Mandykaeva Almagul Ramasanovna
Doctor PhD
of psychology of university «Turan-Astana»
Astana, Kazakhstan
Communication is about using symbols
and in case of humans, using language, to convey meanings and ideas between
individuals and it involves the act of evoking reactions from other
individuals. Human communication is marked by intention and anticipation of the
reactions and communication in humans can be verbal when mediated by language
or non-verbal when no language is invoiced. Communication can also be direct
when a certain pattern of behavior evokes a particular type of response or subtle
and indirect when behaviors are not predictable or ambiguous and not even
completely comprehensible. Thus communication is separated into certain
distinct categories such as:
1.Direct and Indirect
2.Verbal and non-verbal
Any direct communication can be both
verbal and just as indirect communication can also be verbal or non verbal. Verbal
communication can again be direct or indirect. So let`s say there are four
types of communication patterns in humans-verbal and direct, verbal and
indirect, non-verbal and direct, non-verbal and indirect. Examples of verbal
and direct would be saying things that are straightforward or unambiguous and
with no hidden or incomprehensible massager. These are verbal expressions of
emotions and ideas as they occur. Like when you are happy and say that you are
happy, you are using the verbal direct method of communication to express your
feelings. Indirect methods of verbal communication are using subtle expression
such as taunts, sarcasm, hints etc. that can have ambiguous meanings and do not
represent expressions of emotions or ideas as they occur. This if you are sad
and do not say so but imply indirectly,
then you are using indirect methods to convey your state of mind. Non verbal
communication is about using cues, facial or bodily expressions, body language,
eye or hand movements etc., to express ideas. This can be quite direct like
say, hitting a person is rather non verbal but direct as it expresses anger
just as crying represents sorrow. However non verbal communication can be
indirect such as turning away your eyes from a person you feel uncomfortable
with or maintaining prolonged eye contact with a person to convey a message /1/.
Communication is the basis of human
and non-human interaction and we can all communicate with a touch or a sound, a
look or a symbol, a word or a sentence and also by doing or saying nothing at
all. The body is an important interface in communication and I`ve discussed
this in the psychology of body in which body language is shown to play an
important role in communication. We communicate with our mates through intimate
body language and sexual interaction is a very important communication tool in
humans and also in animals. The psychology of communication will include the different
elements or stages of communication in an individual such as:
1.Absorption of external
information through listening or reading etc,
2.Interpretation of the stimuli
received, and
3.Reaction to the information
obtained through behavior
The three stages of the
communication process in absorption or taking in information, the
interpretation or deriving meaning of the information and reaction or
responding to the information are facilitated by the following elements:
1. Absorption or taking in information-is through sense
organs and we simply absurd the sounds and colors, the spoken words and all
external data provided to us. Absorption is an objective process.
2.Interpretation or analysis of
information –involves using brain mechanisms and analyzing external stimuli as
well as details such as expressions and subtle verbal and non verbal cues, so
interpretation is subjective process
3. Reaction or response to the stimuli-uses physical
communication routes such as speech, language or expressions through facial and
bodily movements. Reactions are the
result of a subjective and an objective process. This is because when presented
with certain stimuli we all have a set of predictable responses which are
objective but depending on how we interpret the situation subjectively, the
reactions might vary to an extent. Reactions can be imitative- you smile when
you see someone smiling or it can be just the opposite as when someone tries to
look at you and you try to look away.
This reaction or response evoked in an
individual can become a stimulus ,for another chain of responses or the stimulus
can be a completely separate event or situation. Behaviorists will usually
consider communication as a stimulus-response pattern with individuals
perceiving the stimuli and reacting to them in the form of communication. Freudian
psychoanalysis suggest that communication is directly related to how we subjectively perceive the external
information based on our own experiences. So interpretation of external stimuli
or the mediation of the individual mind is the most important aspect of communication
according to psychoanalysis, although behaviorists will completely eliminate the
importance of the interpretation part considering communication as nothing but
a series of mechanical stimulus-response pattern. Thus according to behavioral
psychology, we perceive an object and react to it via communication almost like
a computer program. It sounds strange that the importance of mind and
consciousness in communication has only been recently acknowledged in
scientific psychology/2/.
The methods of communication are also
equally interesting as humans communicate through the written word and the
spoken word and through letters, messages, phone calls, personal face to face
conversation, through glances and physical contact, through sex, and on a wider
scale through seminars, conferences, news events, newspapers, press releases,
books, brochures, and campaigning or propaganda. The newer methods of
communication using information technology are via chats and chartrooms,
internet and emails, text messages, forums, blogging and networking. Technology
has opened up new avenues of communication and the world is now completely depended on n how far and
how quickly people are able to communicate.
Communication is central to our
modern life, yet it is a difficult and complicated process and a gap remains
between the ideas communicated and the ideas perceived. This communication gap
as it is generally called is closed only with proper consideration of all
verbal, non verbal, indirect and direct elements of the communication process.
So in a personal or business meeting the communication process involves not
just presentation of the ideas of people verbally but also the non verbal
facial and bodily expressions /3/.
The purpose of communication is almost always motivated or intentional as we
naturally expert a response from people we communicate with. In fact all
communication is based on anticipation of response from others thus
communication tend to have a direction or purpose. However the communication
gap can create problems in the process and the purpose of communication may
remain unfulfilled when communicated ideas are too vague or indirect. The vagueness
increases when channels of communication between two or more individuals are
remote or distal rather than proximal.
Language is the expression of human
communication through which knowledge,
beliefs and behavior
can be experienced,
explained and shared.
A language disorder
is the impairment or deviant
development of expression
and or, comprehension of words in
contexts. The disorder
may involve the
form of language,
the content of
language and, or,
the function of
language as a
communication tool. It
is estimated that
between 6 and
8 million individuals
in the United States have
some form of
language impairment. Disordered
of language affect
children and adults
differently. For children
who do not use language
normally from birth,
or who acquire the impairment
in childhood, the
disorder occurs in
the context of
a language system
that is not
fully developed or
acquired. Many adults
aqua ire disorders of
language because of
stroke, head injury,
dementia or brain
tumors. Language disorders
are also found
in adults who
failed to develop
normal language because
of childhood autism,
hearing impairment or
other congenital or
acquired disorders of
brain development/4/.
Auditory Processing (Hearing).
Auditory processing is
the term used
to describe what
happens in your
brain when it
recognizes and interprets
the sounds around
you. Humans hear
energy, which we
recognize as sound
when it travels
through the ear
and is changed into electrical
impulses that can
be interpreted by
the brain. The
“disorder” part of
auditory processing disorder
(APD) means that
something is adversely
affecting the processing
or interpretation of
Reflections in Psychology. Saberio Roy. Part I. (2009)/
The Psychology of
Communication. Jon Eielson,
J. Jeffery Auer, John V. Irwin. New
York. 1963.
Cherry C. On Human communication. New York: Wiley, 1957.
Black J. W.,
& Moore W.
E. Speech: code, meaning, and
communication. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955.
this article is
considers the psychology
of communication. There are communicating’s functions, rules
and please in modern life.
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