Gavrishina L.N.

Kemerovo institute (branch) of Russian State University of trade and economics, Russia




Nowadays we witness a decrease in the level of education of applicants and universities have to lower enrollment requirements to provide themselves with work. As a result, the first year students have very weak basic preparation. Professors often face challenge how to maintain number of students without compromising the quality of higher education, and to make graduates worth of  "Bachelor" or "Master" degree. In solving this problem the organization of educational process at the university plays a significant role. It should be flexible and take into account all the realities of modernization and innovations in the life of society.

Given the fast-paced technological advances, the fundamental for success in the profession is the ability to self-development. In the modern pedagogy for the development of this ability so-called “developmental education” is used. It should be noted that a famous Russian educator and psychologist P. Kapterev worked on  the issue of developing learning.  He considered that the leading idea of ​​pedagogic is the idea of ​​self-development. In the modern standards of higher education almost half hours for the mastering of the subject (course) is given for independent studying. In connection with this the importance of planning and organization of independent work of student has increased greatly. The fact that the number of budget-funded places in higher education is decreasing reinforces the need for efficient planning of the organization of independent work of students. Due to this, most of the students forced to hold study with part-time job that prevents them from attendance of all classes. Thus, a good planning of the educational process (including both classroom and independent work) can help students in this situation.  To realize this a student together with the professor draws up an individual plan of work for a month or other short term, and then  he monitors the implementation of this plan. Thus individual and moral responsibility of the student for his/her work and performance is developing. This is particularly important when the university practices rating assessment of all groups of department at the end of the semester. This practice is actually based on the inherent spirit of youth competition.

The main tool in the independent work of students at present are information and computer technology. To teach students to use them is one of the problems of modern education. The application of computer technology increases motivation for learning. To achieve we should provide the following: courses should include resources of information and computer technology application; there should be references to additional electronic materials along with  the traditional training documentation;  the availability of work in laboratory and practical classes focused on the use of information and computer technology should be provided.  The use of simulation programs, self-exploration and research work of students on the Internet, the use of electronic materials and testing programs proves to be attractive and interesting for students.  To increase the interest in the subject and motivate learning, to stimulate students' cognitive activity the use of the MS Power Point  allows to create presentations on the new teaching materials and the preparation of review reports.

Information technology can be of great help to first year students when they study general subjects (courses). We know that sometimes students do not give much importance to the study of such courses.  An outstanding Russian surgeon and educator Nikolay Pirogov  pointed out that the basis for special education is good broad general education. Students rarely realize this, therefore, it is a mission of the professor to get students interested, to give them motivation to study all the subjects of the curriculum. How can it be realized? Let us recall the quotation of  a prominent Russian teacher and writer A   Makarenko, "The true motivation of human life is tomorrow's joy."  Undoubtedly, such a joy for students is the exemption from the exam in the session. We should also agree that in the  examination  there is always an element of chance and formalism. Undoubtedly, a more objective assessment should take into account all of the ongoing work of the student during the semester.  Of course, a constant regular monitoring of student performance requires more teaching efforts and time. Little individual control tasks for a few minutes, which can be fulfilled on the computer or paper  can be of significant  use in assessment. For example,  the professor may hand out cards with the tasks of three levels of difficulty. He gives time to prepare and then individually with each student fulfilled the task and analyzes his/her performance and determine the rating grade. Other students  this time may continue to work. Then the teacher offers to work in pairs for those who had successfully handled the tasks first and those who have difficulties, thus a brighter student may help a weaker one.  Gradually, all the students will be involved in such work in pairs. In this procedure, you can organize and control the individual assignments. The advantages of this form of monitoring are obvious: the process is accelerated, the objectivity of evaluation increases, all students are involved in learning and control process, and students are inspired with a sense of responsibility for each other and for work performed.

 It should be noted how relevant are the pedagogical  rules of the past, of course, with corrections for modern conditions. So in the late XIX century, one of the brightest representatives of the German pedagogy Georg Michael Kerschensteiner raised the question of active teaching methods with extensive use of visual and practical work, the question of an independent spiritual work. For this, he recommended to reduce the training material and to enhance the library. These same points were important for  the French representative of the humanist pedagogy Célestin Freinet. He thought that "clear thinking and skilful hands are better than the mind overloaded with unnecessary knowledge." He also pointed to the need for mental stimulation of labor activity as a factor, which provides all the necessary acquisition of knowledge. Under present conditions this motive is  the use of information and computer technology, the Internet as a tool for discussion of any problem.

  P.Kapterev introduced the concept of the teaching process  as a holistic phenomenon in which biological and social, individual and the public aspects find themselves in a complex interaction. He also attached great importance to getting students accustomed to intellectual work and to interest for the educational process. As he considered, it could only be achieved by  heuristic methods. Heuristic form of training is such from when the scientific laws, formulas, rules  are opened and produced by the students themselves under the guidance of teachers. The implementation of this form of learning occurs in the form of a question-answer work. This method of learning, in our opinion, is very useful in studying the mathematics and  natural  sciences. For example, in proving a theorem it  is not the professor or teacher who sets out everything, but by asking many questions he encourages students to participate and come to conclusion or the proof. Thus it is necessary to ask questions so that students could answer on the basis of reasoning. This form of lectures promotes interest to the subject of study and serves as a motivation to visit a classroom.

Thus, a well-thought-out organization of educational process puts the student the necessity of regular in-class work throughout the semester. There are elements of competition which encourages students to improve their rating and it nurtures the sense of responsibility for himself/herself and for each other in the learning process. Besides  the skills of self-education which are acquired in the university will help to change the type of activity when necessary in order to achieve the success any sphere of modern life.