In the context of this
approach, an independent learning activity of the future specialist should be
considered as a qualitatively new form of social experience and living behavior.
It is designed not only to master the knowledge of specific disciplines, but
also to form the self-analysis and the ability to solve problems requiring the
relevant core competencies. In fact, independent work is the foundation of the
restructuring of the educational process and the main reserve for increasing
the quality of education.
main directions of methodological improvement of students’ independent work organization
at present are seen as following: clarification of the objective functions and
content of students’ independent work activities; the changing nature of the interaction of the subjects
of education process, based on successful inclusion in the SIW; development of
new methodological support for the SIW based on current student-oriented educational
technologies, the introduction of information technologies as a means of supporting
and improving the quality of independent work.
Thus, independent work as a dominant
component of students learning activities in the new educational paradigm is
required a different approach to its structure, with full coverage of
designated areas.
well-known expert in the field of higher education C. Reichert said: “The idea
of the Bologna reforms
to improve the quality and international attractiveness of European
higher-education remains a dream, because it requires a significant investment,
which most countries can not afford.” Kazakhstan higher school entered in the
Bologna process in 2010 is taking first steps towards the European integration and
gradually introducing principles of the Bologna process. New approaches to the
implementation of self-learning cognitive activity it is appropriate to approve
on a phased basis taking into account the views of the scientific and
educational community. It is possible that this complex problem will not have
the only one true solution.
Pak Yu.N., Pak D.Yu. Methodological
features of new generation State educational standards and educational problems
formation in the format of competence // Proceedings of the University / KarSTU.
– 2011. - ¹ 4.
Levina L.Ì. Innovative aspects of student’s self-education work in the Bologna
process context and higher education modernization.// Journal of Nizhny Novgorod University. – 2010. - ¹ 6.