Pomelova M.S.

Arzamas stat pedagogical institute, Russia



Introduction of information technology in educational process proceeds purposefully enough and intensively that is caused by the general tendency of global information of a society. Now the various means of training connected with computers take root into school after personal computers. The Russian national project "Formation" includes questions of application of innovations and the interactive equipment. Standards of the second generation for an initial step of formation, are focused on application of modern information and communication tutorials, including interactive boards.

Psychological and pedagogical features of pupils of elementary school, have shown that, one of the most effective directions is introductions of modern computer technologies, especially interactive means of presentation.

Use of a complex of new interactive tutorials in educational process raises motivation of pupils. If the technology of their use was rash the similar effect becomes time. Realization of a principle of activity of the pupil when the trainee takes of a position of the subject, the active participant of educational process is necessary. If the given means possessing in so high potential, are used only for passive supervision by the pupil over an event on the screen they don't allow to hope for effective mastering of the maintenance of a teaching material.

Interactive means of presentation create figurative representations in the form of drawings, a photo, sounds, video, interactive schemes. The visual virtual information is brighter, possesses scaling possibility, and animation inclusion does by its more dynamical. Interactive evident tutorials allow to show various processes, difficult for speculative perception, and to illustrate abstract concepts, difficult for understanding. It promotes creation to "virtual abstraction» and use in the course of training of deductive methods.

Use of means of presentation for management of informative activity in the course of training promotes:

- to creation of the educational environment;

- to development of intellectual thinking;

- to change of illustrative properties of presentation on the informative.

Interactive evident tutorials should be:

- are focused on motivation of training, to cause interest and to carry away informative activity;

- accessible i.e. to correspond to age features of pupils;

- substantial from a position of a modern science and for transfer of semantic completeness of a theoretical material;

- the illustrative;

- dosed out;

- ergonomic, expedient, comfortable for perception and work with physiological and a psychological aspect.

Interactive means of presentation are most effective complete with the interactive equipment (an interactive board, the panel and so forth)

Interactive means of presentation are presented now:

- interactive visual aids;

- interactive posters;

- interactive cards;

- interactive panoramas.

These evident means provide possibility of their various use at a lesson: as an illustrative and demonstration material at studying of new themes, at a control stage, at performance of creative works by pupils, and also for support of their story at poll or the abstract message. Besides, offered grants contain a help material.

In interactive grants various ways of giving of a material with application of a wide arsenal of multimedia technologies are used: two-dimensional animation, a sound, highly artistic ðèñîâàííûõ images, photos of the natural objects, methodically thought over schemes and the text information. The similar approach allows to shine comprehensively cases in point, combining presentation and an information saturation.

The material of grants is presented in such a manner that it can be integrated into educational process at any stage: both at acquaintance to studied questions, and ordering of already available information. Besides, the substantial saturation of visual aids allows to use them at any level of preparation: base, deepened, preparatory to receipt in high school, in carrying out of elective courses, and also in system of initial, average and higher vocational training. So, the interactive manual is developed for elementary school on natural sciences «the Nature, the person, a society». For pupils the great number of interactive tasks is offered, carrying out which schoolboys learn to reflect and independently to find the right answers, using the additional information in the form of short texts, schemes and tables. Work with a disk helps to check up, fix and add knowledge on the basic themes of a school course, to expand an outlook of pupils [4].

Interactive cards represent digital analogs of the printing cards based on addition to a cartographical substrate of any quantity of additional objects. Interactive cards allow to make various manipulations:

- to include/switch off display of objects in the fullness of time;

- to highlight object for concentration of attention of pupils;

- to supplement a card-scheme with objects directly during employment;

- approach of separate sites of a card for their more detailed studying;

- display of separate episodes;

- possibility to draw on a card and to put on it inscriptions;

- examination on separate sections or at the rate as a whole;

- preparation for a lesson, control or verifying work.

Feature of interactive cards consists in presence of checked tasks, is similar to the tasks which are carried out on planimetric cards. It is based on addition to a cartographical substrate of the objects which parameters (a site, the form, color and others) the pupil, carrying out should reproduce the task. Check of correctness of performance of the task is carried out by the program automatically. Checked objects can be following types: symbols; broken – both opened, and closed (areas); text fields. And teachers can independently create the cards sated with interactive objects and tasks is independent, without the aid of programmers and experts in the field of computer graphics.

Interactive posters contain an illustrative and help material on various sections of all subjects. Images are scaled, the animation fragments showing the difficult phenomena, and also the information of encyclopedic character are included in editions. A basic purpose of interactive posters – an evident illustration of explanations of the teacher and the message trained. They can be used at poll of pupils, and also at performance of miniprojects when the trained search for answers to the put questions, comparing and comparing various images.

Competent application of interactive tutorials in educational process of elementary school promotes development in pupils of theoretical thinking, perception, raises motivation of the doctrine and stimulates informative interest of pupils.

Interactive tutorials allow to generate a logic step of knowledge, they visually open an educational theme (supervision – feeling of difficulty operates); focus attention to certain objects and the phenomena (the pupil defines for itself difficulties in their definition), reveal their essential features, relationships of cause and effect and interconditionalities (and it already the third and fourth step of logic knowledge). And besides, so impressive problems are reached by the minimum effort both from the teacher and from the pupil as «graphic possibilities promote achievement of more laconic, than the story, statements» [1].

       It is necessary to notice that at use of interactive technologies pupils not simply passive absorbers of the information, active participants of educational process. Interactive means of presentation are widely applied at studying of a subject "World around" so the big collection of interactive means of presentation is presented on the Uniform collection of digital educational resources. Resources include the photos, ready presentations, slides, video films, games, crossword puzzles [2]. The interactive textbook «Cyril's Lessons and Mefodija is developed. World around» which includes thematic lessons, animated interactive tasks [3]. Lessons of a course "Elementary school" represent sets of thematically organized interactive slides for an evident statement of teaching materials, trainings of skills and control of success of performance of tasks. Game test tasks, riddles, video fragments, the entertaining facts are included in lessons. The material presented in the accessible form, promotes development of informative interest of pupils.

 Thus, application of interactive technologies at elementary school strengthens positive motivation of training, stirs up informative activity of pupils, to involve quantity of a didactic material, to conduct lessons at high emotional and esthetic level. High degree of differentiation of training is reached, there is an additional possibility of an individual approach. Possibility of independent activity extends; skills of research work and access reception to various information systems and as result of improvement of quality and learning efficiency are formed.

the literature:

1. Didactics of modern school. / Under the editorship of Onishchuka V. A – Ì, 1987. – 351 p.

2. A uniform collection of digital educational resources. An access mode: school-collection.ru.

3. Cyril's elementary school and Mefodija – World around.: KM, Media Dzhenerejshn. – 2009. – 581Ìb.

4. The nature, the person, a society. – Ì: Open Company "DOS", 2004. – 1 CD-ROM.