A.K.Eralina candidate of pedagogical  sciences, docent of International

                        Kazakh-Turkish university of H.A.Yassawi


The methods of teaching Kazakhstan fine art in the system of art criticism students training


In the system of art criticism of future teacher training the Kazakh fine art, applied and architectural art is being learned at the lectures and practical lessons of special courses, in self-study works, scientific research, course papers and diploma works.

         In the system of art criticism of future teacher training we need to form the concept and idea about the main themes of Kazakhstan fine art. The theme of revolution in Kazakhstan fine art is examined in the process of teaching some works of the artists such as K.Telzhanova, M.Nahimova, M.Shayahmetova, M.Kenbaeva, N.Nurmuhammedova, and T.Togisbaeva. Pre-revolutionary life of Kazakh people reflects in artist canvases of A.Kasteev, N.Hludov, L.Amahholov, M.Kalimov, T.Shevchenko, Ch.Valihanov, V.Frolova and etc.

         The theme of coming into being of soviet authority in the Republic reflects in the creative works of many Kazakh artists such as N.Nurmuhammedov, K.Shayahmetov, M.Kenbaev, S.Romanov, A.Kasteev, K.Telzhanov, and M.Kalimov. Many artists devoted their works to the image creation of akin Zhambil. The definite contribution into the image creation of akin Zhambil made the artists such as K.Telzhanov, V.Krilov, S.Romanov, K.Shayahmetov, T.Togisbaev, M.Kalimov, graphite of K.Baranov, sculptor H.Naurizbaev, master of decorative applied art G.Zhalmuhanov.

         In fine art of Kazakhstan the images of World War heroes, the portraits of the participants of war are created and the scenes of the war and home front are depicted in the pictures of the artists such as V.Krilov, T.Abuov, I.Isabekov, U.Azhiev, A.Moldabekov, A.Nakisbekov, O.Nurzhumaev, YU.Mingazitdinova, A.Rahmanova.  

         In the system of art criticism of future teacher training we need to introduce  the students with the image of a woman in the creative works of Kazakh artists such as A.Galimbaeva, G.Ismailova, K.Telzhanov, S.Mambeev, E.Sidorkin, A.Zhusupov. The image of children is created in the works of A.Bortnikov, A.Stepanov, V.Yankovskiy, I.Sestrenko, K.Telzhanov.

         The themes of craft, world, space and ecology take big place in fine art of Kazakhstan. The themes of craft are examined in the pictures of A.Kasteev, K.Telzhanov, A.Ismailov, M.Kenbaev, O.Tansikbaev, N.Gaev, and N.Nurmuhammedov. The theme of world is reflected in the creative works of M.Amanzholov, E.Tabiev, G.Togisbaev, B.Beisenbinova, A.Trofimov, K.Mollashev, H.Abaev, and G.Galimbaeva. A.Stepanov, N.Gaev, A.Mollashev, G.Ilyaev devote their creative works to the theme of space. The theme of ecology in fine art of Kazakhstan is reflected in the creative works of V.Halatov, E.Tulenbaev, V.Frolova, H.Rahimov, M.Lizogub, U.Azhiev.

         The study of art criticism works of the scientists and artists of Kazakhstan takes much interest in art criticism of future teacher training. In the result of art criticism training future teachers must know the works of historians, archeologists, artists that deal with the research of history, architecture, graphics, painting, sculpture and decorative-applied art of Kazakhstan.

         Future teachers get knowledge about the scientific works of Kazakhstan artists at the lectures and practical lessons of special course in pedagogical institutes. Received knowledge is improved in the process of students’ self-study works and during the conduction of optional classes. The works of Kazakh fine art researchers are also included in study programs on special subjects, courses, seminars, practical lessons, into pedagogical practice, course papers and diploma works of students in pedagogical Institutes of the Republic.  These conditions give students the possibility to learn the maintenance of Kazakh fine art, applied and architectural art in the system of art criticism training. That is why one of the criteria of art criticism students training must be the knowledge of the works of Kazakh art criticism researchers.

         The research of fine art Kazakh people take much place in Kazakh art criticism. The main directions of fine art research of Kazakhstan are: the history development of Kazakhstan fine art; the life and creative works of outstanding Kazakh masters of art creation; the interrelation of history, architecture and archeology; the history development of decorative applied art of Kazakhs; the maintenance, specifics and maintenance of graphics, painting and sculpture of Kazakhstan; the modern tendencies in the development of Kazakh national fine art, applied and architectural art; the development of art criticism in the Republic.

         The stone statue, pictures on the territories of the Republic refer to the ancient monuments of depicted Kazakh steppe. Much contribution made the researchers such as A.Maksimov, A.Ermolov, A.Marshev, A.G.Medoev, S.Amanzholov into the study of ancient pictures. Some trends of folk decorative-applied art research are organically connected with architecture and archeology in Kazakhstan. Collected things of ancestors in the result of archeological research enrich the art fond of decorative-applied art of the Republic. Much help for future teachers of fine art give the works of archeologists such as K.Akishev, M.Agapov, M.Kadirbaev, K.Baibakov, L.Erhanovich. The ancient architectural monuments of Kazakh steppe with its ornament motive, elements of ceramics, tree carving, and form combination are connected with folk decorative-applied art. Much contribution into finding the connection between architecture and decorative applied art made scientists as M.Massoy, A.Marchulan, T.Basenov, and N.Nurmuhammedov.

         The study of scientific works on Kazakh national decorative applied art is the basic trend in art criticism student training. In this direction the works of A.Margulan, U.Zhanibekov, S.Kasimanov, A.Tazhimuratov, M.Muhanov, M.Kuthudzhin, M.Alimbaev, and S.Tolenbaev are recommended for the teachers. Modern questions on the development decorative applied art are dealt by the art critics such as K.Li, E.A.Rassohina, I.A.Ribakova, L.S.Urazbekova.

         The problem of history development of Kazakhstan fine art is discussed at the lectures on the history of fine art. The works of G.Sarikulova, I.A.Ribakova, Gabitova, M.Kozhaeva, and S.B.Kumarova are used to reveal that question. The creative works of outstanding masters of fine art of the Republic were studied by the art critics such as E.Rassohina, V.Buchinskaya, E.Vandarovskaya, L.F.Marchenko, N.Polonskaya and etc. Many art critics studied the questions of Kazakh paintings. They are M.Alimbaev, B.Varmankulov, E.Vandarovskaya, E.Tavrilova, R.Kopbasikova, A.Niyazov, N.Nurmuhammedov, I.A.Ribakova. The graphics of Kazakhstan is depicted in the works of N.Nurmuhammedov, G.Sarikulova, V.Buchinskaya, S.Muhtaruli, E.P.Zaltsman, I.A.Ribakova, and M.Alimbaev. The questions of sculpture are dealt in the works N.I.Ivanin, R.D.Konbasinov, S.B.Kumarov, I.K.Ribakov and etc. The works of M.Alimbaev, T.Akpanov, K.Eralin, A.Niyazov, S.Muhtaruli, Zh.Bisenbaev, and K.Bolatbaev are published in Kazakh language in periodical literature.

         On the purpose of defining the effectiveness of suggested methods of art criticism training and revealing the levels of students art criticism formation the ascertain, research and forming experiments were conduced in four groups from 2000 to 2008 years at H.A.Yassawi Kazakh-Turkish International university. In the result of experimental teaching the three levels of art criticism student training were defined: they are high, middle and low. The levels of art criticism teacher training by means of Kazakh fine art are characterized by the following: the high level is characterized by clearly expressed interest to the national fine art, by knowledge of its theoretical basis and deep understanding of art criticism meaning of national art as art creation as the part of general culture: the knowledge of basic types and genres of Kazakh fine art; the understanding of masters role as art creation as keeper of art traditions of people. Middle level is characterized by the incomplete volume of knowledge of theoretical basis of fine art; incomplete understanding of its art criticism maintenance as the part of general culture; not deep knowledge about the types and genres of Kazakh fine art; incomplete understanding about the masters’ activities of fine art. The low level is characterized by weak knowledge of theoretical basis of fine art; not understanding its art criticism meaning; weak knowledge of types and genres of Kazakh fine art; the absence of students goal to self-study in the field of art criticism grammar.

         The conducted experienced work on the qualified measure of effectiveness of art criticism teacher training to art criticism on the material of Kazakh national art proved the correctness of suggested methods of work.

         The chosen methods of measure allowed defining the levels of students acquiring the information about Kazakh national art that future teachers may use during the lessons on art criticism in schools. This circumstance gave possibility to define the levels of professional-pedagogical students’ preparation to art criticism work.

         The suggested maintenance, forms and methods of art criticism future teacher training by means of Kazakh national fine art had much importance while defining the qualities of professional pedagogical students’ training.

         The experimental students teaching in the process of art criticism training proved the actuality of the use of Kazakh fine art in the system of professional pedagogical teacher training. The experiment showed that the improvement of future teacher training to the art criticism at schools is provided by art practical, methodological, art critic students training by means of Kazakh national fine art.

         The research showed that new forms and methods of modern university teacher training promote the qualified students acquiring art criticism knowledge that are important in the art criticism at schools.



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