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Tuleshova M.T. Kasimbekova L.Sh.

Academic Innovative University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan




         The educative purpose of this article is to prove that country study material is one of the important and interesting material at  the university.

         At the university we can use not only historical materials of country. We should connect country study with tradition, customs, literature (novels, short and funny stories) and so on. [1]

         We think that country study is one of the important necessary subject.  Because every student must know his country better then others countries. If we want to know our country we must read more and more. Reading is one of the main sources of getting knowledge.

         It is better to take the fiction stories text of country study themes. The fiction stories of authors from the country studied language. This material should  reflect  the whole range  of janrs and must present a systematic view of the country studying  literature.

         Country studies better to use fiction stories, but not scientific-popular literature. Scientific-popular literature presents a narrow literature, it is necessary to possess with some special background and keep interest to this problem. It is impossible to formulate the structure of the plot in the scientific-popular literature [2].

         One of the main task of country study is to enlarge  the word stock of students. The advantage of fiction stories is that an author uses quite repetitive  lexical material. The same  word can be presented in different context and grammar  structures. This repetition allows to use the lexical material after words. The lexical material is closely connected with the vocabulary of common use. It is traceable the lines between reading and speaking on the basic of country study text.

         The development of reading and communicative skills considers to the age psychology of pupils. At the early stage children  read stories about every day life. Communication here is devoted to the real life and has some standards are acquiring of this reality and then speaking. That’s why they need lexics use to prove their statement other than children share their feelings, problems, domestic affairs  with pleasure [3].

         Reading brings us, potentially  the whole world except for tiny segment of it which we can experience directly. Our direct experiences  are limited by our total social circumstances where and how we live, what money and facilities we have and ultimately by the fact that  we must die. The range of experience available  to us through  reading is unlimited, but it is not merely  a question of quantity. The most  important kinds of reading are those which  in some way affect the  segment of life that is within the range of our direct experience, by increasing our understanding of ourselves and others, improving our powers to discriminate  and thus enriching  the quality of our lives.  From this  is follows  that the most rewarding  kinds of reading are not merely those which offer information (knowledge about thing), important though this may be or entertainment, though this too can play its part, but the body of imaginative  writing, which deals with the aspiration of man in general, and is therefore necessary  relevant to our own experiences. What  are rather drearily called the classics, or “serious” literature, are in fact the beat of those pieces  of writing, whether poetry, prose, or drama, which claim to make, implicitly or explicitly, statements about “Life” in general and therefore about us. To be able to discriminate  in this field between the false and the true, between glitter and glow, between the superficial and the fundamental, is of quite unusual will tend to develop a critical capacity, tool of increasing precision[4]. 

         It is known, that every pupil has a big interests in foreign language and foreign country’s life.  We called lingua country study such a science which its explored the ways of acquaintance pupils with a new culture for them.

         The practice shows, that pupils with big interests  and curiosity treat history, culture, art, traditions, customs, geography, hobby and etc. which is in connected  with foreign country. 

         The motivation factors of lingua country study reading.

For education the motivational sphere  of motivation and read lines of motivation of pupil  in reading lingua country material in the text usual questionnaire has such point: “I’d like to read more about English-speaking country’s culture for …”.

In the result of questionnaire we can divided into 8 points of motivation:     

1.     Group of educative motives.

The motive of this group is the following the teenagers age wants to know about English-speaking country’s culture in providing general education. That group has such answers: “I want to enlarge  my outlook; I’d like to know more notion about England, the USA and other countries.

2.     Motive of communication.

This motive is connected with possible contact in sphere  of association. In this group has such answers: I can read about English-speaking and American’s sport team, youth’s culture. I’d like to exchange of education and associate.

3.     Motive of education.

This motive’s characteristic feature shows up to get better mark. This group gives such answers: The teacher can put 2 and 3. The parents will scold.

4.     The motive of self-confidence.

This group has of character hidden and has such answers: I’d like to be equal with my friends and speak in one language.

5.     Imitative motive. “I do as all do”.

This motive is to reveal, in the process of personal conversation with pupil and talk with teacher. And give such answers: I am as all.

6.     Motive of social-public.

This motive has such point of view: I’d like to read more about English-speaking country’s culture and try to understand how other country is developed and may be I can help my country.

7.     Motive of leader.

In surveys with pupil the answers was such as: I want to know more, because I would like to have authority in the class. In the case my friend appeals me with any questions, so they will respect me.

8.     Motive of career.       

Some of pupils propose, that lingua country studying knowledge may be in need for further education.

         The aspect  of lingua country studying is life.

         It is for biologist and philosophers to discuss “what life is?” we have the less ambitious task for examining  what people mean by the word life, or more  strictly, some of the different things they may mean. If it were possible to identify the earliest sense of the word, we should naturally  begin with that sense. But we cannot  even be sure that there was anything which could be quite unambiguously called “the earliest sense”. That very expression suggests  that the word  must have begun by having a single, rigidly homogeneous meaning.

         This treatment can be applied to life. The word may be used to mean the element or elements within life which the speaker values most highly. Living  or alive  may mean “enjoying  those experiences or performing those actions which are most worth while”. But people differ very widely as to which experiences and actions  these are. Accordingly the word life when used in this evaluative  sense has almost as many different contexts as there are speakers.

         Life can be amorousness life can be emotion in general, as against intellect.

What, then can we say bout good novels?

Most novels, for example are about people and we read them in order to discover more about people. The good novelists offer us an insight, belonging to a particular period or class or setting, into people-their relations, their  aspirations because  we’d like to know about others, but it is vital important, because of the light it casts  on ourselves. We, too are people: we have certain fundamental characteristic in common within all people and more in common with the people imagined  during the relatively recent literary  from of the novel. The residual  effect of a great novel is that it changes, in  some degree, our perception of ourselves and our own ‘setting’ [5].

         The novel, then, introduces us to other modes of being  than our own other periods, other classes, other situations; and the informative  and imaginative importance of this  must  not be underestimated. But its major role is to widen  and deepen  our own imaginative  capacities. The greatest the novel more difficult  it is to write about it, because  the complete work is, as it were, a seamless  garment. Some abridgments of novels for schools are  relatively successful, but the best novel the more difficult generally it is to abridge it, and the worst treatment of all is to chop out sentences or phrases or single words and offer what is left in some such terms as “Every word written by Charles Dickens”.       

         I have seen that the object of practice is to allow pupils to focus on the accuracy of what they are saying and writing. But I have shown that this does not mean  that such  activities have to be dull and manipulative; on the contrary  many practice  activities  are great  fun and provide  the pupils  with a satisfactory  blend of confidence and enjoyment.

         The teacher must be informative and knowledge, and the level of knowledge must be high, of course, they must be enthusiastic, energetic and more emotional.

         Everytime  the teacher must conduct lesson in high tempo. The whole material must be logically, connected and consequently.  We use lingua country study material for broaden learners knowledge horizon. They must be confident in usage, communication with foreigner’s competitions.



1.     Studies in Words C.S.Lewis

2.     The art of English. R.Monsfield

3.     Reading and Response. R.P.Hewett.

4.     Metre, Rhythm. G.A.Voytova

5.     World Book. Ensclopedia