Innovational University, Kazakstan
To the
History of the Russian Press Advertising in the 18-19th Centuries
Advertising forms which have been
available in the Russian mass media for the period of two centuries need a
detailed specialized description. It has been the topic of many investigations
which would have occupied a many volume edition. So, the topic of our research
will be focused on the crucial moments of its development.
Peter the Great and his newspaper
‘Gazette’ which initially was having a many-lined heading, (it was a
characteristic for the European medieval printing matters) made a good start
for the advertising development in Russia. Sometimes the newspaper was
published in the form of the leaflet having a subheading ‘relation, or
communique’. We may ask if there were any advertisements in the newspaper. (1;18)
But the newspaper was not busy with the
large-scale advertisement publishing on a regular basis. It was a governmental
edition and its relations with the private advertisers had not been developed.
But the appearance of some advertisements could be mentioned. Some authors try
to find similarities of the ‘Gazette’ with the first French governmental
newspaper published by Theofast Renodo; it contained
advertisements about the treatment of numerous diseases in the Mineral Waters, as well as
the publication of the Bible in many volumes.
Mineral waters in the ‘Gazette’ of Peter the Great are also popularized.
We can cite the advertisement in the newspaper dated by 1719 year No 2, in
which a new spa is convincingly recommended to visit: ‘’ The waters mentioned
are capable to cure different severe illnesses, i.e. scurvy, morbid depression, jaundice, stomach problems, voting, gall-stones,
gall-bladders’’ (Old Russian language). Visits of the high-rank officials to
the spa, tsarina Prascoviya Fedorovna and Alexander Menshikov, tsar’s favourite
provided for its prestigiousness. Along with the newspaper announcements we can
trace the appearance of the leaflets, advertising the same spa facilities.
Sometimes (1;77) the
‘Gazette’ published the lists of the newly published books. For example one can
find a ‘List of civil books, published by the order of His Majesty in the
Amsterdam spelling in the period up to June, 1, 1710 year’. Newspaper was dated
on the 31st of May, 1710. Bibliographic data, classified into 15
divisions we may come across such an advertisements ‘Rules how to write letters
to different officials, military architecture and military science, seize of a
fortress Troy history, Geography or short description of the earth,
calendars’’. So, we may state this time as a period of the bibliographic
advertisement appearance. Very soon catalogues appeared as specialized types of
the advertisements. For example, more than 80 copies of the catalogue ‘Greek
manuals collection of the synod’ were published in the Moscow Publishing House
in November 1723.
The ‘Gazette’ was
followed by a new paper ‘Saint Peters bough Gazette, which was published by the
Academy of Sciences. In contrast to the first paper it was published on a
regular basis: it was a weekly edition in the first year of publishing, and
then it was issued twice a week. Book lists are also of top priority in the
advertisement chapter. Commercial advertisements appear in a new paper along
with the government advertisements, which were usual for the previous newspaper
as well. Mainly commercial advertisements filled the ‘news’ pages and were
placed under the columns ‘sail’, ‘contracts’, ‘departing persons’ and so on (1:
123). Capital salesmen and craftsmen, home and foreign entrepreneurs found a
means of advertising for the goods and products in the newspaper. Editorial
staff was willingly meeting their interests, because they were pursuing their
own ends. Circulation of the newspaper was not very good, only 500-600 copies
and it sale did not cover the costs of the Academy for publishing one copy cost
only 4 kopecks. The advertisements were
constantly increasing in number, and soon a separate supplement was developed
and published.
By the end of the
18th century the advertisement department was equal to the main
information part of the newspaper. As A.P. Kiselev mentions ‘’the
advertisements appeared to be if not the only, then the major part of the
economical and cultural life information’. It was not just a bare listing of
the official registers and reports, but a live reflection of time with all its
contradictions and paradoxes. For example, Russian economy dynamic development
and strengthening was accompanied by the severe serfdom violence. It is
confirmed by the supplement No 13 to the ‘Saint Petersburg Gazette’ dated 1770:
‘the salted cucumbers of the best quality are sold along with the high
respected coachman and his wife’, and another advertisement: ‘Those willing to
buy the house-serf young girl, aged 13 can make inquiries in the Semenovsky
regiment in the Officer’s line’. Such kind of the advertisement had been usual
for the ‘Saint Petersburg Gazette’ till the beginning of the next century. The
first issue of the Gazette, dated 1801, was attached by the following
announcement: Vologod province board declares the sale of the house-serf men –
3 in number, women – 3 in number, Nikita Vasilyev, 70 years old for 10 roubles,
his wife Avdotya, 50 years old for 5 roubles, Gregory Ignatyev, aged 70 years
for 3 roubles, his wife Avdotya, aged 60 years for 3 roubles, Gregory Maximov,
aged 40 years for 30 roubles, his wife Avdotya, aged 30 years for 20 roubles.
Those willing to buy are to arrive to the board at the period fixed’.
advertisements in the ‘Saint Petersburg Gazette’ had been differentiated and
initiated the advertisements reflecting the economic life development: various
bankruptcy announcements, bills payment penalty by creditors, and compulsory
sale of the estates, very often to cover the losses caused by the public
property plundering. Private; every- day information also filled the pages of
the newspaper: ‘Worn lady’s head cap is sold, decorated with the wide gold
galloon and fringe; a camp-bed,
arm-chairs with a sliding bed, and a very comfortable travel carriage. One can
make some enquiries on his way to the Horse Guards, in a brick house adjacent
to the Tavrichesky Garden, he should ask the people living above the cellar’.
‘The Moscow
Gazette’ under the aegis of the Moscow University was first published in 1756.
Its structure and material placement were just like in the ‘Saint Petersburg
Gazette’. The same can be said about the advertisements. A famous enlightener
N. Novikov activity influenced the changes in content and decoration of that
newspaper, who rented the Moscow University printing house and edited the ‘The
Moscow Gazette’ in the period since 1779 till 1789. (1: 312). His principal
innovation was a detailed reference section – a heading ‘About Russian Books’.
On a regular basis it included the advertisements of the University printing
house editions; it also mentioned the new books which were sold in the
University Book Shop. In his special ‘Announcement’ the publisher advised his
readers that besides information about new books ‘some idea of the book will be
always presented to make it easier for the readers to appreciate the book
In his first
satirical magazine ’Drone’ N. Novikov was parodying the advertising fashion
initiated by the ‘Saint Petersburg Gazette’. He tried to make play with the
traditional headings such as ‘Contracts’, ‘Sales’, ‘Sightseeing’, ‘Books’,
‘Departing Persons’. He wrote: ‘An old coquette is going to hire twelve young,
handsome, and sufficient noblemen to fill the vacant positions of her
sweethearts; volunteers are to come to the place mentioned where they will be
exposed to the employer’. And further ‘Ten pood of justice are needed in a
court department; those who‘d like to provide this service are to arrive there’.
Satirist advised under the heading: ‘Sales’: ‘A newly appointed governor of
province is leaving for a new place of appointment, not to be overloaded with
his personal belongings he is selling his conscience, those who’d like to buy
it may find him in this town’.
The parody texts
are presented in our paper, mainly to demonstrate the process of the deep
penetration of the advertisement genre in the Russian culture of the eighteenth
century. The satirists have been trying to make fun the most popular and wide
spread phenomena of their epochs. We cannot doubt the popularity of the
advertisement genre at that epoch. The best reporters of that time didn’t
consider it disgraceful to comment advertisements. For example, N. Karamzine in
the second issue of the ‘Europe Herald’, 1982, was very much surprised with the
advertisement placed in one of the capital’s publications. In his review,
titled ‘Strangeness’ he wrote: ‘A French tutor announced the opening day of a
boarding school for Russian noblemen
not far from Paris, and he offered to teach them ‘everything necessary’,
Russian language included. Kazamzin’s patriotic feelings were hurt: ‘I live in
isolation and I don’t know how other people evaluated this advertisement. It
seems to me more funny than disappointing: for I ‘m sure our noblemen will not
be prone to take advantage of Mr. MM’s
benevolent offer’.
publications ‘Moscow Magazine’ and ‘Europe Herald’ didn’t pay any attention to
the advertisements. Book references, short annotations, and detailed critical
evaluations were an exception. Information of the new published books was
placed in every Russian magazine; it was typical for the second half of the
eighteenth century. ‘Monthly compositions for the use and enjoyment of the
service people’ initiated the process. Later they were accompanied by the
detailed advisements of the current theatrical performances and other sights.
There we can state the first attempts to found the specialized magazines:
‘Saint Petersburg Research Gazette’ (1977), and ‘Russian Theatre’ (1786).
However, specialized journalism development was typical for the next,
nineteenth century. The tendency was anticipated by the edition of the I.
Krilov’s and A. Klushin’s magazine ‘Saint Petersburg Mercury’. The father –
founders were the future fable writer and the man of letters. Addressing the
readers it was said: ‘Why shouldn’t we inform the audience of the new works in
Russian literature? Why shouldn’t we tell the audience about the theatre? We
possessing this right and we’d like to use it’. The last remark is poly
semantic. It explains the fact why the great majority of the Russian
periodicals was limited with publication of only advertisements in the cultural
life and very seldom addressed commercial, stock exchange and industrial
advertisements till the 1961 year Reform. Only the governmental and official
editions were eligible for the publication. For a long time did the ‘Saint
Petersburg Gazette’ and ‘Moscow Gazette’ belonged to that status being the
editions of the Academy of Sciences and Moscow Emperor University.
Summarizing the
problem of Russian periodical advertising in the eighteenth century we may
state, that according to our observations the texts were mainly of the
reference, business information character, which was typical for the
advertisement genre. Elements of the evaluative information, developed
suggestive advertising appear in the reports of the literary novelties.
The status quo
was changed in the first third of the nineteenth century. ‘Moscow Telegraph’ by
N.A. Polevoy turned to be a new phenomenon in the Russian journalism. It
performed the so-called break-through into the extensive advertising activity
along with the other innovations. It still lacked a special heading for the
advertisements, but some specimen of the mature advertisements were published
under the headings ‘Moscow notes’, ‘Homeland news’, and ‘Fashion customs’.
‘Northern Bee’ was one of the first private Russian newspapers, which was
published on a regular basis pretty long period of time. However, the press
historians name it semi-official, because its publishers were having strong
ties with the Ministry of Home Affairs and Gendarme Department and were
financially supported by the government for declaring the policy suitable to
the authorities.
Even this
privileged newspaper failed to overcome the state monopoly to publish the
commercial advertisements. Advertisements published in the lower half of the
page through the first to fourth lines included only sights, new books and
fashions. F. Bulgarin managed to overcome the official prohibition for the
advertising of the companies and goods with the help of the hidden advertising.
In his articles and notes as if on a random basis the goods quality was praised
to the sky. The researcher B.I. Esin writes that in order to receive some
profit Bulgarin did not hesitate to blackmail the merchants and factory-owners.
Newspaper’ the official body of the Foreign Trade Department and a private
weekly magazine ‘Merchant’ were distributing the major part of the commercial
news and advertisements. The ‘Merchant’ was published in three languages –
Russian, French and German. Its aim was to ‘provide the home industry success
by pointing the trade houses, factories, plants, and work-shops with all
possibilities to sell and acquisition of the goods.’
A qualitatively
new epoch of the advertising activities development was started in 1861 after
the abolition of serfdom and the accelerated development of the capitalist
relations. The most important event was the abolition of the limitations to the
commercial advertisements publication in the magazines and newspapers. Changed
social conditions provided for the appearance of the new periodicals. The most popular editions were ‘Voice’ by
Kraevsky, ‘Petersburg Leaflet’, ‘Moscow Leaflet’ and many others.
Along with the
advertising agencies information agencies were also formed, they were aiming to
publish not only commercial and domestic news but the political as well.
Summarizing the
problem of Russian periodical advertising in the eighteenth century we may
state, that according to our observations the texts were mainly of the
reference, business information character, which was typical for the
advertisement genre. Elements of the evaluative information, developed
suggestive advertising appear in the reports of the literary novelties. So, we
may state that the Russian industrial and commercial advertising process
development was mainly influenced by the abolition of serfdom.
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