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Òàsmaganbetov À.B.

PhD student, University of  International  Business

Almaty, Kazakhstan


The theoretical aspect of the regional tourism


Regional economy gets the great value in the conditions of market relations development for a scientific substantiation of radical economic reforms. As, nowadays the basic economic activities are carried out in the regions. Each region takes a certain place in an economic complex of the country, making at the same time the united economic whole with other regions. Therefore knowledge of the country is developed of deep and all-round knowledge of all its regions. And it gives especially big importance to scientific knowledge of the regions.

 Especially important role is played by regional economy in scientific maintenance of economic transformations, creation of united economic space at rationalization of inter-regional communications, formation of the regional markets. The maintenance of regional economy promotes development of rational, scientifically well-founded regional policy and strategy. Therefore, the problem of the regional policy formation for today is the extremely actual both at practical level, and in respect of an increment of scientific knowledge.

The economy of regional tourism is a part of economy of a united complex of region. At studying of tourism development in region the deep understanding of a modern economic situation in it is necessary.

In modern conditions it is difficult to overestimate the value of tourism development for economy of regions. They usually allocate the following factors of manufacture: the earth, labor, the capital, business and computer science among the factors influencing development of this or that sphere of economy. These factors are closely coordinated in a tourist activity. The specificity of tourist sphere consists only that on the first place in it ground (natural) resources are put forward. The Earth as the factor of manufacture for separate kinds of tourism is the defining factor; it simultaneously is an object of the labor, and the means of labor, and the means of income. The presence of highly-skilled staff is also the important factor of the tourist sphere development. Information technology is developing by advancing rates last years and, of course, a factor of capital resources is scarce for all categories of the enterprises. The expansion of tourist activity, the arrangement of new recreational territories, the building of resort complexes does demand the big capital investments.

In the conditions of rigid competitive struggle the countries and their travel companies should search for new ways for the best advancement of the tourist's product. The experience shows that one of the most effective ways in this direction is association of efforts of several companies or several regions/countries. Uniting in various regional projects, tour operators put before themselves such problems, as an intensification of a tourist's product advancement of country regions or the countries of regions in the markets of the developed states, increase in volumes of rendered services by strengthening of efficiency of marketing works and decrease in expenses on marketing, creation of joint advertizing production and increase in its efficiency, decrease in expenses on participation in the international tourist fairs and more active participation in various international tourist actions, mutual representation and advancement each other before potential partners. The main essence of joint activity is creation of qualitatively new tourist product - regional tours about the country.

The tourism regionalization is extremely favorable for development of the tourist branch in the country, allowing to involve more quantity of travelers in the country and stimulating a sustainable development the tourist industry here.

The concept «regional tourism» was extended in the tourism world in the nineties of the XX-th century when traditional practice of travel around one country began to be supplemented with trips to some next states and, in parallel with national tourist spaces, there were regional. The regional tourism promotes the process of integration of next states, creating new tourist, economic and even political alliances.

From the point of view of tourism nowadays among various forms of regional tourist trips the most widespread of them are:

a) Tourist triangle, when tourists within the limits of one trip visit three next regions.

b) Ring trips, when the tourist is offered to visit simultaneously some next regions of the country, having begun to travel from one region and having come back here in the end of a trip.

c) Transnational tours, when a trip begins in one region and comes to the end in the third, fourth or fifth region, having passed through territories of the countries.

d) Radial trips, when foreign tourists are based in one region and make one - two - three-day journeys to next regions.

At this point the major factors influencing development of regional tourism, it is possible to classify as follows. On degree of variability they can be divided in static and dynamical. Set of nature-geographical factors concerns the static. These are the factors influencing directly in the sphere of regional tourism. They have enduring, invariable value. The person adapts them for tourist requirements, does their more accessible to use. Natural and geographical conditions are the initial basis of the regional tourism development. Not casually the tourism at an early stage has had development in regions with a favorable climate and curative sources. These regions nowadays are the leaders in world tourism, despite development of such kinds of tourism, as ecological, needing the virgin nature (which has remained either in places with an adverse climate, or in hard-to-reach places), the adventurous tourism using as resources of territory with extreme conditions.

The cultural-historical factors (monuments of architecture, history, etc.) too appreciably can be referring to the static. With growth of an educational level and informative requirement of the population historical and cultural resources get the increasing value.

The dynamical factors concern demographic, social and economic, material-technical and political factors. These factors aren't connected directly to the tourism. They can have the various estimation, the value changing in time and space. The degree of the regional tourism development is defined appreciably by equipment of territory with the material possibilities, having the major value for tourism development in region, viz. all that is accepted to include in concept of a tourist infrastructure and level of service, capacities of territory for tourists reception, an ecological condition of territory, level of whole economical development, providing with labor resources, material means and financial possibilities of the region accepting tourists. The main things from them are connected with development of means of placing, transport, public catering establishments, recreational sphere, retail trade etc.

The increase of an educational level, culture, esthetic requirements of the population concerns to the socio-economic factors influencing to an increase of scales of regional tourism. As an element of esthetic requirements it is possible to consider aspiration of people to get acquainted with a life, history, culture, living conditions in the various countries.

To number of the external factors influencing regional tourism, concern also economic and financial factors:

- Improvement (deterioration) of an economic and financial situation,

- Increase (decrease) in the personal income,

- Increase (decrease) in a share of socially allocated means for a covering of expenses on tourism and travel.

 Besides, changes of political and legal regulation, technological changes, development of a transport infrastructure and trade, and also change of safety conditions of travel concern to dynamical factors.

The special place among the factors influencing development of tourism, occupies the seasonal prevalence factor. Depending on a season the volume of tourist activity can have the big fluctuations. Therefore the tourist organizations and establishments undertake the number of measures directed to reduction of seasonal recessions, for example, introduction of seasonal differentiation of prices, development of those kinds of tourism which aren't exposed to seasonal fluctuations (congressional, business etc.).

The organization of tourism development in the country should be based on primary development of kinds and forms of tourism allowing as much as possible and in a complex to use available tourist resources.



1. Êàbushken N.E. Management of tourism: The textbook. – Ì.: New knowledge, 2002. – 409 pg.