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Associate professor Danilova M.V.

Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Russia

Forming of a civil position of migrant students


The latest decades Russian system of education encountered untypical problem – an intensive increasing migration of representatives of different ethnic groups, that caused the changes in the ethnic and demographic situation in schools. The multiethnicity and multimentality of contemporary Russia marked the priority of a development of educational initiatives directing at an integration of migrant children to the society.

The data of the Federal Service of State Statistic show the age characteristic of migrants arriving to Russian Federation. The main part is the youth at age of 18-29: 2007 – 37,2 %, 2008 – 37,7 %, 2009 – 38,6 %. The number of children of school age is the following: 2007 – 11,7 %, 2008 – 10,9 %, 2009 – 10,3 % [1].

The differences in customs, traditions and values, formed in diverse social and cultural conditions, cause definite complications in the interaction between migrants and natives. The psychology “one’s own people” – “foreigners” undermines the basis of spiritual and moral state of the nation and progressive development of Russia. Contemporary social and cultural realities dictate school system the necessity to form the common “WE” in the consciousness of young generation. That is why the aim of the educational system is to be the forming of citizens of free and democratic State not depending on race and ethnicity.

The formation of contemporary Russian statehood directly defines the aims of the development of a civil society, creating of which without young generation of migrants, would be wrong. A civil position as a deliberate person’s participation in the life of the society, basing on realizing oneself as a citizen of the State, ability to take a decision and responsibility for one’s actions, demands from the young generation patriotism, civil courage, honesty, decency, love for the native land, respect to fellow-citizens not depending on race, ethnicity and language. To form a civil position means to develop personal qualities of a citizen, directing to national and common to all mankind values.

For the proper integration of migrant children to the common social and cultural environment, their self-identification as citizens, opportunity of self-realization while preserving an organic spiritual interrelationship with a native language and culture, it is necessary to solve the complex of educational and integrating ethnolinguistic and ethnocultural problems.

Analyzing the problem it’s actual to dwell on the social, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of migrant children and their parents: low socioeconomic status of a family that is connected with difficulty to find an appropriate work; difficulty in adjusting to the new environment; loss of the culture that sustained families and gave them a sense of identity; lack of fluency in Russian; lack of knowledge about the educational system; differences in academic success before and after the arrival; cultural conflict between home and school (some differences between the values of original and mainstream culture) etc.

Besides, mention should be made of the following frequently found problems causing migrant students’ stress state: peers’ hostile attitude, lowering of the self-esteem, anxiety, lack of self-confidence etc.

School is to make environment for overcoming the social and psychological tension. That is why the creating of trusting and tolerant atmosphere and respect is the main condition of supporting a successive integration of migrant students and forming their civil position. Russian school nowadays can be defined as a concentration of intercultural, spiritual and moral processes where the characteristic of the society is represented. The self-realizing of every student as a citizen of the State supports the perception of a migrant student as an equal part of the common “WE”. There should be stressed the importance of the main components of a civil position forming:

- Unity of national and common to all mankind patriotic feelings;

- Equality of rights not depending on gender, race, ethnicity, language, religion, origin, social and economical status;

- Respect to all the nations of the world, their sovereignty, ethnic and cultural traditions, small nations, national minorities, ethnic groups, migrants, refugees;

-  Ability to overcome personal and psychological barriers in the interaction; irreconcilable attitude to egoism, haughtiness, rudeness;

- Skill to settle conflicts between representatives of various ethnic groups;

- Irreconcilability to nationalism, chauvinism, racism and other race, national or religious exceptionality.

The named above components should be used in the educational process and out of classes activities. It allows making a creative, interesting and significant sphere of a person’s activity, that is achieved by dialog forms of communication, taking a joint decision, various team work.

In the context the main thing in a civil position forming is a psychological and educational support in the development of a personal potential of migrant students. The main goals of the support are: creating psychological conditions for the full development of the abilities, cognitive, moral and motivational spheres of a personality, help in overcoming deviation in intellectual and personal development, settling conflicts. Also the psychological and educational support should be directed at making conditions of self-realization students’ personality, widening their competence in various spheres of life.

Planning teaching work it’s expediently to organize consultations, methodical seminars, round-tables, master-classes, conferences for parents and teaching staff as models of possessing a civil position. The raising of their interest and competence is to integrate the resources of school system, various institutions and social organizations in forming students’ civil position.

A family support is very important in migration situation; an active interaction of school administration and teaching staff with families intends to achieve the mentioned goals. The involvement of parents in their children’s education and school life is recognized to be a major factor in academic success and social integration. Here should be pointed out the main aspects of the interaction:

- Providing information about rules and traditions of a school, curriculum, out of classes activities;

- Keeping contacts between teachers, psychologists, social workers and families;

- Organizing psychological trainings and consultations on the problems of work with migrant students for the teaching staff;

- Assigning peers for supporting a migrant student (it is especially encouraging to newcomers if they meet others from their own background who are comfortable in the school);

- Inviting parents to take part in organizing school activities.

A program for forming a civil position should be for every schooling stage as it is depended on age peculiarities. At primary stage the attention should be paid to an informative aspect of customs and traditions, way of life of various ethnic groups. Studying norms and values of other cultures students become to know their own culture. At secondary stage the main definitions (culture, pluralism, discrimination, prejudice, etc.), topics of civil education are to be analyzed in the context of historical events and contemporary realities, given in a problematic and debating way.

A civil position is to be formed by means of a multicultural education, the main ideas of which are training for creative activity in a multicultural and multiethnic society, preserving cultural and ethnic identity, understanding and respect other cultures, ethnic groups, religious.

In conclusion should be pointed out the complex of social and educational conditions, integrative actions of the school, families, society organizations and other institutions in a civil position forming of migrant students. All these should be based on the principles of humanity, persona-orientated interaction, creative activity, in which a self-position of a student towards the society and State is shown.


1.       Äåìîãðàôè÷åñêèé åæåãîäíèê Ðîññèè. 2010: Ñòàò. ñá. / Ðîññòàò. Ì., 2010 // www.gks.ru/