Ph.D., prof. FILIPPOVA S.V., teacher Nizyaeva s.a. 

Odessa national polytechnical university, Odessa, Ukraine


           The modern prospects of economic development of Ukraine contact with highly developed technological and competitive enterprises, the economic activity of which would create a synergetic effect with the national economic system. Such effect is possible only at presence of innovative development of vine making enterprises which make basis of competitiveness of national economy.

          Without regard to active scientific searches in this direction of researches, some important theoretical-and-methodical and the applied principles of innovative development of vine making enterprises have not yet got the proper ground. 

           When forming the value cost of company such factors, as informative systems, innovative technologies are especially important, and social and imaginary factors influence of which in the traditional methods of estimation has not been taken into account [2, 4]. It is for today possible to assert that intellectual property does not perform a role of resource in the system of forming of value of vine making enterprises and does not influence substantially on a level of its technological safety and competitiveness [1].

-    really promote the market price value of enterprises to 30 and more production capacities, make dispersion of financial, skilled, scientific and technical potentials;

 -   demand of users for innovative developments goes down;

  -  an investment attractiveness goes down and degradation of source of raw materials of the vine making has being increased.

           Lately development of vine making industry is characterized by reduction of percent of high-quality assortment. In regards to this it is necessary to consider these factors and especially innovative ones, which define the coefficient of wear of capital production assets, especially their active part (tabl.1).


Level of wear of the fixed assets %

Name of enterprise






Joint-stock Company Izmail vine factory”





Joint-stock Company Bolgrad  vine making factory





Joint-stock Company Victoriya





Joint-stock Company Kiliya vine making factory





Joint-stock Company Odesavinprom





Joint-stock Company Odesa factory of champagne vines”





Joint-stock Company Odesa cognac factory





         The low role of intellectual constituent in a domestic economy restrains development of innovative processes. Without regard to that during the last 7 years the volumes of budgetary resources on introduction of technological innovations grew by 15 times, and innovative performance of vine making enterprises indicators go down from year to year, because: has been appeared the de-concentration of the products born by the hard financial-and -economical state of the most enterprises. 

         Increasing high technological and organizational level of production, high quality of products and, as a result, are getting better the technical indexes of quality in the whole: same of the technical level (parameters) of the products and quality of making the products. But we have chosen such point of view on the process of innovative-and-technological development of vine making enterprises, in accordance with which basic there must be a subject:

         Greater part of vine making enterprises in Ukraine has been founded, mainly, in 60-70th. Their equipment physically and morally became outdated, and needs considerable investments in major repairs, reconstruction, modernization of capital assets. Direction of application of new technologies of production foresees realization of a few variants: 1) replacement of worn-out and outdated equipment; 2) utilization of the existent production capacities.

            The replacement of the worn-out and out-dated equipment during development of production capacities should be done not by their replacements, but – by their utilization.

            During performing of utilization of the existent production capacities a primary purpose is to avoid worsening of technical indexes of quality, and as a result, considerable improvement of technological and organizational level of production.

            Chosen direction of innovative-and-technological development of vine making enterprise needs proper financial providing.

             In order to inculcate that or other innovation (in production, marketing, organization), an enterprise must be in possession for proper possibilities at every stage of innovative cycle - from NDDKR to introduction of innovative commodity to the market. These possibilities make basic part of innovative potential of the enterprise. Innovative potential of vine making enterprises should be considered as ability to create new cost by having a special purpose integration of material and immaterial assets for providing its innovative development.

          Among basic directions of innovative-and-technological developments are the follows: new technologies of advancement of commodity; application of new technologies of production; diversification due to adaptation of new products (commodities) on the basis of new technologies.

          The rates of growth of realization of innovative products during the last three years exceed growth of expenses into scientific research-and-developments by 1,2–1,3 times which is the evidence of orientation of vine making industry.

          Regarding the expenses into the  innovative development of the enterprise it should be included the expenses into NDDKR, the acquisition of patents, licenses, expenses for adaptation and applying the technological innovations into the food industry, expenses for introduction organizational-and-administrative innovations (including marketing and logistic ones).

         Estimation of results of introduction of innovative-and-technological measures needs determination of the following:

 -  effective estimation of competition position of vine making  enterprise;

 -  increase of market value of vine making enterprise after investments in the innovative technological development;

 -   sums of increase of market value of vine making enterprise.

        At present terms a vine making enterprise must not only produce competitive products, but generate cost values for wide circle of users as the results of its activity and able to influence on the efficiency of its functioning.

        Consequently, a value of vine making enterprise is the system of characteristics of the enterprise which demonstrate the possibility to generate cost values for the wide circle of users of results of its functioning: for the users of products and for suppliers, for shareholders, for state and public community, for personnel of the company. Therefore the use of the valued approach substantially extends the methodological approaches for  determination and management of cost values of vine making enterprises.

List of the used sources

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2.      Гриньова В.М., Власенко В.В. Організаційні проблеми інноваційної діяльності на підприємствах: Монографія. – Х.: ВД „ІНЖЕК”, 2005. – 200 с.

3.      Про інноваційну діяльність. Закон України // Відомості Верховної Ради України. – 2002. – №36. – Ст. 266.

4.      Чухрай Н. Формування інноваційного потенціалу підприємства: маркетингове і логістичне забезпечення: Монографія. – Львів: Націон. ун-т „Львівська політехніка”, 2002. – 315 с.

5.      Возжаев А. Управление нематериальными активами // Управление компанией. – 2008. - № 6 (85).

6.      Філіппова С.В., Григор’єва О.А. Сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку інноваційно-активних підприємств Одеського регіону // Соціально-економічні проблеми регіонального розвитку. Матеріали ХІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. – Дніпропетровськ. Видавництво ІМА-прес, 2009. – С. 305-307.