Prokofieva M.A.
The candidate of Pedagogical
Sciences, the Docent of the Department of Basic Military Training of Zhetysu
State University named after I.Zhansugurov.
The Republic of Kazakhstan,
Kurakbaeva A.Zh.
The candidate of Pedagogical
Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of
Zhetysu State University named after I.Zhansugurov.
The Republic of Kazakhstan,
diagnostics of social experience of the adolescent - pre-conscription trainee
based on understanding of socialization as the process of self-alignment of the
individual's social experience, we highlight the following important diagnostic
features for the teaching of social experience: Substantial. Position estimated. Functional. In this regard, we
have been drawn up in learning the social experience of adolescents as the
basis for their socialization including three lines of the survey (content,
positional and functional assessment) and the corresponding series of
techniques. In order to ascertain the ideas of adolescents about their ideal,
we asked them to list five of their masks that they wear, and five more which
would like to wear. Under each mask the students wrote the advantages and
disadvantages. Next, we performed a conversation about the ideal man. On the
basis of written work and interviews with adolescents, we obtained the
following results:
Table 1.
of samples of the "ideal man" |
indicators of quality components of the submission to adolescents 'ideal man' |
Good |
to help |
Jolly |
Brave |
Fair |
Intelligent |
Hard working |
Honest |
Nice |
Adult |
1 |
2 |
5 |
7 |
6 |
9 |
3 |
10 |
4 |
Contemporaries |
6 |
1 |
2 |
9 |
7 |
5 |
3 |
8 |
4 |
Literary hero |
6 |
10 |
7 |
1 |
3 |
8 |
4 |
2 |
9 |
Idol |
0 |
0 |
9 |
4 |
3 |
5 |
10 |
0 |
10 |
Ideal |
10 |
10 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
10 |
3 |
0 |
5 |
Distribution of the rank indicators of significant
qualities, which compose adolescent’s idea about «the ideal of man».
next phase of our work was to determine attitudes of adolescents to the
spiritual and material values. For the development of ideas in adolescents about
the main values of life, we used
the conversation in the form of training on the theme "The Meaning of
Life", oral responses we recorded in standardized tables. The processing
of empirical data showed the following results:
Table 2
Stepped graph of the distribution of the answers of
adolescents to a question ‘About the spiritual and material values’
Vital values named by adolescents |
The number of answers |
In the percentages |
The God |
15.7 |
The World |
81.0 |
Health |
92.6 |
Career |
78.3 |
My favorite work |
44.6 |
Family |
52.0 |
Friends |
32.1 |
Money |
75.9 |
Education |
63.3 |
Books |
22.5 |
Cultural activities (theater, cinema, etc) |
11.5 |
The property (furniture, clothing, house) |
27.3 |
The machine |
25.1 |
Nature |
17.5 |
Position estimated parameter of the study of the social experience of
adolescent realized with the aid of a series of the procedures, which revealed
the estimated ratios of adolescents to their personality. For this purpose were
used special projective questionnaires, and also compositions - miniature. The
survey involved 141 students of 9-10 grades. Among the respondents 33.9% of
students in 9th grade and 21.3% of 10-graders said they have no dissatisfaction
with themselves. 72,4% of adolescents sufficiently frequently experience the
state of mental discomfort, they are disturbed about status in the
interpersonal relations, they dream about the achievements. 33.9% of children
(out of a happy) essentially did not take the actual installation survey on
self-analysis. Analysis of the materials showed that the number of 9th
grade adolescents’ dissatisfaction occurs mainly on the basis of material
disadvantage in the family (44.2%), and not least in situations of
communication with parents, brothers, sisters and elders in the family (38, 1%).
The realization of its own fault in the quarrels, the tiffs with the
classmates, comrades 27%, and the sensations of discomfort in student
association 33.5%, is considerable.
next stage of our work was to test the "Scale of self acceptance" and
a survey to identify adolescent health, activity, mood (Questionnaire SAN).
Table 3.
Motivations of the adolescents about their reasons for
dissatisfaction with themselves
Motivations |
number of designations as a percentage |
9th grade
students |
grade students |
in pupils group |
11,3 |
22,3 |
relations with friends |
27 |
18,5 |
in different activities |
11,3 |
16,1 |
health |
15,7 |
12,3 |
trouble in the family |
44,2 |
17,5 |
in the family |
38,1 |
22,5 |
with that loved (oh) |
31,6 |
75 |
physical discomfort |
31,7 |
55,3 |
discomfort |
31,3 |
41,5 |
The functional
parameter of the social experience of adolescent was connected with the
development of the special features of the style of life. The modified
questionnaire of P. Toukamaa and K. Tarro has been used as a technique. During
the treatment of the formulations, which designate different styles of life, it
was considered that enumerated scattered, they are grouped around four basic
types, to which we gave the conditional designations: Robinson (individual-
active); Champion (socially-active); Contemplator (individual- passive);
Altruist (social- passive).
Table 4.
Generalized matrix of the manifestation of
adolescent’s life style
Groups of
adolescents |
Guidance on the appeal of lifestyle characteristics
(in points) |
"Robinson Crusoe" |
1 |
2 |
4 |
14 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
12 |
Boys – 55 persons |
2,8 |
0,8 |
3,2 |
1,6 |
2,4 |
2,0 |
3,4 |
1,6 |
Average choice of style in % |
2,10 32,0 |
2,35 45,0 |
Girls - 92 persons |
2,8 |
1,2 |
2,4 |
2,8 |
2,4 |
2,8 |
3,8 |
1,6 |
Average choice of style in % |
2,30 31,4 |
2,65 19,9 |
Boys – 55 persons |
«Contemplator» |
«Altruist» |
8 |
9 |
11 |
3 |
10 |
13 |
1,4 |
2,4 |
0,6 |
105 |
1,4 |
2,7 |
Average choice of style in % |
1,47 19,7 |
1,87 3,3 |
Girls - 92 persons |
2,4 |
2,7 |
1,5 |
0,9 |
2,4 |
2,7 |
Average choice of style in % |
2,20 39,1 |
2,00 9,6 |
Crusoe." In our study, this type of lifestyle is manifested in 32% of boys
and 31.4% of girls. "Champion". This type of lifestyle was the most
popular among boys (45%), while only 19.9% of girls are guided by it. "Contemplator."
The girls identified him as the most attractive (39.1%), whereas the boys noted
only in 19.7 cases. "Altruist". This type of lifestyle was the least
attractive to older students in our survey. Its significance indicated only
3.3% of boys and 9.6% of girls. To confirm these results, we conducted a test
of ‘‘Captain? Autopilot? Passenger?’’. In processing the empirical data were
obtained the following results: 25% of boys and 15% of girls were from 100 to
150 points, which means that they are masters of their own lives who feel
responsible for everything that happens to them, a lot of takers for
themselves, overcoming the difficulties without exaggerating them, not raising
to the rank of life's problems. 50% of boys and 35% of girls got from 50-99
points, which means that they are willingly autopilots, but may, if necessary,
transfer the helm to the right hand. 25% of boys and 50% of girls got up to 49
points, which means that they are often passengers in their life, are easily
subordinated to external forces. Thus, we conducted an experiment on pedagogical
diagnostics of the social experience of adolescent by three parameters allowed
the following conclusions that there is a clear link between the level of
self-esteem, self acceptance, health, activity and attitudes of adolescents
with features of social experience. The higher the level of activity related to
your personality, your inner world - the higher the index of the substantial
and functional parameters of social experience.
Kochetov A.I. Culture of the pedagogical research. - M., 1996.
General psycho diagnostics/Reduction. Bodaleva A.A, B.B. Stolina.-M.: Publ.MSU,
3. Rorschach, Hermann, Psycho
diagnostics — A Diagnostic Test Based on Perception, Published by READ BOOKS,
2007, 264 page