Golovko О.
Kharkov Institute of Banking
University of Banking of National Bank of Ukraine
In today's economic conditions a particularly important to issue is the
sustainable development of banks. This constancy of any entity and performance
management is determined by the previous analysis to the consideration of such
a facility study. Analysis is a tool or an object orient the development
process towards achieving the goals. Simultaneously, the analysis is based on a
generalization of the number of various indicators that reveal the activity of
an object or a process. Therefore it is appropriate to draw attention to the
synthesis of financial stability indicators of banks.
The operation and development of banks in Ukraine are under constant
supervision of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). Such work is carried out
within the monitoring of a number of standards and indicators that are
determined in accordance with instructions on regulation of banks in Ukraine,
according to general practical methodology for calculating indicators of
financial stability for the depository institutions [1, 2]. The scientific
researches from different countries are devoted to the matters of general
practical methodology of calculation of indicators of financial stability for
the depository institutions.
B. Eichengreen and A. Rose, consider the influence
of the structure of banks' balance sheets on the stability of their development
in terms of combating negative phenomena in the financial sector as indicators of financial stability of banks [3]. G. Kaminsky and C. Reinhart regard the dynamics of the volume of
credits granted the volume of deposits, the real rate of interest on deposits
and the percentage on loans to the appropriate rate for deposits as indicators
of bank financial stability [4]. The research of J. Sachs, A. Tornell and
A. Velasco proves bank defines the dynamics of the proportion between related
to the loan volume and gross domestic product influences the bank financial stability [5]. B. Gonzalez-Hermosillo, C. Pazarbasioglu, R.
Billings considering indicators of bank financial stability, functioning and
development, separate interest rates on interbank loans and deposits related to
the amount of money [6].
The result of research of experts and practitioners in banking for the
determination of bank financial stability indicators is a generalization of the
International Monetary Fund as a guide for preparation and use of such codes
[7]. The essence of the system is means the synthesis of twelve basic and
fourteen support indicators. These figures are determined on the basis of the
capital, assets, revenues and expenditures, as well as interest rates of the
Л.Ю. Петриченко defines that indicators of
the system of indicators of financially stable bank must include twenty-two
financial ratios, first of all profitability, capital adequacy, liquidity,
structure of assets, liabilities and capital, the ratio of the volume of loans
to the obligations [8]. Т. В. Процик determines
indicator of the monetary system stability in the form of index, which includes
the level of bank capitalization, the value discount rate, bank liquidity and
the rate of change [9]. Р. В. Михайлюк states the system
of bank stability indicators with the help of the level of capitalization, the
levels of solvency and bank liquidity, adding the quality of assets and
liabilities, the level of profitability, the quality of capital management and the
bank reaches to risk and the quality of risk management [10].
The above mentioned
indicators of bank financial stability allow to generalize their plurality on
the basis of identifying key features in this review (Fig. 1. made by the
Thus, an attempt to give a comprehensive definition of indicators of
bank financial stability based on the disclosure of investigations of home and
foreign scientists determined recommendations of the International Monetary
Fund as for financial stability generalization of depositary corporations and
the main provisions NBU. It is possible to identify differences in the
definitions of existing indicators of financial stability and to generalize
plurality of considered indicators taking info account their key individual
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2. Інструкції про порядок регулювання
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3. Eichengreen B. Staying afloat when the wind
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A. Rose. – NBER Working paper. – 1998. – № 6370. – Режим доступу: www.nber.org.
4. Kaminsky G. The Twin Crises: The Causes of Banking and
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5. Sachs J. Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: The
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8. Петриченко
Л. Ю. Забезпечення фінансової стабільності комерційних банків України: автореф. дис. на здоб. наук. ступ. к.е.н. : спец. 08.04.01 «Фінанси, грошовий обіг і
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9. Процик Т.
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10. Михайлюк Р. В. Основні критерії оцінювання фінансової стійкості комерційного банку / Р. В. Михайлюк // Проблеми і перспективи розвитку банківської системи України : зб. наук. праць. Т. 17. – Суми: УАБС НБУ, 2006.