UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv city )



         In domestic|home| and foreign jurisprudence problems| of sources|source| of sense of justice of employees|collaborator| of investment and innovative activity of the Ukrainian enterprises, a problem of their authentication and systematization in the modern Ukrainian right and jurisprudence though|though and| is|appear| not a white spot, but essence publications for|after| the last one hundred fifty years|Hecht| after it finding a theme| author was not succeeded. The sources|source| of sense of justice, taking into account it|her| as a mechanism of the legal adjusting|adjustment| for|after| transitional, system crisis, law restore|, acquire|buy| an important value|importance|. They considerably|signficantly| will help in this connection effectively to study|learn| nature of mechanism of the legal adjusting|adjustment| for|after| transitional law restore | (untraditional societies), his|its| sources|source|, properties|virtue| and specifics which|what| substantially other, than sources|source|, properties|virtue| and specific of mechanism of the legal adjusting|adjustment|, are for|after| intransitive law restore | (traditional societies). It was absolutely|quite| justly marked|note| on that after the row|file| of cases|accident| that about what talked about the sources|source| of the noted forms|shape| of sense of justice, is, as though by an afterproduct, faint sound of searches|detect| of new|firsttime| determination|definition| of nature of sense of justice. But also to diminish|reduce| actuality and importance of problems of sources|source| of sense of justice, both for a theory and it is not needed for practice. Studies of sources|source| of sense of justice were and remains one of central|center| sections|division| of legal science. One of substantial directions of modern researches|work-up| of sources|source| of sense of justice of employees|collaborator| of investment and innovative activity of the Ukrainian enterprises there is an attempt of creation|making| of universal all-embracing|wraparound| concept|notion| of source|spring| of sense of justice and right, based on the so-called|so called| principles of the integration fitting for|to| lawundestand|. However, as appears|imagines| us, question about universality of term «source|spring| of sense of justice» the supporters|admirer| of such approach quite often try|attempt| to connect|confounding| in the unique|single| system not always normatively the compatible|joint| after  the qualities phenomena|phenomen|, that does not explain|unravel| the concept|notion| of source|spring| of sense of justice densely|tight| enough, and|but| to talk about any|some| functioning system of sources|source| of sense of justice it will not be been so far|as yet|. In place of|in exchange for| the last pore|leek| is identify the eclectic «aggregate» of the social, political and  legal phenomena|phenomen| which|what| the general|common| name of «source|spring| of sense» of justice is appropriated, and it is declared complex approach which combines all possible|possibly| semantic interpretations of sources|source| of sense of justice. Research|work-up| of sources|source| of sense of justice gets|imagines| more actual|topical|  us from point of that priority functional|function| character|, that reflected|designated| this term of the legal phenomena|phenomen|, and on the second|second-| stages – research|work-up| of sources|source| of sense of justice as logical system of actual|topical| law refxion|, that owns|possesses| objective properties|virtue| of the system of organic|organo| part|portion| of the operating Ukrainian legal system. Determination|definition| of functional|function| descriptions of sources|source| of sense of justice is predetermined by making from this point of view of general|common| concept|notion|  of source|spring| of sense of justice. Research|work-up| of them as an integral|whole| system allows to define their influence which determines general|common| and applied|canalside| efficiency of the legal adjusting|adjustment| sense of justice as to the mechanism of adjusting|adjustment| of transitional public relations. For today the problem of research|work-up| of sources|source| of sense of justice becomes|stands| substantial as  a system element of the national legal system and basis|foundation| of forming of static|tiedown| mechanism of the legal adjusting|adjustment|. Research|work-up| of sources|source| of right will help to discover|expose| research|work-up| of outsourcings|source| of sense of justice, which|what| are|appear| only part|portion| of sources|source| of sense of justice, for which most more essential are|appear| sources|source|, related|ties| to the legal moral, legal culture, legal mentality, legal synergetic, national language|speech|, culture, ethnic specifics of legal reflection, general|common| by an ideological world view by nature of sense of justice, having more wide, unlegal, family|hereditary| legal  nature which|what| we identify inside| by its sources [1]|source|.


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Problem of wrong legal reflection by sense of justice of reality as a white spot of Ukrainian jurisprudence: theory of legal ideology as the perverted sense of justice (sources, history, reality). Part is 3 // Forum of right. – 2006. – N 2. – ¹. 34-52 [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode: http // www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/2006-2/06dumdir.pdf