Филологические науки/
3. Теоретические и методологические проблемы
исследования языка.
Taisyia Zaplitna
Chernivtsi National Yirii
Fed’kovych University, Ukraine
Social and
Cultural Component in International Lexicon
study of internationalisms is closely connected with the formation of the
common elements from the point of view of connotation and denotation. The
internationalization of the word-stock takes place under the circumstances of
convergent development which is first of all connected with the process of
language contact. In particular, the appearance and development of
international vocabulary in a definite language can not come to the result of
borrowing words process.
modern researches certify, that there are two tendencies in the search of these
universal features (elements in language): a) through the use of the area
method; b) through the synchronic
comparison of languages. The second method has the perspectives for the further
investigation, especially for modern terminological systems.
As we
know, the languages have the following three types of community: universal
features of typological isomorphism; compared equivalent elements which
interact and make possible the number of possible interrelations between the
vocabulary signs and languages which are synchronically contrasted. Some
special circumstances should exist so that this vocabulary entered the
language. Among the urgent we can emphasize the following:
1) the transfer of
meaning of borrowed word with the help of phonetic and graphical means of the
language-recipient (e.g. sputnic);
2) correlation of the
borrowed word with the grammatical class and grammatical category of the
borrowed word (gender preserving);
3) phonetic
assimilation of the foreign word;
4) grammatical
5) the word building
potential of the word;
6) semantic
assimilation of the foreign word which displays in the appearance of new
7) active use in
researchers consider that to this type belongs the phenomenon of the lexical
internationalism. According to the existing opinion, that the international
words should not have the features of any nowadays language. We should refer
here the words with roman-greek stems.
to the standards of internationalism the word can be called international only
when it’s phonomorphological appearance allows to recognize it in a definite
language by analogy with their equivalent in others synchronically compared
languages. For the identification the majority of internationalisms the graphic
envelope is more important than the similarity in the pronunciation. Apart from
the graphical distinction, every language has the peculiarities in orthography,
which is influenced by the identification of internationalisms.
identifying the semantic of international words the only criterion is the common
conceptuality (the term suggested by Akulenko) []. It is their ability to be
the equivalents of one another while being translated. The majority of meanings
of internationalisms are easily understandable for the recipient even without
using dictionary, only through the visualization of the connection with the
semantic center of the meaning that is common for both languages as well as
owing to the universalism of the types of semantic transference based on the
with meaning and phonomorphological envelope for the majority of words and expressions one
more component is important. It is motivation. As a rule, motivation influences
the meaning of the sign and is the important indication for the recipient, that
helps to recognize the sign and to keep it in memory. This is one of the main
factors in the situation of bilinguism and multylinguism.
exist three types of motivation. Their realization in the socio-cultural aspect
can be as follows:
1) direct correlation
of the phonation and meaning.(Engl. lot
– “a parcel of goods” (for sale by
auction), Germ. Los (n), Ukr. лот Russ. лот);
2) synchronic word
building structure of compound words and derivatives – morphological
motivation. (Lat. agglomero “to accumulate”, Eng. agglomeration, Germ. Agglomeration, Ukr. агломерація, Russ. агломерация);
3) Transfer of meaning
– semantic motivation (Eng. broker “a person who bues and sells things, for
example shares in business, for other people”, from Fr. brocheor “a person who sells fried meat”; (Lat. broccus “front tooth”), Germ. Broker,
Ukr. брокер , Russ. брокер.
international semantic analogues are possible in all world languages, because
the transfer is the language universals.
But the
generally accepted sources of internationalisms are Greek and Latin.
German, French, Italian also contributed a lot to the fund of
current etymological sources for the international language of all European
civilization Latin and Greek are considered. Latin as the international
language not only antiquity but also the Renaissance created the fundament for
international funds of European languages. Certainly, the transit of science
and education to the national languages demanded the creation of special
terminology, which was taken from Latin and had primordially international
Latin influence also caused the proximity of syntactical systems and stylistic
means of European languages. We can observe this on numerous examples:
Lat. autoritas “power”, Engl. authority, Germ. Autoritet, Ukr. авторитет, Russ. авторитет;
Lat. contractus “agreement”, Eng. contract, Germ. Kontract, Ukr. контракт, Russ. контракт;
Lat. paritas “equality”, Eng. parity, Germ. Paritet, Ukr. паритет, Russ. паритет;
significant contribution to the fund of internationalisms, especially to the
international vocabulary in euro-american arsenal such languages as
English, German, Italian, French have
made. They do not only introduce new etymological material but also widely use
the greek-latin material. For example:
Eng. financial leasing “the agreement that
provides redemption of money that covers full cost of equipment during its
validity and expects the profit of leaseholder”; Germ. Finanzleasing, Ukr. лізинг фінансовий, Russ. финансовый лизинг;
Eng. off-shore “characteristic of the bank
operations”, Germ. off-shore, It. offshore, Fr. off-shore Ukr. офф-шор , Russ. офф-шор;
Eng. publicity “openness”, Germ. Publizitet, Sp. publicidad, Fr. publicisation,
Ukr. пабліситі , Russ. паблисити;
interaction is not limited. It can be noticed also analyzing the languages
which do not take part in the immediate geographical contact. It should be
mentioned that the type of borrowing its volume, intensity, semantic frames are
in this case socially and historically specified.
rapprochement of the different word stocks leads to visible concepts
unification. It is more connected with the rapprochement of the terms, which
express the special concepts. They are coordinated by the linguists, who want
to work out the cognitive terminological universals. For example:
Lat. depression “smothering”, Eng. depression “a period when the economic
situation is bad, with little business activity and many people without a job”,
Germ. Depression, Sp. depresión económica, It. depressione economica, Tur. depresyon, Fr. depression, Ukr. депресія, Russ. депрессия;
Eng. barter “goods exchange”, Germ. Baratt, It. battere, Ukr. бартер,
Russ. бартер.
researchers try to define the international lexicon as the special class of
borrowings. Sometimes the attempts are made to distinguish the
internationalisms and borrowed words and to consider internationalisms to
belong to the definite language. Makovsky claims that the difference between
the internationalisms and borrowings lies only in the ways of exploration. When
we investigate the borrowed words in some definite language (vertical
analysis), we have to do with borrowings. If we investigate borrowed elements
in different languages and wont to find the common features between them
(horizontal analysis) these are so called internationalisms.
pressing is the problem touched by Yushmanov, who investigates the problems of
terminology and incarnation one language elements into system of other
languages. He introduced the term xenolexicon. It means the subsystem in the
It is
quite logical to admit the existing of the international lexicon, that is
separated on the basic characteristic features. Because interlexisms function
and are changed due to the laws of the language they exist in.
So we
can say that the internationality of language signs does not exist in separate
isolated language. This interlingual synchronic category can be identified only
comparing some languages using the geographical area or synchronic-comparative
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