E.R. Kim

Kazakh national technical university named after K.I. Satpayev,

Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan




In work the results on development of the module "Teacher" who is included in structure of automated training system on methods of optimization and acceptance of the decisions are submitted. The given system is developed within the framework of scientific research work on a theme “Development of methods of creation of interactive educational-methodical WEB-resources for faculty of high SCHOOL", carrying out on faculty "Technical cybernetics". The module "Teacher" consists of the following blocks: “Authentification”, “Students", “Teachers”, “Laboratory works”, “Administration”, “Report making”, “Statistics”, “Testing” and “Help”. The program application was developed on the basis of DELPHI version 7 with a system of management of relation databases InterBase utilization.


In the last dozens of years, volumes and complexity of educational materials studied in universities significantly increased.  At the same time, many universities possess of insufficient number of high-qualified faculty.  Development, publishing and distribution of different educational materials are often associated with big difficulties. These factors have a negative effect on the quality of education of students.  In this connection, an important role is given to application of progressive educational methods including utilization of computer technologies [1-2].  

Credit educational system implies a lot of self-preparation for the students.  Therefore, educational goal of the department website is to create appropriate conditions for the students to prepare for their classes.

One of the ways to activate and encourage students for self-preparation is development of automated training systems (ATS).  In the frames of scientific research work “Development of methods of creation of interactive educational-methodical WEB-resources for faculty of high SCHOOL”, there being developed structures, models, and methods of creation and support of AES for the major disciplines of a specialty 050703 – “Information systems” similarly to the example of a discipline “Adoption solution theory”. Based on the requirements to automated educational systems, it was chosen an AES structure which comprises of three main modules: client module “Teacher”, client module “Student” and server module.  Client module “Student” was described in the work [3]. 

Let us take a more thorough look on the client module “Teacher”, which consists of the following sub-systems:

In a subsystem "Аутентификация" there is a direct input(entrance) in клиентский the module of the program by input логина, password and level of access.

1) The sub-system “Authentification” a user enters the client module of the program by entering a login, password, and a type of access. By a chosen type of access, a number of user’s rights for DB manipulation are determined. 

2) Sub-system “Administration” consists of blocks “Students”, “Teachers”, “Laboratory works” and “Settings”. In this sub-system, administration of account information, removing and adding of users can be done both for the client module “Student” and client module “Teacher”. This sub-system provides an opportunity to work with the students data, review results, change of data, open or close an access for a student to perform a laboratory work.  Also there is an opportunity to add, delete, edit of laboratory works.  “Settings” block allows reviewing and changing of data for all registered users of the. 

3) Sub-system “Report making” represents a system of making and displaying of reports on students’ progress, tests results (for current laboratory works and a final test).  This report shows such information as average grade for all performed laboratory works, maximum grade, etc. This sub-system helps to monitor educational process for a faculty member.

4) Sub-system “Statistics” gives a user an opportunity to review progress results for a single student or a group of students as a diagram. 

5) Sub-system “Testing”. This sub-system is a faculty’s instrument for creating, changing, adding, or removing of test questions. This sub-system allows creating tests adding them from a file with an extension RTF or inputting them directly into the program. The sub-system includes functions of creating formulas and inserting them inside a question or answer, and also creating and inserting of graphical objects for their further utilization in questions and answers.

6) Sub-system “Help”. Here, users have an access to information about the program, authors, and also instruction for the program utilization. For a better understanding of the information, the informational system includes animation clips with comments.

7) Sub-system “Exit” allows changing of users or exit the system.

At the present time, the problems of development and effectiveness improvement of educational process attract much attention not only from university faculty but also the students. Computer programmed educational and control systems becoming more and more popular in universities.  Automated educational system for the discipline “Theory o decision making” was developed to help students learning new material. 


1. Жумагалиев Б.И., Шукаев Д.Н., Ким Е.Р. Модель создания и поддержки учебных ресурсов в E-LEARNING. // Материалы международной научно-методической конференции «Современное образование: инновационный потенциал «умной экономики» России». – Томск: ТУСУР, 2007. – С.  147-148.

2. Жумагалиев Б.И., Шукаев Д.Н., Ким Е.Р. Подход к созданию и поддержке учебных ресурсов в условиях применения информационных технологий. // Труды международной научно-практической конференции «Интеграция высшей школы Казахстана в международное образовательное пространство». – Алматы: КазНТУ, 2007. – С. 223-225.

3. Ким Е.Р., Жумагалиев Б.И., Шукаев Д.Н. АОС по методам оптимизации и принятия решений для самостоятельной работы студентов. Модуль «Студент». // Труды международной научно-практической конференции «Интеграция высшей школы Казахстана в международное образовательное пространство». – Алматы: КазНТУ, 2007. – С. 212-215.