Iskakova A.T., Tajiyeva M.K.

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay


pre-k teacher as a subject of innovative WORK  


Innovation (eng.Innovation-the act of making something new)– implementation of new forms, ways and skills in the field of education and science. The concept of "innovation" (innovation) is defined as a novelty, and as the process of using this innovation in practice. Generally accepted interpretation of "innovation in education" there is not any pedagogical literature, nor in the most innovative educational environment. A.Prigozhin gave a definition to innovation: innovation- is a purposeful change, which brings in a social unit - the organization, settlement, society, and the group - the new, relatively stable elements [2]. E. Dneprov believes that the innovation is "activity for the creation, development, use and dissemination of new in education". [3] B. Sazonov associates it with something new, "of public importance and is a product of creativity." M. Clarin emphasizes that "it is the changes that are significant and accompanied by changes in activity, style of thinking" [4]. T. Shamova refers to innovation, the introduction of which in practice introduces a renewal [5].

Innovations always go with pedagogies. There are great facilities for developing of personality activity and its innovative work. This is facilitated by a number of changes that occur in life and reflect in the mind of a human. The main thing is the removal of restrictions on the profession; it allows taking a much broader range of external phenomena. As a consequence, the teacher gains very important abilities: the readiness to respond to surprises, the willingness to take independent decisions requiring a risk, willingness to take responsibility for them, critical in assessing own and others' actions.

 The model of innovative profession is formed of two complementary parts. The first is constructed by changing the motivational relations - by imitation, simulation, and modeling. It determines the attitude towards innovation and the experience of events related to their implementation. The second system receives information through targeted, innovative teaching conscious, which is supported by the structure of our society.

Analysis of the theoretical work generalizing the innovation of teachers can identify major trends and ideas of perspective trends that are essential to identify and improve innovative activities of preschool teacher:

- Adoption of humane "subject-subject relations" tutor-pupil, the development of creative abilities, intellectual strength of student;

- Individual and creative development of the teacher in the process of innovation, the research focus of the experience of teachers and innovators late 1950 - early 1960 years, later known teacher-experimenter (the second half of the 1980 year) as well as teachers - the creators of alternative schools and authorized schools (the beginning of the 90s.). All of them characterized by the ability to study a living teaching practices, the social environment in a more developed form, manifested productive creative thinking (elements of the heuristic, etc.);

- A characteristic feature of the evolution of innovative experience was synthesizing it with pedagogy, not only profound generalization, justification, "... and theoretical investigation of the facts that are crucial for the practice" (M.I.Mahmutov). The variety of forms and problems of scientific and pedagogical community (partnership) scientists and teachers is greatly expanded.

An educational practice allows underlining the features of organization of innovative pedagogical activity of pre-k teachers:

- It can be realized both in the traditional pre-school establishments, and in the establishments of new types- mini-kindergartens, pre-schools gymnasiums and centers;

- An innovative research in educational establishments is realised on different levels, generally the procedure of research is completed by empirical methods, that’s by ways of trial and errors.

In the innovative pedagogical sphere the principle of personal approach is implemented on the basis of a complex process of changing from educational paradigm to humanistic. In contrast to the traditionally defined goals, the goal of innovative educational activities aimed at developing an individual program of personal development.

Different feature of the innovative educational work is a collection of persistent motives in the presence of dominant expressing the orientation, value orientation of both individual teachers and the teaching staff.

Innovative teaching activities requires an understanding and addressing the issue of readiness of the teacher in this type of activity.

These characteristics of readiness of the teacher-educator, according to some investigators, may be the following:

- requirements in creativity, realistic choice of ways professional behaviour; the ability and willingness for choosing adequate ways and methods of self-development, organization of the efficient work of cooperation; the ability to work skilfully in the ways of pedagogical sphere, to have the ability of changing any situation to pedagogical, developing.

Considering all the issues given above, we want to say that the process of preparing the future teacher as a subject of innovation is a specific part of the professional formation of future teachers. He is under the influence of common both objective and subjective conditions. The objective conditions, that independent of the consciousness of objects defining the educational system and professional formation of future teachers in general, and as the subject of innovation in particular, are associated with a real system of training students in the pedagogical university. These can be included:

-         Professional and pedagogical directivity of preparation;

-         Content of educational process;

-  Unity and interconnection of educational and practical aspects of preparation.

However, the insufficient preparedness of teachers prevents from accepting and realizing the innovation significantly reduces the effectiveness of the innovations that introduced in the educational process, which can be allowed to suggest that in the process of higher education should be carried out with a shift of emphasis on transformative learning activities, implementation of innovation, a process that determines the future of teacher professional development as the subject of innovation.

In this way our learning for the process of professional preparation of future teacher as a subject of innovative work has important meaning for development the quality of preparing future pre-k teachers of pre-school institutions, especially in connection with the intensification of innovative processes in the national education system.




1. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. – M.: Folk education,

1998. 256 p.

2. Prigozhin A. Innovation; stimulus and impediment. Social issues of innovates. –M., 1989.

3. Clarin M. Innovative models of teaching in foreign pedagogical researches. –  M.:  Arena, 1994. – 222 p.

4. Shamova T., Malinin A., Tulu G. Innovative processes at the school as an informative and educational base of developing mechanism. – M., 1993.

5. Zagvyazinski V. Methodology and method of didactic research. – M., 1982. – 160 p.