K.K., Bekmagambetova Z.D., Karakushikova A.S., Dzhumasheva R.T., Kaynarbaeva
M.S., Madigulov A.R., Niyazbekova L.S., Seyduanova L.B., Saylybekova A.K.,
Nurshabekova A.B.
Kazakh National Medical University (KazNMU)
named after S.D. Asfendiyarov
Course of Occupational Health, Almaty,
Abstract. Comparison of data on
the incidence of dental two specialty - therapists and orthopedists - revealed
no fundamental differences. However, attention is drawn to the higher incidence
of orthopedic diseases of the digestive system (14.1% compared with 3.5% for
physicians), and radiculitis (46% more than the therapists). This may explain
the more adverse conditions of nutrition orthopedic during working hours and
higher specific gravity of orthopedists in the standing position. The main
adverse occupational factors dentists are emotionally stressful nature of work
at high production load, forced working posture, lack of proper working
conditions, lack of rest.
Keywords: occupational health,
dentistry, disease, occupational factors.
II. Introduction. Issues of
morbidity and health dentists studied extremely inadequate [1]. The literature
contains only information about the presence of adverse factors of professional
work of the dentist, which covers a forced working posture, the effect of drugs
used, transmission of infection from the patient. There is also information
about the high morbidity and mortality of dentists [2, 3, 4].
II. Formulation of the problem. The purpose
of this study is to examine the influence of work on the dentists and to
develop recommendations to improve the organization and effectiveness of their
this regard, were investigated:
the dynamics and the degree of fatigue that develops in the body of dentists
under the influence of work and b) the costs of working time of dentists to
determine the production load, the degree of rhythmicity and reserves of
working time, the proportion of time for rest and food, and c) social factors,
affecting health and performance (through questionnaires) and d) incidence with
temporary disability (by analyzing the sick and the survey items). Based on
these studies, develop recommendations for work and rest to prevent fatigue, a
condition for optimal efficiency, increase work efficiency and reducing
studies were conducted in dental clinics in Almaty. chronometer and
physiological studies were carried out by conventional methods.
III. Results. On the basis of
psychophysiological research work of dentists is characterized as stressful,
mentally and emotional with a strong statistical exercise. This conclusion is
based on the following:
Changes in functional performance of dentists in the body during the day to
reveal the dynamics of fatigue in major physiological systems. Thus, the least
expression was weary of the central nervous system (CNS), the average degree -
the cardiovascular system (CVS), and relatively deeper-musculoskeletal;
The high emotional intensity of work demonstrates the rise under the influence
of blood pressure by an average of 7,4%, the working, the pulse rate is
relatively high (in 3,3-5,9% higher than in stable working condition), the
presence of 70.5% of dentists questionnaire method of constant nervous tension
and 70% of negative emotions that accompany the labor process;
A physical component in the work supported by the appearance of pronounced
fatigue in the muscle: on average, under the influence of dentists - physicians
by the end of the day endurance decreased by 83% of muscle strength - at 75 and
3.9%. Coordination in those two specialties on average decreased by 78%;
Subjective fatigue was a common trend with fatigue, deepened by the end of the
day. It is very important that 6% of internists and 14% of orthopedic surgeons
found fatigue in the working time which indicates that residual fatigue, about
the lack of rest.
study of working time showed a high density of the working day of dentists: a
productive time is 94.5% of internists and 93.4% for orthopedic surgeons. Time
to relax (0.08%) and food intake (0.40%) is virtually absent. The manufacturing
process is different. Identified reserves of time due to forced outages (5.2%)
and work with documents (4.3%).
questionnaire showed that 53.4% of respondents noted an irregularity power
12.4% use food only 2 times a day, 83.1% do not have a fixed lunch break.
with temporary disability of dentists is relatively high and has the following
characteristics: an average of 94.4 per 100 workers case and 1048.9 day of
disability for the duration of a single case of 11.9 days, these figures exceed
the incidence rates of individual professional groups engaged in mental
physical labor, the largest share belonged to respiratory diseases 50% of all
diseases, then diseases of circulatory system (16,4%), nervous system (10%),
digestive (3.4%), gynecological disease (4.7%).
IV. Conclusions. Thus, all
the above allows to generate recommendations for improvement of work of
dentists. To this end, introduce the following optimal work and rest:
every 1 ½ -2 hours of work to introduce 5-10 minute rest breaks in a
working room ventilation, preferably with a production gymnastics;
in the middle of the day to arrange meals dentists, preferably hot, including
in dental clinics to arrange a room for rest and relaxation, listening to
relaxing classical music for the removal of the neuro-emotional stress.
1. Л.В. Донская, Э.Э. Лингевский, Психо-физиологические
аспекты труда работников сферы обслуживания, Л.,1979.
2. А.М. Вартиковский. - Стоматология,
1993, №2,с 83-84.
3. Г.Н. Иващенко, Г.В.- Стоматология,
1993,№ 2,с 84-89.
Schobel R. Stomat. DDR.1994.Bd
24. Р 845-849.