Vladimir E. Abrakitov, Ph.d, prof.; Oleg V. Ustimenko, student
Kharkov national academy of municipal economy.
Kharkov, Ukraine
Trams of type ÊÒÌ-19ÊÒ have
started to arrive in Kharkov after 1/2/2007. It is enough modern model of the
car, (but also rather "old", started in manufacture in 1999,
deprived, unlike the prototype, the conditioner in salon, of some other
"excesses" and carts two-level springing (simple serial cars)).
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Fig. 1 – the Tram of type ÊÒÌ on streets
of Kharkov: a, c – a kind accordingly in front and behind; b – a photo of
driver’s cabin.
The tram 71-619ÊÒ (it is full
official name ÊÒÌ-19) is adapted for work as by the single car,
and as a part of two- or a three-carload train on system of many units. In
Kharkov ÊÒÌ-19 are used while only as single. The car is
calculated on a tram track in width of 1524 mm. It is capable to overcome
longitudinal biases to 0,09, extent no more than 1000 m. The frame of a body of
the whole welded construction, is collected from steel profiles. The electric
scheme consists of power chains, chains of control and auxiliary chains. The
power chain and auxiliaries part (heating, glass heater, chains of static
converters, heating of sandboxes) supply from a contact network 550 V. Chains
of management and a part of auxiliary chains (illumination of the car and route
lanterns, dimensional brake lanterns and indexes of turns, door drives and
drives of sandboxes, drives of brakes, rail brakes) supply from an onboard
source of pressure 24 V. The car salon has 4 rotary doors, 2 of which (forward
and back) - one-folding, and two averages - folding. Between averages doors is
located a big platform. In salon are established convenient sitting with a soft
covering. Natural ventilation is carried out at the expense of folding window
Fig. 2 - salon of tram ÊÒÌ-19.
car is equipped by an electronic route board.
Kharkov’s inhabitants love new trams which nowadays in city 10 pieces.
Fig. 3 – Specters of noise in salon of
a tram ÊÒÌ-19 at its movement in various high-speed modes
in a real city cycle on streets of Kharkov
a trip to the car of the specified type authors had a desire to investigate its
acoustic characteristics, - (as it has been made by noise measuring
instrument). The specters of noise measured by us in the course of movement (in
different modes), are resulted on fig. 3.
fig. 4 spectra of noise of a tram of type ÊÒÌ-19,
measured by us at stops are resulted during disembarkation and landing of
4 – Spectra of noise in salon of a tram at its location at stops in the course
of movement in a real city cycle on streets of Kharkov.
The analysis of the measured spectra
(and especially their comparison to spectra of noise of other types of trams:
"Tatra Ò-3" and "Tatra Ò-6Â5")
shows that noise in tram KTM-19KT does not exceed standard values therefore in
the car supported the acoustic comfort.
1. Àáðàêèòîâ Â.Ý. Øóì â ñàëîíå
òðàìâàÿ "Tatra T-3".
// Materiály V mezinárodní vědecko -
"Aplikované vědecké
novinky -
2009". Díl 7. Ekologie. Zeměpis a geologie. Zemědělstvi.
Zvěrolékaŕství: Praha. Publishing House "Education
and Science" s.r.o.- 3-5 stran.