Tashbekova I.J.,
Kursk state technical university
of education in the Russian Empire in second half of XIX-th century
Russia in the XIX-th century there were some educational levels: since an
elementary education (elementary) in 2-3 classes and finishing higher education
(a magistracy and a scientific degree of the doctor of sciences). Education in
Russia was given by educational institutions, and also private teachers (house
formation). Educational institutions in the Russian empire were subdivided into
the higher, average and the lowest.
national schools named the lowest schools became the first level in an
education system of the Russian empire.
of the schools, primary encouragement of church-parish schools acted as the factors,
disturbing to national education development in Russia.
given opinion was expressed not only the public, but also has been is standard
supported, to that archival materials where it is specified testify also that
concerning participation of orthodox clergy in business of national education
by the minister of national education the circular offer in which it is
explained on July, 20th, 1878 is given that for successes in national education
the nearest participation in the given case of orthodox clergy is necessary and
is specified in a duty of educational department to promote such participation
and to have to it. Existence of a large quantity of tserkovno-parish schools in
Russia – a fact of common knowledge.
of introduction of obligatory education in Russia in second half of XIX-th
century sounded repeatedly, but possibility of realisation of such actions was
of enough of educational institutions both their material and educational
neediness became one of problems in impossibility of granting of educational
services to all population of school age. Therefore about 2/3 children of the
radical Russian population remained without training. Absence of due number and
corresponding qualification of teachers also did not promote introduction of
general formation in Russia. Gradually in Russia on the basis Standard
creativity the minister of national education courses for preparation of
teachers start to open.
educational institutions which included became a following link of educational
system of Russia: 1) man's grammar schools, programmar schools and schools; 2)
real schools; 3) technical schools; 4) special educational institutions; 5)
teacher's institutes, seminaries and schools; 6) female grammar schools, programmar
schools and schools.
grammar schools eight-class training for men and seven-class for women with a
year course in each class was necessary. Programmar schools assumed four – six
class training for young men and three-class for girls. All grammar schools and
programmar schools in territory of Russia opened under the order of the
minister of national education. Grammar schools gave the general education with
the receipt right in higher educational institutions.
schools existing in Russia gave the general education, «adapted for practical
requirements and to acquisition of technical knowledge». Training term in such
schools made six years, that is six-class formation with a year course in each
schools were specialised in preparation of average and lowest degree of
technical and craft education, at duration of training in three – for the
lowest and four years – for the higher degrees of formation.
would be desirable to note existence and special educational institutions
duration of training in which made from four till seven years – first two years
of the person received the general education, and in the subsequent year –
special. The given educational institutions carried óçêîíàïðàâëåííóþ preparation of persons, for
example, miners, deaf-and-dumb etc. (Turin mountain school, the Warsaw
institute deaf-and-dumb and blind).
average educational institutions teacher's institutes, seminaries and the
schools which purpose was preparation of teachers for city schools began to
occupy a special place.
higher step of a Russian education were universities. And all universities were
«under special protection of Its Imperial Majesty and were called imperial».
Except universities in structure of the higher education, subordinated to the Ministry
of national education, existed Demidovsky legal school (in Yaroslavl);
philological institutes; Imperial school in memory of cesarevitch Nikolay;
technical schools; Archaeological institute; agriculture and forestry Institute
in a city of New Alexandria; veterinary institutes.
the Ministry of national education there were also other departments which had
a direct bearing on formation. So, for example, under the authority of the
Imperial court yard the Imperial academy of arts, painting School, the Penza,
Kharkov and Kiev art schools, theatrical schools consisted.
In the
Ministry of Trade and the industry educational institutions as regards
technical, is art-industrial, craft, mountain, commercial and trading
navigation consisted.
the authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there were medical
educational institutions (Imperial institute of experimental medicine,
Orthopedic institute, Gynecologic institute, schools medical assistant, dental
surgery schools, pharmaceutical schools), and also spiritual educational
institutions, musical schools, schools of translators.
Ministry of Justice has reserved the right to itself conducting concerning
schools of jurisprudence, geodetic schools.
institutes, schools concerned Ministry of Railways; schools of conductors;
technical railway schools; river schools.
St.-Petersburg the almshouse and craft education of children under the
beginnings of Office of an almshouse and craft education of children has been
formed. The given house was private, charitable establishment and was under the
protection of the Emperor. Education and training «to useful knowledge and
crafts ïðèçðåâàåìûõ of both sexes
without distinction on estates of knowledge and creeds» was its basic purpose.
In land
management and agriculture Central administrative board educational
institutions in parts agriculture, handicraft industrial and wood consisted.
house education has been developed in Russia everywhere, however availability
such formations was the privilege of the separate levels of population which
had high enough property status.
on national education rose repeatedly as the public, and in state structures.
The put education system could give the chance to an education availability of
all population of the huge country, however, absence of development of a
network of educational institutions, due structure of teachers and their
professionalism could not provide idea of public education.
In this
connection the government, trying to find implementation ways the yet not
developed concept of public literacy, has followed a way of legal reforming of
an education system.
objections of separate state structures and currents of the public, a direction
in reforming of an education system by the Government of the Russian empire and
the Ministry of national education were are taken true.