Bolatova A.B., YElgazinov D.S.

The East Kazakhstan state technical university named aftor D.Serikbaev



By working out of firm minerals by underground way the difficult system of underground constructions presented by extended mountain developments, variously focused in space is created. The network of mountain developments of any mine or mine together with hollow sites (HS) represents a difficult engineering construction which naturally requires an estimation of level of its reliability on an interval of time of its functioning for mining operations.

Without stopping on details of the description of underground constructions, we will note their one general property – it should be steady (not destroyed) on some quite certain time T.

Hence, the basic characteristic of their stability it is necessary to accept size of their probability not destructions on Ò, i.e.

Ðí=1-Ðâ                                   (1)

Where Ðâ – probability of destruction of an underground design.

Condition of loss of stability various be whole can it is presented by crossing of two random variables:

Ðâ=                          (2)

Where - function of distribution normal to section took pressure in its least diameter or width, ÌÏà;

- Function of distribution of durability of breeds took on compression, ÌÏà.

The population means and dispersion is defined on known analytical dependences for various hypotheses of formation of loading on took. These hypotheses in article are not discussed. Also are defined on the basis of experimental data on samples taking into account the real environment.

Besides catastrophic refusals by deposit working out by underground way there are refusals to which number we carry most often shown:

- Destruction single columnical or tape it is whole;

- Stability loss at planimetric a file on a breast of a face and from sides of developments;

- A collapse of a roof of developments.

Probability of destruction of the single it is whole it is defined by crossing of function of distribution (2) where and dispersions of parameters and define a population mean under known formulas.

Stability loss at planimetric a file is predicted by crossing of random variables: functions distribution pressure, perpendicular to a breast of a face and sides of mountain developments and durability of breeds on rupture. The probability of a collapse of breeds of a roof on expression is similarly defined:


Let's consider further algorithm of definition of probabilities of display of catastrophic and usual refusals at crossing considered above random variables.

Let's designate the right parts of an inequality (1), (2), (3) functions of density of distribution of probabilities, and left – functions then all possible outcomes of definition of reliability of underground constructions will be expressed by following set of analytical formulas: (pic. 1 – 6).

Let's consider various outcomes:




Then reliability to be defined under the following formula:


Reliability for this case will be expressed in a kind:


For this kind it is had:


And at last a case 6, when

Reliability we will write down in a kind:


Here in formulas designations are accepted:

j(Sïð) = j(S) - function of distribution of loadings on at planimetric a file (normal, tangents),

Here we consider all cases of crossing of sizes y(S¢) è j(S).

{y(S¢) Ç j(S)}.                                                                    (11)

We develop universal methods of calculation of sizes of reliability (Ðí) (7¸10) for the normal law of distribution j(S) è y(S¢) äëÿ êîìïüþòåðíûõ òåõíîëîãèé óïðàâëåíèÿ.

Basically, random variables j(S), y(S¢) can be distributed under any known law which parameters can be defined or theoretically a method of statistical tests, or experimentally.

To the simplified estimation of reliability of designs of underground constructions probably to apply the elementary laws of distribution:

The equiprobable:

;                                              (12)

The triangular:

;                                          (13)

;                                            (14)

The truncated normal:


With parameters:



With led norm to unit the area F1 = 0,999, similarly for y(S¢).

The specified laws of distribution (12), (15) allow to receive formulas (10)  (12) for Ðí in an explicit form.

The schedule of possible crossings of random variables will be presented in the following articles.

According to the results resulted above in basic parameters for research of reliability (stability) of an artificial concrete roof and an artificial file, supporting a roof of chambers are:

1.  - Strength of a file of a bookmark on a stretching, is defined in vitro

, ÌÏà or òñ/ì2                   (17)

where,   - Relative density bookmark a file,

 - Safety factor factor; òñ/ì3;

L – Flight of the chamber, ì;

hí – Height of a layer of a bookmark, ì;

2. Loading on artificial ceiling bookmarks which works on a file stretching. This size is recommended to be defined under the formula of prof. N.S.Bulychyov.

Ð = , òñ/ì2                            (18)

where, =òñ/ì3;   b = ì;         Ñ = òñ/ì2;   Õ è tg φ – the dimensionless;

Laboratory researches durabilitical characteristics bookmark a file allow to estimate them during all period firming and normal work in the form of two components:

- Durability bookmark a file on compression (on samples) - ;

- Durability bookmark a file on rupture (on samples) -

It is necessary to pay attention that working off of deposits of valuable ores is made by descending layers when techniques and people work in the chamber with an artificial file of a roof. Clearly that reliability of a roof (bookmark) should be enough high. By data statisticians of work of Bakyrchiksky gold mining mine reliability of Ðç of an artificial roof in function from factor of a stock of Êç of its durability us will be investigated in an interval:

0,9≤Ðç≤0,99                                      (19)


1. Universal mathematical models with stochastic statement for definition of reliability of underground constructions, in particular for artificial bookmark files are received by a theoretical way.

2. Settlement models for definition of stability artificial bookmark files are received.

3. Stochastic laws for reliability of an artificial roof from factor of a stock of its breaking strength are deduced.

The literature list

1. N.S.Bulychyov of underground constructions (in examples and problems), Bowels, Moscow, 1989. 314 p.

2. E.I.system's Horns the analysis in mining. Alma-Ata. 1976. 206 p.

3. Rogov E.I., Gritsko G. I, Vylegzhanin V. N. Mathematical models of adaptation of processes and colliery subsystems. Alma-Ata, 1979. 208 p.