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N. Leonov, D. Lazarenko

North-Kazakhstan state university named after M.Kozybaev, Kazakhstan


“Computer networks” real-virtual laboratory adaptation

to educational specialization programs of the chair department “Information systems”


Contemporary educational process suggests not only deep theoretical training, but also practical education which helps to acquire labor skills with technical device. For qualified training of specialists it is necessary to provide them with wide use of technical equipment in relevant laboratories.

Since February 2010 real-virtual laboratory (RVL) “Computer networks” has been operating at the chair department “Informational systems”. The RVL consists of two training laboratory sets: “Network security” and “Global computer networks”. They are designed for carrying out laboratory practical works and acquiring skills and experience in the sphere of construction local and global datacom (data communications) networks as well as mastering the defence systems of wired and wireless computer networks.

Each set of equipment consists of four working stations equipped with wired and wireless network interfaces. The core structure of sets is composed of controllable and uncontrollable commutators, “enterprise” class multiservice routers and switchboard panel, the latter allows to switch equipment in accordance with executed tasks as well as to form indispensable network topology. Arch Linux [1] operating system was installed on operating stations’ sets.

Initial laboratory kit does not allow to use it effectively in the process of education because of essential differences between granted opportunities and typical educational program recommendations. In this connection an actual question has been raised concerning methodical and software sets adaptation to educational specialization program of the chair department “Information Systems”. To achieve this purpose the following steps must be done:

1.   To study and analyze comprehensively laboratory kit;

2.   To reveal discrepancies between current technical, methodical kits and educational programs requirements and recommendations;

3.   To prepare the list of laboratory kits elements necessary for ensuring correspondence to educational programs requirements and recommendations;

4.   To develop completely functional technical laboratory kit based on the list;

5.   To develop methodological guide to the new kit.

In accordance with the standard program, the purpose of the discipline “Computer networks” consists in mastering the principles of computer network organization, PC network features, acquaintance with modern network technologies and ways of transferring, searching, storing, processing and information presentation, also acquiring practical skills of working in local networks.

As a result of the studying this discipline student must [2]:

-     know computer networks classification, features of modern network technologies, computer networks hardware and software,  means and ways of transferring, storing, searching, processing and information presentation in networks;

-     be able to implement installation and configuration of network hardware in modern operating systems, provide with right assignments access, password protection and copying the content of file systems folders, to divide network software and hardware for joint usage;

-     to have an idea about methods of local network design for solving specific practical tasks, perspectives and technologies of modern network technologies development, connected with the processes of transferring, storing, searching, processing and information presentation.


On the basis of above mentioned points of the standart educational specialization program 5Â070300 “Information systems” based on “Computer networks” discipline, real-virtual laboratory usage is not only preferable, but it is necessary condition for consolidating the theoretical knowledge and acquiring practical skills in network organization.

According to the list of laboratory and practical lessons themes, which are being illustrated in the standard typical program, it can be concluded that operating RVL station reconfiguration is necessary to realize opportunity in Microsoft Windows operating system usage. Full re-equipment of operating stations can be executed now, however, in order to create qualified and adequate methodical guidance and for effective use of new configurations more time and resources are necessary. Owing to that, the intermediate decision on using Arch Linux operational system as the main and basic installing virtual device on VMware platform has been made. VMware Workstation program usage allows to create and start up several virtual devices simultaneously (x86-computers), each operates as an independent operating system with guest rights. OS Microsoft Windows XP is used in capacity of guest operating system. Configured virtual devices are included in the developing software kit for operating stations.

Thus, computer operational system recovery disks have been created as a result of conducted adaptation with all necessary software, also an educational-methodical guide appliance has been made, which allows to conduct lessons effectively in “Computer networks” RVL.




1.   Scientific production enterpriseEducational technology - Profitraining laboratory setNetwork security”. Laboratory practical training session. Chelyabinsk 2009. – p.159

2.   Kazakhstan national technical university. – Standard educational programs on 050703 specialization – Information systems. Computer networks. – Almaty 2006. – p.84