Economic science /10. Economics of enterprise
of instant and interval
competitiveness of enterprises:
methodological aspects
As it follows from up-to-date interpretation of
economical meaning of enterprise competitiveness conception, competitiveness as
one of the most general synthetic characteristic of enterprise, is predictive
assessment of mentioned enterprise “success” functioning in conditions of
competitive environment in future [3, 7, 11, 12]. Furthermore the “success” of such a functioning
associates justly with production efficiency [10].
As is shown in [2, 3], the process of functioning of any industrial
enterprise can be introduced the utmost aggregated in the form of processes
synergy of two groups: output of
products processes (1) and reproduction processes (2). First group processes
(hereinafter production) using fixed production assets ensure transformation of
production resources into final (for enterprise) product and have cyclical
character, i.e. are repeated multiply by enterprise during the process of
functioning. Second group processes (reproduction processes) are directed on
change of production infrastructure, enterprise socium, production organization
and management system in order to provide possibility of production processes
implementation during next cycles in modified form. Generally, the enterprise reproduction activities under the
conditions of innovative model of economy and enterprises development takes
form of investment and innovation activities and realized within the frames of
investment program of the enterprise development.
Obviously, level of competitive capacity of
enterprise is determined by both group, moreover, with stiffer competition
importance of reproduction processes increases substantially. Analysis of
mechanism of enterprises adjustment to competitive environment conditions, made
by the author of present research in article [3], shows that whole complex of
measures on enterprises competitive growth can be divided into two classes
according to their internal nature: measures realizing parametric adaptation
and measures realizing structural adaptation. Measures of first type are directed on mode change of enterprise operation within the framework of its production, economics and other possibilities. Such actions can be exemplified by
cutting of prices of manufactured items, reduction of employees’ salary level
with the purpose of cost reduction, quantity of output adjustment in response
to change in demand, etc. Any investment and innovation measures can be
referred to structural adaptation: construction and put into operation of new
production facilities, upgrade skills of personnel, improvement of methods of
material and technical supply and sale, mastering of new markets of production
resources and enterprise’s products.
Qualitative difference of production and
reproduction as well as parametric and structural adaptation is that first one
are determined by enterprise current state and foreign economic environment of
its functioning and realized within the framework of one production cycle
(conditionally can be considered per saltum or instantly), and the second have
substantively more long characteristic and defined on prolong intervals of
With respect to the task of estimation of enterprises
competitiveness this means that, firstly, existence (or expediency of
separation and independent research) of qualitatively different components of
competitiveness: instant (momental) and interval (long term), and, secondly,
necessity of qualitatively different methodological and methodical approaches
to measurement of degree of evidence of enterprise competitiveness mentioned
As far as enterprise competitiveness is
specific characteristic of enterprise capability (see, for example, [5, 8, 11, 12]), possibility and expediency of estimation of
enterprises competitiveness level through estimation of its production and
investment and innovation capabilities is naturally follows from momental and
interval concept of competitiveness. In addition, enterprise production
potential reflects enterprise production capabilities, i.e. capability of
enterprise as to output of products (under any permissive conditions), and
investment and innovation capabilities – capabilities of enterprise to realize
investment and innovation (i.e. reproduction) activities.
Such approach allows to involve all arsenal of
methodical tools of production capability quantitative measurement in tasks of
evaluation of industrial enterprises competitiveness [1, 13, 14] (and, in particular, whole scale of enterprise
production capacity indicators [9, 13]) and investment and innovation capabilities of
enterprise [4, 6].
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