K.K., Bekmagambetova Z.D., Karakushikova A.S., Dzhumasheva R.T., Kaynarbaeva
M.S., Madigulov A.R., Niyazbekova L.S., Seyduanova L.B., Saylybekova A.K.,
Nurshabekova A.B.
Kazakh National Medical University (KazNMU) named after S.D.
Course of Occupational
Health, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Abstract. This paper presents the results of a study of working conditions, as
well as the degree of fatigue medical and paramedical staff of one of the
clinics Almaty, according to the questionnaire. It was concluded that during
the operation doctors have a more pronounced emotional distress than the
nurses. Manifestation of this is more pronounced fatigue in doctors at the end
of the day than the average health-care workers, doctors for recovery should be
longer than average health care workers, physicians have a higher load at work.
Keywords: doctors, nurses, working conditions, fatigue and performance.
I. Introduction. The literature is not enough work, revealing the features of
occupational health professionals. Unlike industrial companies in health care settings
harmful and dangerous factors of production are expressed to a lesser extent,
their intensity is usually low. At the same time, the process of working with
the sick person, high level of responsibility for his health and often need to
make decisions in difficult conditions with a sharp deficit of time doing work
of medical workers busy enough that you may cause them pronounced
neuro-emotional stress, leading to this or that impair health.
II. Formulation of the problem. In carrying out work on the study of occupational
health and health of medical workers we interviewed health workers in a
specially designed questionnaire. Aware that the data obtained through a
questionnaire, to some extent subjective and do not always coincide with
objective data, we used this method of information on issues relating to the
conditions and nature of work. The results of the responses of physicians and
nurses in quantitative terms are expressed in percentage of respondents to this
question in this way in relation to the total number of respondents of this
group, and significant differences was assessed by comparing the percentages
using the value of φ Fisher. If the questionnaire was not given an answer
to a question, it was assumed that no data.
III. Results. In tables 1-7 conducted a poll regarding working conditions, job
satisfaction, subjective assessment of fatigue, recovery efficiency.
Clinic staff working the day shift, working hours
ranged from 3-4 to 10 hours a day.
Table 1. Working
hours of medical workers.
Working hours |
of health workers (in% of the
number of persons of this group) |
of probability of differences |
Doctors |
Nurses |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
hours |
30,0 |
30,6 |
Р>0,05 |
hours |
60,0 |
50,0 |
Р>0,05 |
10:00 |
7,5 |
8,3 |
Р>0,05 |
Uncertain response |
- |
8,3 |
Р>0,05 |
data |
2,5 |
2,8 |
Р>0,05 |
As can be seen from Table 1, more than half of doctors
and health workers working half the average 7-9 hours a day, 30% of those and
others are working 4-6 hours, and only 10% of health workers (7,5-8,3%) 10
hours per day. In other words, more than half of health workers do not work on
one bet. Naturally, this affects the nature and degree of fatigue, and possibly
health status.
Table 2. Number
of patients taken or tests performed by medical personnel (as% of respondents).
number of patients
or tests |
Doctors |
Nurses |
degree of difference
indicators |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
20-30 |
42,5 |
13,9 |
Р<0,05 |
From 1 to 4.50 |
2,5 |
- |
10-20 |
35 |
36,1 |
Р>0,05 |
30-40 |
7,5 |
5,6 |
Р>0,05 |
50-60 |
2,5 |
11,1 |
Р>0,05 |
to 140 tests |
2,8 |
60-100 |
8,3 |
data |
10 |
22,2 |
Р>0,05 |
Both doctors and nurses generally accept 10-30
patients per day, with 20-30 patients taking 42.5% of physicians and 13.9% of
secondary health care providers, and between these indices have a statistically
significant difference.
Table 3. Satisfaction
with health professionals in their work.
Satisfied if their
jobs? |
Doctors |
Nurses |
degree of difference
indicators |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Yes |
70 |
83,3 |
Р>0,05 |
No |
22,5 |
8,3 |
Р>0,05 |
data |
7,5 |
8,3 |
The bulk of doctors and medical staff are satisfied
with their work.
Between the respective figures of doctors and health
workers are no significant differences, but the big difference there is between
the number of satisfied job (they are much more) and the number of
In general, health workers are satisfied with their
Table 4.
Assessment of working conditions (percentage of respondents), health care
Assessment of
working conditions |
Doctors |
Nurses |
The degree of difference indicators |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
good |
17,5% |
25% |
Р>0,05 |
Satisfactory |
50,0% |
36,1% |
Р>0,05 |
Bad |
7,5% |
8,3% |
Р>0,05 |
data |
25% |
30,6% |
Most health care workers (50% physicians and 36.1%
nurses) consider the conditions of their work satisfactory. Slightly less
health workers believe the working conditions good, a small portion of
respondents - bad. No significant difference in terms of assessment of working
conditions between the doctors and medical staff, but there are differences (P
<0.05) between the number of good and satisfactory ratings of working
conditions for doctors. There is also a significant difference in the number of
satisfactory and poor grades, like doctors and health workers at secondary.
Table 5. An
evaluation of fatigue health professionals.
Assessment of
fatigue |
Number of respondents in% |
Degree of expression differences |
Doctors |
Average health
care workers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
High |
30 |
11,1 |
Р<0,05 |
Average |
30 |
47,2 |
Р>0,05 |
Insignificant |
10 |
- |
Uncertain response |
12,5 |
8,3 |
Р>0,05 |
data |
17,5 |
33,3 |
Doctors were significantly more rate their fatigue as
high, while the average health care providers give such an estimate is 3 times
less. At the same time, nurses more often assess the extent of his fatigue as
secondary. Statistically significant differences in the amount of the
assessment of doctors and medical staff is not proved. In addition, assessment
of fatigue as a minor in secondary health care workers is absent.
Table 6. What has
been the fatigue.
Characteristics of fatigue |
Responses of
health workers |
Degree of expression differences |
Doctors |
of Replies nursing staff |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Headache, weakness, dizziness, decreased performance |
27,5 |
25 |
Р>0,05 |
overvoltage |
15 |
38,9 |
Р<0,05 |
Shortness of breath, mental stress, insomnia |
12,5 |
11,1 |
Р>0,05 |
irritability |
17,5 |
data |
20 |
25 |
Р>0,05 |
data |
7,5 |
Fatigue, sleepiness, lethargy as a result of fatigue
from nursing staff are more common than doctors. Among medium-sized health-care
workers have no one to irritability, nervousness and lack of fatigue. We can
therefore conclude that nurses react more intensely to the onset of fatigue,
but the asthenic syndrome (headache, weakness, dizziness) in both groups of
medical professionals found equally often (25%).
Table 7. The time
needed for recovery from medical professionals.
Time for
recovery |
As% of the
total number of respondents |
The degree of difference |
Doctors |
Nurses |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
hours |
27,5 |
30,6 |
Р>0,05 |
hours |
5,6 |
night |
7,5 |
13,9 |
Р>0,05 |
days |
25 |
5,6 |
Р<0,05 |
week |
5 |
10-30 minutes |
5 |
13,9 |
Р>0,05 |
For vacation |
7,5 |
data |
22,5 |
30,6 |
Doctors in general for recovery takes longer than the
middle medical staff. Statistically, the difference proved for the period 1-2
days - this period is required 25% of physicians and only 5.6% of secondary
health care workers.
IV. Conclusions. Taking into account the degree of difference in the number of doctors
and nurses who gave the answer to the same survey question, we can conclude the
1. Doctors take a sick day than nurses.
2. Physicians often assess the condition of his work
as satisfactory, rather than as good.
3. Doctors and auxiliary medical personnel evaluate
the condition of his work as poor much less than satisfactory or as good.
4. Doctors are more likely than average health care
workers, assess the extent of his tiredness after work as high.
5. As a manifestation of fatigue, nurses are more
likely than doctors called fatigue, sleepiness, overexertion.
6. Doctors more frequently than average health care
workers, for recovery requires 1-2 days.
7. The above-mentioned differences in the reactions of
the body of doctors and health workers give grounds for believing that the
doctors in the process of experiencing a more pronounced emotional stress.
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