Экономические науки/Государственное регулирование экономики

Сайнога Н.Д., Рассолова Л.В.

Донецкий национальный университет экономики и  торговли

им. М. Туган- Барановского, Украина



The issue of entering the World Trade Organization is high on Ukraine's agenda. Its non-participation in this global economic organization has no reasonable explanation: in late 2001 the WTO was joined by China, prospects for Russia becoming its member in 2003 have become more or less definite. The beginning of a new round of multilateral trade negotiations in the WTO frameworks will obviously raise the global economic regulation system to a new level and will lead to a considerable influence on Ukraine. After all, joining the WTO is a prerequisite for Ukraine's real, not simply declarative, integration with the European Union.

Entering of Ukraine into World trade organization is indisputable priority of foreign – economy policy, as it will have influence on country's economy on the whole and is examined as a system factor of development of national economy, liberalization of foreign trade, creation of predictable transparent environment for brining in of foreign investment, which answers national interests of Ukraine.

Entering to the WTO is the very substantial factor of forming of attractive image of Ukraine in the international arena, that, first of all, will influence on forming of effective business environment both for national and for foreign companies, and also on its economic development. As membership in the WTO is the confessedly sign of reliability, predictableness of business – environment of country, and its investment climate, it will guarantee defense of rights for investors in Ukraine and will stimulate basing of productions on territory of our country, taking into account  the facilitation of access of commodities, made in Ukraine, to the markets of 148 countries – members of the WTO [1].

Immeasurable greater pluses will have transformation processes which will take place in Ukraine after entering to the WTO, than possible threats of loss of loss of separate markets. New possibilities will be opened before the country. Only becoming the member of the WTO, Ukraine will be able to present itself on a world arena as a reliable trade partner and attractive object for investments and to defend own interests. A row of positive effects will appear money equivalent of which it is difficult to final count today.

Before acquisition of membership in the WTO foreign companies examine Ukraine in their strategies exceptionally as a possible market of sale for the export and behave with large warning to possibility of investments in a production. Basic investments come in a wholesale, and our production remains ramshackle. Does it follow to prove that it does not create reliable base for the increase of welfare of population, international image, and in a long – term prospect will inflict a serious blow to demand, as a result of what Ukraine can lose even that small factor of attractiveness which presently takes place due to the user market?

Key factor which restrains possibilities of the Ukrainian firms on leaving to the internal and external markets – low quality of investment capital. The present level of technologies is very low and needs immediate increase. It will provide Ukraine with perceptible economic advantages, and in course of time – will be instrumental in the increase of efficiency of  production and rates of the economy growing. Preconditions for a technological update will be the best at lifting restrictions on the products of the so – called investment import which foresees an update, first of all, ramshackle capital goods. Membership of Ukraine in the WTO will be instrumental in the this job processing which foresees the decline of level of obstacles on the way of import of such products [1].

In the context of geopolitical achievements it should be noted that entering of Ukraine to the WTO will not render considerable influence on international life. Far greater role will play geoeconomical changes, which, in particular, will have almost exceptionally a positive effect for Ukraine. For today the unique relatively large economies which remain out of limits of the WTO are the Russian Federation and Ukraine. All neighbours of Ukraine, except for Byelorussia and the RF, are the members of the WTO. In connection with this we continue to lose commercial benefits through the worst terms of access to the markets of these countries and, accordingly, use the geoeconomical mechanisms of providing of Ukrainian interests not in best rank in countries – members of the WTO, that we are surrounded by [3].

Ukraine as a country – member of the WTO will be perceived as an equal in rights player not only on the economic but also on political field. Membership is in the WTO – it is possibility of prevention of economic pressure from the side of separate countries at the decision of political questions (in particular, connection to the negotiation process within the framework of the WTO of questions directly not connected with trade problems of organization, for example attempt of Kyrgystan to compel Ukraine to liquidate a debt which was accumulated from soviet times, within the framework of negotiation process about its entering to the WTO).



1.                               Krugman P.R.,Obstfeld M. Internationals Economics: Theory and Policy.2-nd ed.- New York:Harper Collins Publishers,2009.

2.                               http://www.wto.org.

3.                               Yousden N.T. The Economics of Trade Protection. – Cambrige: Cambrige University Press. – 2005.