UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242.2+34:008

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev national research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (KNDI the name of T. Shevchenko, Kyiv city




       The state|figure| and prospects of mutual relations of Ukrainian legal consciousness|intelligent|, culture, presentations, is about justice in the domestic|home| and foreign system of the innovative becoming and development of world higher education, as the sickliest|morbid| parameters of the modern forming of Ukrainian higher|excelsior| school, sharply|sharpness| identifying scantily explored in domestic|home| economic|economical| and legal science copulas|truss| and forms|shape| of general|common| and applied|canalside| reforms  of the economic|economical|, legal and socio-political system with raising of task|tsk| of construction in Ukraine of the not declared|proclaim|, but real, social and legal state, require the increase of attention|attn.| of governmental instances on the problems of innovations| of higher|excelsior| school, on their, at first|firstly|, normative decision, and, secondly, on the financial|cost| providing|ADM|.

     Changes|changing| which|what| take place sharpen|intensify| a requirement|need| in the study of those psychological factors and mechanisms of mutual relations of Ukrainian legal consciousness|intelligent| and culture, presentations, about justice in the domestic|home| and foreign systems of innovative development of higher education, capable|clever| to create substantial influence on forming of the proper type|typestyle| of frame of society as consciousness|intelligent|. Legal consciousness|intelligent| of society is|appear| a that psychological base|baseline|, without|senza| the account of the state|figure| of which|what| neither the proper social changes|changing| nor re-erecting|alteration| of higher|excelsior| school, can be conducted on principles of justice, which are|appear| actual|topical| enough, taking into account «revolutionary» steps|footpace| in relation to|concerning|, for example|eg|, the ant years-old process|Carbro| of entering into higher|excelsior| educational establishments of Ukraine in 2008 year, considerable collisions, conflicts and problems, between operate| by a normative base|baseline| and real events|timeevent| round|about| it, that considerably|signficantly| violates|excites| the psychological pictures of justice as basic|main| maintenance any|some| normatively legal to the act, to the process|Carbro| and narrows optimization of prospects of mutual relations of Ukrainian legal consciousness|intelligent|, culture, presentations, about justice, above all things, in the domestic|home| system of innovative development of higher education  [1-7].


1. Dmitrienko| Y|.N. From| Partiinost| to| zakonnost|: the| languid| creation| of| legal| consciousness| in| of Ukraina|. - Nr| 2 (7) 2008. Ekonomicze| of nauki|. Pravo|. - Przemysl|: Sp|. z.o.o of «Nauka| and studia|», 2008. – P. 97-102

2.  Dmitrienko Y.N. Going near|to| the study of manipulation|manipulatory| of victims|sacrifice| legal consciousness|intelligent| at the swindle|swintling| of // Issues of the day of right: theory and practices. Collection|reciver| of scientific|science| labours. N 9. is Lugansk: To SLEEP the name of In. Dalya, 2007. - N. 59-65

3. Dmitrienko Y.N.  New|firsttime| vision|seeing| of forms|shape| (types|typestyle|) of Ukrainian legal consciousness|intelligent|  and legal culture of. – Simferopol: TNU the name of V.V. Vernadskogo, 2007. -  N. – P. 307-315

4. Dmitrienko Y.N. The Untraditional (nonclassical) form|shape| (type|typestyle|) of natural|real-life| sense of justice and legal culture of //  Problem of jurisprudence and law-enforcement activity. Collection|reciver| of scientific|science| labours. N 1. - Donetsk: DYUI, 2008. - N. 13-25

5. Dmitrienko Y.N. Objectively legal form|shape| (type|typestyle|) of legal consciousness|intelligent| and legal culture of // Issues of the day of the state and right. Vip.. 36. - Odesa: Legal literature, 2007. - N. 155-160

6. Dmitrienko Y.N. Going near|to| research|work-up| valued-semantic spheres of sense of justice of the Ukrainian young people //  Announcer|bulletin| of the Zaporozhia legal institute|institution|. – N 3 (40). - Zaporozhzhya: ZYUI, 2007.  -  N. 54-62

7. Dmitrienko Y.N. Sense of justice in the structure of legal activity // Right and safety|crashworthiness|. Scientific|science| magazine. – T.6. – N 2.  - Kharkiv: KHNUVS, 2007. – N. 25-27