Doctor of Historical science, Professor               

                                                        Mukhatova Orazgul Khasenovna

                                                            Kazakh State University after Al Farabi



                               Historiography source


    It’s very important to search and find out historiography fact and historiography source at the same time. There are many historical monuments, manuscripts, folklore materials, statistic editions, archive documents which serve as sources. They are very important for science researches in history.  K.M. Atabayev stated: “there are so many historical sources on their quantity and volume but their contests and types are very different. That’s why to find a right way in historical researches and using them properly demands its classification problem”. On other hand, it is dividing sources on their common qualifications and special sign categories.

  There are not many discussions about peculiarity of historiography sources. However this conception appeared more than two centuries ago. But there were not special researches, any works on it types, names and explanations.

But some ideas and opinions about historiography sources were mentioned in works of M.V.Nechkina, I.D.Koval’chenko, L.N.Pushkarev, E.I.Gorodetski, S.O.Shmidt, B.P.Naumov, M.S.Volin, B.B.Ivanov, M.A.Varshavchik [2].They amplified the concept of historiography sources.

 L.N. Pushkarev in the beginning of the research stage gave the following definition on the above mentioned concept:

“… We can classify to historiography source any historical source which contains any historical information” [3].

  In comparison with L.N.Pushkarev S.O. Shmidt gave more acceptable definition of historiography source. Scientist declared that “historiography source is any source which can help to find out historical phenomenon” [4].

  Basing his opinion N.Pushkarev showed that manuscripts are the main type of historiography sources. He indicated that without folklore materials, ethnography information, designs and sound recording documents impossible to do any research. Further to above he concluded: “Any historical source which has relation to historiography science can be a historiography source” [5].

    This kind of conception generated disagreement from E.N. Gorodetski and he had to ask next question: “is it possible to consider sources that can not make any influence to history development and do not content direct information about the Science History as historiography sources?”.

   Giving some examples from the history of science a scientist makes upon conclusion: “conception of the historiography source demands extended definition, it can include itself only important materials that will help to understand evolution of history science” [6]. In fact, to refer to historiography sources only direct sources don’t give an opportunity to predict past and future of the History of Science.

   To historiography sources we need to refer all sources and materials related to research whole history. Only in this way it’s possible to develop main theories, phenomenons, problems, and historical opinions, their theoretical and methodical sides.

    L.N.Pushkarev could give the definition of historiography sources and at the same time he put the problem of their classification. Scientist said that classification diagram of historiography sources, their types depend on the aim of n historian [7]. But other scientists were disagreeing with him. For example, E.N.Gorodetski pointed out that in this case classification we can lose its real base. S.O Shmidt stated from his side that to put mechanically the concept of the historiography source no need to divide them to types and criteria’s.

    M.A. Varshavchik considering the sources frame on historiography discovered the new point saying that it is needed to regard to historiography sources that sources which consider the evolution of historical knowledge and its progress, future tendencies. N.N.Maslow gave his different opinion and defines historiography sources as an article, a monograph, a research, a manuscript, a stenogram and etc. of  a historian [8].

   There’s not any special research on the historiography science, its methodological ways, that’s why it’s difficult to say anything on opinions about sources in Kazakhstan.

    Because of it in historical works researching of this kind of materials were shown as sources by mistake.

   Concluding above mentioned we can give following definition of the historiography sources: it’s regularity of finding sources in historiography, their processing and system of knowledge about using. According to this historiography source defines by historiography subject and processes in History of Science, information on its status.

They use historiography facts at the same time to define historical regularity and the determination of development.

    This kind of discourse bases on three concepts: subject of the historiography, scope of the historical fact and practical using of the historiography source explanation. This kind of integrated historical concepts must discover the contest of the historiography sources.

   The subject of the historiography is finding out forthcoming of history and developing of regularity. It dominates regarding to the historiography sources and determines frames of used sources.

Academic N.M.Druzhinin paid attention to this question as the historiography source and he wrote: “ Needed sources…were considered for science using and they designate exact chosen theme problems” [9]  .

This hypothesis explains many sides of historiography source but not all of them. For a historiographer as for a historian the source is an original document which gives us a fact.

Historiography regularities define through creative work of the subject or a historiographer and it doesn’t influence to explanation of sources.     

   M.B. Nechkina also observed this problem and gave her own opinion as:

 “... demanding only historiography information which uncover conceptions of sources as a basic requirement is not enough, because in this case conception of historiography source mixes with chosen criterias of facts  [10]. We can consider this opinion as a rightful and science-based.

    In research historiography sources frame doesn’t unit historiography scope but at the same time it can be sources which connected conditions that realizing social function of historiography.

One of the main tasks of methodological analysis of the historiography source is its raising to the level of historiography facts and its using in the historical works. To reach it we need to keep a balance between the historiography source and the historiography fact.

 The historiography source and historiography fact are historical and spiritual phenomenon, they exist out of a researcher.

However historiography source must accord to all signs of historical source and their using accept itself main links that set in source discovering and historiography experience.

If historical source in S.O.Shmidt’s opinion interests historians as only information keeping tool on historical fact, the historiography source interests as information about historiography fact.

In source discovering and explanation of dialectic a scientist bases on common methodical and historical also social principals and on verity of sources and facts.

On base of historiography sources and facts establish present and past of History and predict its future. Information that contests in source and fact is a link which connects them.

Postulate of historiography work considers as its source able status, source and fact level of research is main sign for historical and historiography opinion, ideas, science conceptions for their definition of developing.

   There are also distinctions between them. Historiography fact is wider on its service function than historiography source.

It explains by several historiography and source studying circumstances.

Any historiography fact can not transfer to a wide researching source. For example, not whole dissertations, manuscripts, science discussions, conference materials, unpublished stenogramms and etc. will be available for all researchers.

Sometimes well known historiography facts will create a new stage research for incomplete historiography sources. Historiography fact recreates on the base of sources.   Scientific historiography researches always more complete and full than base of sources because it concludes not only source information and also bears on theoretical knowledge.

     Among many historiography sources an historian works are the main of them.

We can consider dissertations as a historiography source.

Texts of study courses, unpublished originals of manuscripts, diaries, time letters, biographies, questionnaires, letters and etc. are very important for a historian. We can also refer study programs and records on historiography courses to historiography sources.

    Periodical and unperiodical editions are valuable historiography sources. 

Bibliographical reviews or published list of literature are also specific directories on the beginning stage of an historiographer work.

Also very important historiography conferences, symposiums, and other kind of meeting works on developing of the History of Science methodology.

Among them separates out sources which show the formation of the History of Science centers, revival, training of scientists and retraining, and materials based on it.

   Also we can consider statistic materials and books of reference as historiography sources.

Common methodical, historical, social principals are leading criteria’s to analyze and appreciate historiography sources. They serve to establish historical regularities.



The list of used literature:


1.       Atabayev K. Source studying base of Kazakhstan History. Study textbook.-Almaty: Kazakh University.2002. P.31-32.

2.       Methodological and theoretical problems of History in historical science. Kalinin, 1980; Varshavchik M.A. Study source of historiography of KPSS history// KPSS History matters.1973.¹11;

3.       Pushkarev L.N.Definition, optimization, and using of historiography sources//Methodological and theoretical problems of History in historical science. M, 1985. P.102-103.

4.       In the same place. P.112.

5.       Methodological and theoretical problems of History in historical science. P.120.

6.       In the same place. P.120.

7.       In the same place.

8.       Maslov N.N. Several actual issues of historiography methodology of KPSS History.M., 1983. P.11.

9.       Methodological and theoretical problems. P.136-137.

10.  Nechkina M.V. Methodological and theoretical problems of History in historical science. P.171.