Kharin s.a.
Influence of factors of explosive works
on the rates of
leadthrough of barrels
At the considerable wear of entry-driving
equipment of organizations and in connection with the becomings complicated terms of his update there is of
interest a question about possibility of management the rates of drivages by
less expense factors. In this connection, in particular, the estimation of
degree of influence on speed of driving of making (v) of coefficient of capacity of explosive (eð) is actual, fillfactor of mining hole (kz) and
coefficient of structure of breeds (fc).
It is possible to specify that with high
enough exactness dependence of speed of driving of making from the coefficient
of structure of breeds can be characterized by a linear function
v = -5,6411fc + 30,249.
It should be noted considerable
changeability of coefficient of structure of breeds and his ability in a strong
degree to influence on speed of driving of making. So, at the change of fc in
2,5 time of v will change in 1,35 time.
Fig. 1. Dependence of driving speed on the coefficient of structure of breeds
We investigate dependence of speed of
driving of making from the coefficient of capacity of explosive in future (fig.
2). For explosive fast-working, for example, eð =0,7, speed of driving of 40,3 m in a month is
characteristic, while explosive with a low capacity, at eð =1,2,
provides speed of leadthrough of making
just 29,04 m in a month.
Thus, change of åð in 1,714 time entails
the change of v in 1,217 time. In a
general view dependence of speed of driving of making from the coefficient of
capacity of explosive, with high exactness, is characterized by a linear
v = -8,3726eð + 29,382.
Fig. 2. Dependence of driving speed on the coefficient
of capacity of explosive
We will estimate influence on speed of
driving of making of change of
fillfactor of mining holes (fig. 3). At growth of kç from 0,6 to 0,85 (in 1,42 time) the increase of v takes place with 21,472 m in a month to 24,024 m in a month (in 1,119 time). In a
general view dependence of speed of driving of making on the fillfactor of
mining hole is characterized by a linear function
v = 10,309kz + 15,362.
Fig. 3. Dependence of driving speed on the fillfactor of mining hole
For comparison, in the special cases,
investigate influence of the factors considered by us on speed of driving of
barrel, but in breeds with the less coefficient of fortress on the scale of
professor M.M. Protod'yakonov, namely at f = 8.
The results of such researches, in combination with previous, allow to
establish some comparative supervisions.
At the increase of coefficient of fortress
of breeds speed of driving of barrel will go down at the proper values of
coefficient of structure of breeds, thus, if at a fortress 8 and change of
coefficient of structure from 0,8 to 2 speed diminishes in 1,13 time, then at a
fortress 16, speed diminishes in 1,351 time, with the increase of coefficient
of fortress of breeds this correlation increases.
By other words – at more high fortress of
breeds meaningfulness of coefficient of structure of breeds as a factor of
influence on the rates of driving of making increases.