Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific
degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev National research university the
name of T. Shevchenko (Kyiv)
Determining paradigm lines and descriptions of deviantal sense of justice from point of sinergistical
descriptions of any sinergistical
orientated process ,
phenomenon , socially -
legal development in transgressive determination of dominant evolution-development direction materially sign nature, write down that after
the laws (by conformities to law) of synergetics and sinergistical thought (cognition ) of non-law
(legal) deviation of consciousness
in the context of our research
will be examined as
non-equilibriumcomplex-organization structurally legal systems which theology develop after non-line laws of natural
inheritance of logic-determinant connections and directions
mentally, - vectorial motion
of idiomatic principles of legal tradition, structurally
certain in
domestic systemworld-looking of certain national-culture environment consciousness and sense (physical persons)
of justice and sinergistical purposeful.
In such understanding artificially
been up ideological legal tradition, for example| and natural , mentally structured and
mediated at the same time lines to development ( natural traditions of
nonlinear evolution, where be - which lines history as
phenomenon is part of evolution) of legal awareness of social life or sense
of justice. But, legitimately according in the context of ideology-theoretic conclusions|inference| of monographic research of author about the identity of succession in
national consciousness and phenomena of national consciousness with scientific
position of V.O.Chefranova that a
succession in development of legal
consciousness is the system variety of social succession
in spiritual life of
society, it is impossible to leave regardless the summarizing ideas of
monographic work of
M.V.Dyachenko "Problem of inheritance in development of culture"
(1993) that at terms totally, - totalitarian development materially spiritual bases|baseline| of society place is taken break history-law (linear) tradition ideological world view motion of social history, or its weaken , when it
becomes secondary
factor and source
nationally mental life and social motion . Here we offer deviantal law-consciousness as a alternative-de-structural equivalent of comprehension and theoretical awareness
of history-law reality at
moments destructive
times-spaciousness break or weak
ideological world view
dominants of historical
directions evolutional legal to motion
and development [1].
universal personal touches of determinable possibilities|potentialitie| of the phenomenon of sense of justice
as a linear model of transitional law-consciousness it would be desirable to sharpen|intensify| attention on its legatine in the legal field above all things unlegal deviations.
Therefore , taking into
account organization form-consistable
character of sense of justice, where deviantal sense of justice is the nonlinear model of world view law-consciousness transitional law-social and by the crisis cycle of social activity of any natural ,
mentally structured ,
sense of justice, there is a necessity in the first turns to understand how it is possible to
promote it own tendency of evolutional blossoming (self-development ) with the purpose of realization of dirigible transformation of general life of nature, man and society, after laws them co-evolution .
1. Kozlovskiy A.A. Cognition
as right: monograph.-Chernovtsi: Ruta,
2000. - 187 p.