Wakjira Mergia Balcha

People’ Friendship University of Russia


Modern development of education involves a sequential process of personality development, aiming at the creation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge and skills, value orientations, which would allow students to actively operate as a full member of society, a citizen of their country. For this reason, the main task of modern education is to develop creativity of students, prepare them to various forms of activity, and develop an adequate attitude towards the world, for the individual life. It is important to establish the ability to navigate in society, and most importantly - to realize their creative potential, when become necessary to the society and people around them.

The purpose of the organization of scientific - research work of students is to educate generations to be thoughtful, to acquire new knowledge, and promote the formation of an educated, harmonically advanced, creative personality, able to extract their knowledge on their own.

The main objectives of the organization of scientific - research work to:

-                     develop creative abilities of students and  their research skills;

-                     develop analytical and critical, abstract thinking of students in the process of creative exploration and implementation of educational research;

-                     identify gifted students and to ensure the realization of their creative potential;

-                     develop self-reliance when working with peer-reviewed scientific literature, in carrying out observations and experiments;

-                      development of the ability to form an opinion and the ability with stand;

-                      Develop the ability to communicate with the audience, to speak at conferences, to study in groups;

-                      create a sense of responsibility for their work;

-                     to raise self-confidence and consciousness.

Attracting scientific - research work of university students, it is necessary to organize the sequence of mastering the skills of creativity, so that, on the one hand, it does not "cripple" that students' ability to perform complex tasks, and on the other hand, is not "landed",  but it is too simple. It is also important, focusing on the average level of knowledge, the best students to fully utilize and develop their abilities. But the question naturally arises, whether the very young generation wishes the scientific – research and its education and development? Experience shows that in universities  there is a tendency to decrease or loss of motivation. In this generation there are quite a number of activities in addition to their studies. Only a creative approach to the process of acquiring knowledge promotes the establishment of educational and research at the university.

Pursuing scientific - research work, students choose their own thematic area and prepared theoretically students. Make a report on the topic, learn the methodology of scientific - research work. Carry out experimental work, students are observe journals, analyze the survey results, and prepare reports on a scientific conference, which later in the refinement can turn into a thesis defended by them. This scientific training, allows students to make life choices towards their aptitudes and character traits.

The establishment of intellectual abilities and skills, educating students is carried out mainly in the classroom. It is promoted and advanced interactive technologies, such as the project method, modular training, workshops, etc., which are widely adopted in practice. In the first stage independent mini - research in the classroom is used as a form of knowledge control the formation of skills to use the general principles of scientific thinking. To develop research skills the main load falls on the laboratory practice, which is a combination of experimental tasks of computational and theoretical work in the formation of a scientific hypothesis and conclusions, and reflects the main stages of scientific - research activity. As an art students’ homework offered training posts, the search for answers to certain questions and writing essays. This activity encourages the daily work with additional literature, visiting libraries, ability to work in the reading room. The skills of experimental work and development of the principles of research activities are further developed. By teaching students the synthesis, analysis, analogy, acquainting them with the basic methodological principles of this kind of activities (statement of the problem, hypotheses, theoretical foundation, the analysis of literature and experimental data, conclusions on the results achieved), the teacher prepares the student to recognize the need for independent research as the most full form of the realization of their creative potential, self-discovery and self-realization. The second phase focused on the formation of intellectual skills beyond seminars and laboratory exercises. Field work makes students fertile ground to address these problems through high level practice, special seminars, individual and group counseling, etc.

All the research that students conduct can be divided into three types:

 I mono-objective study: It runs on a particular subject (which takes into account peculiarities of the logic, the structure of the subject). Suggesting the involvement of knowledge to solve problems to that question, this measures the ability of student.

II (prospective and interesting for students) - a multidisciplinary study or inter subject: This study aims to address the problem, which requires knowledge about the involvement of the student studied from different subjects or sciences.

 III objective study:  In this case, it is the most common type of study. Here in the face of the joint activities of students and teachers.  This study aims to solve general problems.

Social research work may be conducted in several ways:

I- individual work, which provides activities into two aspects:

1. individual tasks (preparation of ad hoc reports, messages, selection of literature, helping younger students in the preparation of reports, oral presentations, production of visual aids, computer aid in design work, etc.);

2. Work with students on a separate program (assistance in the development of research themes, the provision of advice, etc.);

II- group work: includes work on collaborative research projects, which are often necessary to use information from different subject areas.

III- mass work, meetings with interesting people, of science and culture, joint training with the teacher for weekly University subjects competitions, participation in scientific and practical conference of university research expeditions.

  Execution of such work requires students to learn to work with the scientific and popular literature (including primary sources), freely navigate the Internet to find relevant information and critically compare the various hypotheses and theories, to analyze research results, to be able to represent them graphically, to build a computer model and conduct laboratory tests, to make a valid statistical analysis of their materials, to be able to assess the limits of applicability of the results. You can talk about it all together in developing the intellect, stimulates cognitive activity of students, and promotes self-critical understanding of scientific results, which is so important for a young novel researcher, which we want to develop at the university. 

Also pay attention to one of the most important problems in the process of scientific - research activity - is to attract students to engage in scientific - research activates. It is fully apparent pedagogical talent managers who use an individual approach to students who are able to create an atmosphere of interest of students and self-actualization.

There are a number of reasons that affect student interest in research.

First, it is a general reduction of the authority of science in society, which took place in the country in recent years. Often leads to the same students and the lack of detailed information on the possibilities of modern science and advanced fields caused by the decrease of the number of popular TV shows, books and magazines that are replaced by the publication entertainment, that are seriously distracting competing distractions and reduce students’ interest in the cognitive practice.

Another reason is the psychological characteristic of student-related inability to work with the scientific literature does not fully possess both written and spoken language. Some have difficulty in the design of research, finding information using modern information technologies.

Scientific - research activity on the structure and objectives of providing students the most favorable conditions for the development of divergent thinking, imagination, creates a highly motivated cognitive activity, forms of creative personality traits, knowledge and skills to help navigate the future life, and will undoubtedly influence the choice of profession. Psychologists say that the scientific - research activity increases stress, promotes emotional well-being, improves communication skills, creativity abilities, creates a sense of responsibility and autonomy. Thus, the organization of research contributes to the development of social and activities of an individual.