Ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèå íàóêè/5.Ñîâðåìåííûå ìåòîäû ïðåïîäàâàíèÿ.
Candidate of engineering sciences, docent Koyshieva
senior teacher Mindetbaeva A.A.,
senior teacher Yespembetova A.M.
Hoja Ahmet Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International
University of Turkistan
Efficiency of any kind of training
depends on a number of components: technical
base, efficiency of the developed methodical materials; the technologies of
training used at the organization of training. Such necessary
components punched to itself road a method of the automated training. The theoretical studies executed at formation of a method of automated training, it is possible
and it is necessary to use and by
working out of other methods of training on the basis of computer techniques, taking into account use of additional
didactic possibilities of a modern
level of development of techniques and telecommunications. Computer training programs and new
information-educational means organically join in modern technologies of
Didactic role and functions of
application of each tutorial are pawned at a
design stage and manufacturing of the last. It is possible to
allocate following basic didactic principles of application of computer tutorials:
compensatorness - simplification of
process of training, reduction of expenses
of time and forces trained on understanding and material studying;
informativeness - transfer of the
necessary and additional information for training;
integrities - consideration of
studied object or the phenomenon in parts
and as a whole;
Reliability - possibility of
preparation of a qualitative training material
for an unlimited audience on number;
Presentation - use of
possibilities of the modern computer in
representation of a training or information material;
Virtuality - possibility of
demonstration of the simulated processes or
events which cannot be presented really;
Interactivity - possibility of realization
of a principle of an individualization of training and obligatory activity
Intermediary - management of mastering process through presented in Computer means of Learning (KML) algorithms and a training material.
This principle has two parties: positive - an
exception of subjectivity of the teacher; negative - loss of a speech
component at training and considerable reduction
of time of direct dialogue with the teacher;
Independence - use possibility
trained KML both during convenient time, and
in a convenient place (from the house computer, for example);
Mass character - granting of
possibility to the teacher of carrying out of
training and the control for unlimited quantity trained which work in the computer environment according to the person-focused model of the trained;
Adaptability to manufacture -
possibility of reception and statistical processing
of results of training and the control and a presentation, the last in the
convenient form and at any time both trained, and to the teacher.
At the organization of employment, both in the
traditional form, and with use of computer
tutorials the teacher should execute a number of the general didactic
Carrying out of the analysis of
the purposes of employment, its maintenance and logic of
studying of a material;
Thorough training of a training
and supervising material: accurate formulation of all definitions of a studied
subject domain, allocation of the main positions which should be acquired
trained (the facts, hypotheses, laws ); working out of
a necessary didactic material;
Choice of necessary tutorials
according to the employment purposes;
Working out of a technique of
application of the chosen tutorials.
In traditional training the
teacher carries out a role of the
"filter" passing through the educational information, more often. At computer
training to the teacher more creative role - a role of the instructor and the adviser in the work, one of sources of the
additional information is taken away. In comparison with traditional in
computer training interaction of subjects of educational process changes also.
In the computer environment of training the trained act not as passive
"trained" (observers), and
full participants (training trained),
their own experience is important not less than experience of the creative teacher
which does not give ready knowledge, and induces to independent search of the necessary information and formation
of the knowledge.
Computer means are even more often
used in the course of training as become a technological basis of modern
formation, studies; promote development of new methods of the organization and conducting educational process.
Computer tutorials have many
advantages and advantages. In the computer environment of training the approach is realized, efficiency and execution of any inquiry to
system is provided, possibility of instant correction of the admitted errors
is provided not only reception in real time of results of activity trained, but
also. It also allows the teacher to realize an individual approach in
Let's allocate the most
significant, from the point of view of didactic principles, the methodical purposes which are most effectively realized with use
of computer means:
Individualization and
differentiation of process of training;
Possibility of stage-by-stage advancement trained to an object in view on lines of various degree of complexity;
Control with a feedback, with
diagnostics of errors;
Self - checking and self - correction
realization; Realization of training in the
course of mastering educational a floor-mat Rail
and self-preparation trained,
Liberation of school hours at the
expense of performance on the computer of labor-consuming
Increase of presentation of
representation of the educational information, and. If necessary -
demonstration in development, in time and spatial movement, representation of graphic interpretation of investigated law of
studied process;
Modeling and imitation of studied or investigated
objects, processes or the phenomena,
Carrying out of laboratory works
(for example, on the physicist, chemistry) in the conditions of imitation in the computer program of real
experience or experiment;
Creation and use of the
information databases necessary in educational
activity, and providing of access to the distributed information resources of a
computer network;
Strengthening of motivation of training (for example,
at the expense of graphic means or use of
game situations);
Arms trained by a technique of
mastering of a teaching material;
Development of a certain kind of thinking (for
example, visually - figurative, theoretical);
Formation of ability to make the optimum decision of the decision in a difficult situation.
Possibility of application KML at
carrying out of laboratory and practical works
eliminates time rupture between reception of theoretical knowledge and their
valid mastering, promotes áîëüøåé to independence in training. Competently developed from the methodical
and technological points of view computer tutorials
allow to come nearer to the decision of many problems
of training.
The primary goal of introduction
of computer technologies of training is modeling of the environment of
training for independent work trained in individual
rate and, at necessity, the unlimited right of
repeated access to any information resources, including
to a teaching material for self-preparation and self-checking.
The skilled teacher on the basis
of the analysis of own work can tell, that rate of a
statement of a material on employment and rate
of work of trainees on a practical training does not suit with a practiced
basic part, on the average, 20-30 % of the last (and, among them
basically capable, quickly acquiring a
material, or poor for various reasons).
Such work on «the average trainee»
often leads to decrease in interest to study
of "strongest" and still áîëüøåìó to backlog of "weak".
Has received already practical
acknowledgement, that KML by the didactic
possibilities actively influence all components of system of training: the
purposes, the maintenance, methods and organizational forms of training, allow
to put and solve much more difficult and extremely actual problems
of pedagogic - problems of development of the person, its intellectual, creative potential, analytical, critical thinking,
independence in acquisition of knowledge, work with various sources of the information. Unlike usual means of training, KML allow not only to put the information
transfer problem, as much as possible
ready, strictly selected, appropriate amount of the organised knowledge, but also to develop intellectual creative abilities, aspiration trained independently to
acquire new knowledge, to work with
various sources of the information.
For successful and purposeful use
in educational process KML teachers (first of all - the teacher of
computer science) should know the general
description of principles of functioning and didactic possibilities of these
means "build in" them educational process, in other words -
to use various computer tutorials on studies.
Summing up the analysis of possibilities of use KML,
reflecting the most widespread tendencies of
application of computer means in the educational purposes, it is necessary to
note the following:
The computer means used in the
educational purposes, basically, are focused
on formation of abilities and the relation to independent work, on realization of self-checking, self-correction of educational activity; on development of abilities of work with the information and
relations to it; on formation of computer
Strengthening of the didactic
importance of computer means is reached as a result of use of means of the
modern computer drawing providing increase of
presentation of the training material, creation of models of studied objects,
processes, and also for creation of various kinds and the forms of independent
work trained with the educational information; the user packages, another;
The considerable attention is
given to organization of various kinds "screen creativity", promoting
aesthetic education trained, to increase
of motivation of training;
The overwhelming majority of the
computer means used with a view of training is focused on performance of game
educational activity which stimulates
processes of mastering of a teaching material;
Prominent feature of application
KML is granting trained a variety of
organizational forms of educational activity and possibility of a free choice
of an individual operating mode behind the computer;
And many other things application directions known and
while not opened.
Computer tutorials should be
considered as one of active forms of an individualization of
the training, demanding from trained direct
participation in formation of the level of readiness in the given subject.
Possibility granting trained by means of KML individual rate of consideration
of a material, an independent choice
of a trajectory of training; increase of independence and objectivity of the control; granting of a freedom
in choosing of time and a training place, induce teachers-researchers to search and working out of innovative technologies of training.
Introduction of any new
educational technology and tutorials an uneasy problem. Educational
technologies and training means cannot be bad or
good in itself, better or worse, at comparison of one with others.
Reception of efficiency, intensity, activation
or an individualization of educational process
and communications depends in áîëüøåé degrees on how they are used, what
problems at their application dare. Each innovative tutorial has strong and weaknesses, therefore a flexible combination of well recommended and innovative tutorials,
the counterbalanced balance of a variety - the best way of their use and achievement of the purposes of improvement of quality
of training.
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