Mizik Y.I.
Ways of region investment attractiveness facilitation in developing
Region stable economical development is based on sufficient investment
recourses attraction aiming at production reconstruction, basic production
assets re-equipment, and new technologies implementation. Investment allows
promoting national economic new sectors development and stimulating functioning ones. Investment climate is known to affect
investment objects selection both enhancing investment risks minimization and
individual enterprises investment attractiveness empowering regionwide.
Investment climate can be determined as historical environment existing on the
certain territory and investment processes administrative management within the
Investment climate is influenced by region investment attractiveness
factors and subjective state investment policy. The
former consists of phenomena and processes not being managed statewide and
determined region territorial particularities. The latter is investment
processes efficient administrative management.
Objective factors are due to the following factors: geographic location,
natural resources potential, economical and social development, political
situation, demographic status, infrastructure, ecological safety and
environment pollution extent. State investment policy involves legislation base
elaboration, its upgrading and updating, privileges and preferences provision for
investment activities stimulation statewide and developing investment service
infrastructure for successful practical investment projects application. [3] Thus,
natural fostering efficient investment conditions having not been created,
current economical-organizing mechanism regarding enterprises investment
attractiveness facilitation is to be developed. The economic-organizing
mechanism is assumed to actuate investment processes statewide, attract
sufficient foreign and domestic investment recourses into national economic
sectors to foster Ukrainian sustainable social-economic development. Proper
acting mechanism can be developed according to essential principles of special
investment regime implementation in Special Economical Zones (SEZ) and
Territories of priority development (TPD).
The first SEZ and TPD appeared in the world since the beginning of the
50s to the end of the 60s. [1] Currently more than thousands of these zones
and territories have been located worldwide. The first SEZ and TPD appeared in
Two conceptual approaches to SEZ and TPD creation have been developed:
territorial and functional feature. [2] Despite common principles of providing
privileges and preferences located on isolated territory firms and companies
can implement special investment regime according to territorial approach. In
accordance with functional approach privileges and preferences are applied to
economic activities certain kinds
regardless enterprises location. Approach selection depends on achieving SEZ
and TPD creation aims. Territorial approach is applied to solve problems of
depressing region development. Functional approach can be implemented for basic
economic adjustment. The former approach, i.e. territorial approach, can be
visualized by creation of China SEZ and TPD, and the latter (functional
approach) can be illustrated by mentioning offshore zones.
All the SEZ and TPD are alike in achieving their creation targets, but
they commit different functions. Scholars have highlighted about 30 types of
SEZ and TPD. Economists have offered SEZ and TPD
taxonomy on economic specialization. [4] Thus they have focused four basic groups of the zones: trade SEZ,
industry-and-production zones, research zones and service zones. The former
group consists of Free Trade Zones, including duty-free, Foreign Trade Zones
and Free Custom Zones. The second group involves
export-import-production zones and Enterprises zones. Research zones connected
with technoparks, technopolis, innovation centers, are created in the vicinity
of scientific centers with a certain infrastructure of providing innovative technologies implementation into industry
production. The most world wide-spread types service
zones are offshore zones and “tax harbours”. Their creation aim is to invest in
minimum taxation conditions not breaking current tax legislation. Immense tax bonanzas and preferences have been provided
at offshore zones.
have proved their efficiency worldwide. Presenting economic-organizing
mechanism of enterprises investment attractiveness enhancement they give
opportunity to inject activity in investment domain,
direct sufficient investment resources into national economic sectors. Despite positive effect
of special investment regime implementation expected results have not yet been
achieved in
Thus, in
order to develop economic-organizing mechanism of enterprises and companies
investment attractiveness facilitating via elucidating differences and
commonalities in special investment regime implementation in Special Economical
Zones and Territories of priority development the following tasks are to be put
To analyze different approaches to
fostering investment climate creation and choose acceptable one to implement in
developing countries, particularly in
To expose factors affecting
investment processes regionwide;
To elaborate, upgrade, update
legislation base, provide privileges and preferences for investment activities
To develop investment service infrastructure for
successful practical investment projects application.
1. Â.Ï. Óäîâè÷åíêî. Íîâ³òí³
ìîäåë³ ñîö³àëüíî-åêîíîì³÷íîãî ðîçâèòêó ì³ñò â óìîâàõ ôîðìóâàííÿ ðèíêîâèõ
â³äíîñèí òà ãðîìàäñüêîãî ñóñï³ëüñòâà. – Ê.: ÓÀÄÓ, 2003. – 340 ñ.
2. Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus. Essentials of investment. –
3. Corrado
Charles J., Brandord P.J. Fundamentals of investments: valuation and
management. –
4. Sones
Sally M. Principles of taxation for business and investment planning. –