UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008 

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev national research university the name of T. Shevchenko (KNRU he name of T. Shevchenko, Kyiv city)




       Modern technologies|technicology| of introduction|introducting| of innovations in an educational process|Carbro| require not only the use|utillizing| of old domestic|home| in a civilized manner legal tradition - lawreflector| basic|foundation|  but also active modernization and, at transitional terms. |her| Change|changing| one in a civilized manner legal  traditions other is a process|Carbro| which|what| in a great deal for his|its| contemporaries appears|shown| invisible. Tendency world in a civilized manner legal  transformations of innovations in an educational process|Carbro| at higher|excelsior| school in Ukraine are darkened, unfortunately|I am sorry|, by those negative changes|changing| in social and political spheres, which|what| took place in Ukraine for|after| one and a half last decades. However and in a civilized manner legal a situation which was folded|gotes| in domestic|home| experience|tentative| of introduction|introducting| of innovations in an educational process|Carbro|  is sometimes named|call| «by Western  style and way of life», and|but| legal mentality, statelaw| consciousness|intelligent|, is proper him, method|heliochrome| of organization of production sphere, lining up a politics-law| landscape, values, but|yes| other, not answering western orients|, demonstrate|show| a swift dynamics, unfortunately|I am sorry|, not always positive|staid| changes|changing|. Adequate understanding of these changes|changing|, changes|changing|, in that in a civilized manner legal traditions, appears|imagines| us maximum actual|topical|. The modern social and political contexts of genesis of Ukrainian historical legal consciousness|intelligent| and culture enplane  domestic|home| experience|tentative| of introduction|introducting| of innovations in an educational process|Carbro| can not be intelligent from point of abstract Ukrainian history, without|senza| the account of it|her| concretely historical specific, properties|virtue| and prospects. In this relation|referring|, processes|Carbro|, related|ties| to the changes|changing| of cultural and historical type|typestyle| of consciousness|intelligent| (its forms|shape|), are processes|Carbro| concretely historical changes|changing| of the most cultural|gracious| legal tradition, as a cultural and historical type|typestyle| of consciousness|intelligent| (type|typestyle| of thought|mindset|, «style» of thought|mindset|, concretely historical form|shape| of sense of justice) is|appear| one and substantial descriptions of legal culture of domestic|home| experience|tentative| of introduction|introducting| of innovations in an educational process|Carbro|. That is why the problems of legal consciousness|intelligent| acquire|buy| ontological status of problems of introduction|introducting| of innovative technologies|technicology| in a learn| process|Carbro|, where the global|worldwide| processes|Carbro|  of polyfactor| are carried out theoretic-practical| socializations of student-teacher-leader of higher|excelsior| educational establishment [1-5].




1. Dmitrienko Y.N. The Modern picture|painting| of the legal world|peace|: small|mini| legal indignations as sinergistical dominants|leit-motif| of nonlinear development of Ukrainian deviantual| sense of justice of // Are the New|firsttime| paradigm. Almanac of scientific|science| labours. Vip.31. -  Zaporozhzhya, 2003. - N. 193-207

2. Dmitrienko Y.N. To|by| cyclic nature of sense of justice as problem of it|her| methodological comprehension // Right and safety|crashworthiness|. Scientific|science| magazine. - N 2003/2'1. - Kharkiv: NUVs, 2003. - P. 19-23

2.  Dmitrienko Y.N. Legal nature of traditional and untraditional modern societies in the context of deviantual|| sense of justice of // Issues of the day of the state and right. Vip.15. - Odesa, 2002. - N. 158-166

3. Dmitrienko Y.N. The Traditional and untraditional models of legal posttotalitarian| reflections // Of Uchenye of message of Tavricheskogo of national university |||of name V.N.Vernadskogo. Tom|Thom| 15 (54)

4. Dmitrienko Y.N. Legal nature of traditional and untraditional modern societies in the context of deviantual|| sense of justice of // Issues of the day of the state and right. Vip.15.  - Odesa, 2002. - N. 158-166

5. Dmitrienko Y.N. Philosophical-legal problems of legal consciousness|intelligent|: a historical retrospective view of //  Is issues of the day of the state and right.  Vip. 16. - Odesa, 2002. - N. 123-131